Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 61: Dragon Soul


"Four pieces! He has ignited a whole four pieces of power spar! This power has reached the peak that we humans can reach. It is difficult to have a person who can be compared, not to mention transcendence. With the eight power spar, the other four pieces that need more powerful force to be inductive are not the ones who have the ability to make them shine... No, such people can no longer be called people... but God! Real God... can make all the eight power spar shine, only lost the legend of the highest **** in the mainland - the goddess of Xi Yao!"


Kong Xiu talks, at the bottom of the huge spar, a bunch of white eyes suddenly flashing. The composition of the "Calling Stone", one of the original eight pieces of power spar finally jerked.

"Yes, that's it... hold your heart, don't be distracted. This is just the beginning. With your rejection of the seven major professions, you should be able to light up three power spars!" Kong Xiu took a step back and nodded. The voice reminded. Some mistakes passed by... because he vaguely felt that the power of this power spar shines stronger than the memory... It should be too long to use and forgotten. He gave himself such an explanation.


The sound of Kong Xiu just fell, and a beam of white light shone, adding a bit of light to this closed stone room.

"Well, the second one. There are very few people who can make the power spar shine two pieces. With this alone, you are destined to be not a mortal!"

铮 几乎 - almost followed by the second white light, the third white light suddenly swelled.

Kong Xiu nodded again, and the smile on his face was more pleasant: "Very good! As I expected, the huge potential you have is enough to light up three pieces of power crystal! With this potential, once it is stimulated, it is bound to become A generation of strong, though..."

The words of Kong Xiu have not been finished yet, and the fourth white light suddenly swells.

The sound and look of Kong Xiu were there at the same time. After a short mistake, the original happiness and excitement were replaced by mistakes and greater excitement: "Four pieces! It turned out to be four pieces... and like a nameless one, it is a bright one. The person who has four power spar appears... your potential is not inferior to the original nameless!"


The fifth light flashed through his eyes in the eyelids that Kong Xiu suddenly shrank, and made this closed chamber more white.

All the radiance around it is not as good as the smoldering eye of this simple white light.

"Five... five!" Kong Xiu's eyes widened, and the voice became a little bit stunned in the incomparable shock. Even, he involuntarily raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, confirming whether he saw the illusion... The four pieces are the limits of human power, and they can illuminate five pieces of power crystals - this is God's power can do it! !


Kong Xiu shook his body and almost hit the ground.

The sixth piece of power crystal also turned into a white color immediately following the fifth piece.

"This...this...this is impossible...impossible..." Kong Xiu looked dull and looked at the "calling stone" with gaze. How could he not believe what he saw.


The seventh power spar turned white in his dull eyes... Under the great stimulation, Kong Xiu did not know whether it was numb, or was shocked by this huge stimulus, and could not speak, sluggish Just like losing the soul, you can't say a word anymore.


When the eighth power spar turned white and the whole "calling stone" was completely radiant, there was only one thought left in Kong Xiu's heart, that is... he was dreaming.

In addition to dreaming, what else can explain this illusory scene that is simply unacceptable and convincing.

In this short period of time, Ye Tianxie has been motionless and his eyes have not been opened, so he did not see this to make Kong Xiu stunned and suspected in the dream. When all the power spar is shining, his hand is still pressed on it...

And everything is still not over.

When the radiance of all the power spar shines, the whole stone room has been blazed as in the hot sun. However, Kong Xiu, who was slightly stunned in sluggishness, suddenly realized that the increase in light did not seem to stop. The sensation of his eyes told him that the light is still deepening, deeper and stronger... until strong The degree of glare.

The source of the light is still "calling the **** stone"!

Ping! ! ! !

Kong Xiu will never forget the shattering sound that almost shatters the eardrum, because in his ever-expanding eyelids, the "calling stone" that releases more and more intense light suddenly blasts in front of his eyes. ...... The white light that completely drowned the line of sight also rushed out at the moment of blasting, making the world around it shine, and in this white awning, a huge roar suddenly rang...

Roar! ! ! !

This huge roar almost shook the consciousness and soul of Kong Xiu, his eyes have been dying, even if the white light becomes so glaring, his eyes are not closed for a moment... he clearly sees Just at the moment when the white light broke out, the image of a dragon roaring in the sky flashed past. And that huge roaring sound... It’s clearly a dragonfly!

The speed of light dissipation is incomparably fast. From the blast of the **** stone to the sound of the dragon, and then to the strong white light quickly dissipated, the last is only a brief few seconds. The tremor of the soul of the dragon and the sound of the shattered stone of the gods have always condensed the spirit, closed the double-eyed Ye Tianxie awakened, he opened his eyes and looked at the front with doubt.

The touch on the hand disappeared, and the stone was disappeared, and the ground in front of the ground was covered with a colorless crystal. The white light became dim