Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 612: Second defeat!

"Hey... Congratulations to the contestant ‘One Sword Lingyun’ to win and enter tomorrow’s quarter-finals!”

Under the "Lingtian Emperor", the huge damage was enough to kill the shadow star soul several times. Under the watchful eyes of a pair of fearful eyes, his body slowly fell on the stage and then turned into white light. disappear.

A sword Lingyun is still as quiet as water. The goal of his game is actually only one...to defeat evil days. This is his goal and challenge for himself. Originally, he did not want to be exposed prematurely before encountering evil days, and the reason why he is so, is to prove to the shadow star soul that the sword and sword are important.

"...you can defeat me, only to show that my sword speed is still not fast enough! I have the path I am pursuing, even if you lose me, I will not change!"

In the ear of a sword Lingyun, the voice of the shadow star soul came. He closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Growing up in a family, they are biological brothers, but they are only two years old. However, from small to large, his aura is too dazzling... The first heir to the Ling family, the inheritor of the next generation of the Sword Emperor, because his talent is too high, this year is not as young as 20 years old, the sword The rumor is no longer under his father, and the deep understanding of the sword is still there.

Ling Jie was born with no interest in the family's kendo. He did not show any talent, and he had a strong rebellious attitude since he was a child. Over time, his elders finally gave him a heart, let him take it, and let Ling Jiazhi In the future, entrusted to Lingyun, Ling Jie is relatively indifferent, and for a teenager who was not mature at that time, this kind of partiality is extremely easy to cause dissatisfaction and even hatred... it has been maintained until now.

However, his dissatisfaction is definitely not aimed at Lingyun. On the contrary, he always has an admiration for his brother who he does not want to admit. He is dissatisfied with his own family and elders. He is always young and trying to find out that he wants to surpass Lingyun and let them know that he is no worse than anyone...

"Go, let's go back to the city." Ye Tianxie said at this time.

"Going back to the city? Is there something in the city?" asked a few people.

"Go to see some Ling Jie." Ye Tianqi smiled mysteriously. Then picked up the back to the city and returned to the lost city.

Lingjie, who lost in the north, relied on the resurrection stone. He usually had a lot of irritability in his desperation. He didn’t think that he had worked so hard for a long time, and broke the limit of attack speed again and again in repeated desperation...but Unexpectedly, under his hand, it is still so vulnerable.

"Call... I am really so far away from him?" Ling Jie looked up and whispered to himself.

"No, you are only a matter of time."

A voice rang in the ear, Ling Jie quickly turned back, and then looked stunned: "Evil ... evil brother."

"I heard that you have been separated from the invincible reincarnation a few months ago. Now, should there be no influence on any of the forces? Then, are you interested in joining me in the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary?" Ye Tianxie approached and smiled.

Ling Jie opened his mouth, and for a moment he was so excited that he didn't know what to say. The mouth was stretched for a long time, and he stammered and said: "Cocoa is, I just... still lost... You are a soul mercenary group... ...Evil brother, you are no enemy, the big brother is now recognized as the first shield of China. Murong's big gun no one dares to face, God can not even defeat the dust after the transformation, the original blood dream heaven Devil's Eye and Devil's Claw, their strength is not to mention, I have heard too many rumors about them... And I am just a loser, I am not an opponent of any of you... I should, no qualification Join it."

The smile on Ye Tianxie’s face slowly disappeared. He shook his head and said, “I just said that you are not inferior to him, but only a matter of time... I have every reason to believe that the next Magic Wu Conference, You can defeat your brother Lingyun!"

"Ah?" Ling Jie looked up and couldn't believe it.

"Swords can be cultivated, swords can be cultivated... But the speed of the sword you just showed, if you don't have any special ability, it is not cultivated or cultivated. Even if it is replaced by your brother, give him In a hundred years, it is difficult for him to reach the speed of your sword. And, obviously, the speed of the sword you are showing today still has not reached the limit you can reach. And this is only a few months. You have such amazing progress. After the same period of time, your sword, your brother will never be able to resist the possibility. Do you believe it?" Ye Tianxie said.

"This..." The shadow of the star spirit is a look of incomprehensible look.

"I never doubt my own eyes, but if you don't have any confidence in yourself, then I am still wrong." Ye Tianxie finished, turned and prepared to leave.

"Ah! Big Brother!" The shadow star soul saw him to go, and quickly pulled him up, the chicken nodded like a glutinous rice: "I believe in believe it! I believe that the evil brother said, I believe more than half a year. After that, I will be able to beat my brother and let me join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. With so many masters, I will definitely be able to progress faster."

Ye Tianxie smiled, then called out the mercenary group control panel, and cleanly joined the name of the shadow star soul.

The hints in the ear sounded, and the shadow star spirit was obviously excited... Joining the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps, this has always been his goal and pursuit. He chose to accept it as quickly as possible, then grinned, and the depression that had just failed was swept away in an instant.

"Well, in the future, you are a member of my corpse mercenary group... I am a soul, I have always lacked a close-fitting career, and the near-outer output seems to depend on you."

The shadow star soul nodded hard, and then asked awkwardly: "Big brother, what you just said, is it true? As long as I work hard as before, can I really defeat my brother?"


"But I am... today, the defeat is very miserable."

"Ling Yun's sword is already amazingly powerful. I estimate that one of his peers can no longer find a person who can compare with him. Even killing endless swords is far worse than him. Although swordsmanship and swordsmanship are important, if a person's sword speed can be reached to a certain extent, then it will be solved before the other party exhibits swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Then, a strong sword meaning and a subtle sword What is the use of the trick?" said Ye Tianxie.

The eyes of the shadow star soul are clearly brightened.

"Sword, sword, and sword speed are equally important, and among the three elements, the most difficult thing to improve is the speed of the sword. However, you have raised the speed of the sword to this level in such a short period of time. I don't know. What is the speed of the sword you use to improve, but I can at least be sure that this is a much more talent than your brother! If you make good use of it, you will definitely be able to surpass Lingyun... I always believe in my judgment. "Ye Tianxie took a picture of the shoulder of the movie star soul.

The shadow star spirit laughed happily and nodded hard again. He did not think that his own defeat in this game, he let him join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary in his accident... and it was still evil to take the initiative to find him, and he had such arousing his affirmation.

The hardships and struggles of these months have really not been in vain!

Not far away, Murong Qiu Shui spread his hands and made a gesture of understanding: "Sure enough, the second brother's acting style is not something that I can understand."

"Hey, Xiaojie, the next Magic Wu Conference, remember to take your brother down!" The left-handed army walked over and enthusiastically took a look at the shoulder of the shadow star soul. A slap in the shadow of the star, the soul of the star, screams, and sighs with tears: "Left brother... I have to take care of it in the future."

"Hey! Newcomers join, I am finally an old man... Xiaojiejie, the next game is your happy brother's game, waiting to see your **** brother's gods, hahahaha..."

Ling Jie: "..."

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Lost City Arena Arena 001.

Game 7: God is happy to find dreams.

"Oh, then I went up, hey, the opponent is a woman who is a delicate drop. To be honest, I really don't have the heart to poison." The thief who looked at the face of God smiled and looked at the people on the stage. His opponent is already standing there. White wins the snow, the body is soft, but also vaguely releases a misty dreamy atmosphere. Her face was covered with a thick veil, revealing only a pair of deep, clear eyes. She stood quietly on the right side of the arena, and the whole body went from hair to clothes, and did not move.

"Happy, be careful. This person... should not be simple." Ye Tianxie once again reminded him that his gaze moved upstream in the "dream-seeking" body. After reminding, it was silent for a long time.

Dreaming is not her real name, but just a code she uses to hide herself.

But...the eyes of his evil dragons are glanced...

He can't see through this woman's information! !

Don't say her career, even her real nickname can't be seen!

This kind of scene has only appeared in the nameless body... wrong! Even if he is anonymous, he can see his detailed attributes, but he can also see his name. And this woman... he can't get any information.

This is not just not simple.

"Heavenly evil, what's wrong? Your face doesn't look too good." Sufifi, who was around him, found his expression differently and looked at him.

"...get away, you will lose." Looking at the two people on the stage, he slowly said four words.

"Ah?" Sophie Fei, Zuo Bianjun and others all turned their heads, looking at Ye Tianxie with amazement and doubts. I don't understand why he came out with this sentence. You must know that God is happy, even the dust that has the ability to enter the semi-finals is defeated! His speed, his poison, everything is powerful and amazing,

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: God Happy, Occupation: Wind Shadow Poison, Level: 51 - vs - Right: Unknown (hidden) Forces belong: Dream (code), occupation : Unknown (hidden), Level: Unknown (hidden), the game begins!"

When the prompt sounds down, Shen Xiaoyao once again reveals the sneer that he used to face when facing his opponent: "Hey, little girl, rest assured, you will be lightly poisoned by your happy brother..."

boom! !


When I was not finished, I suddenly felt a boring chest, and then there was a blank in my mind. The body flew backwards like a mountain slammed and flew for dozens of meters. The distance fell to the ground...

Under the stage...

“Hey... Congratulations to the contestants’ ‘dreams’ to win and enter tomorrow’s quarter-finals.”

God was sitting on the ground and staring at the arena in front of him. He had not returned to God for a long time.

Well, just registered a number on the Century Jiayuan, uploaded Zhang Shuzhao, Jing and other sister paper hooks, hahahaha. 】

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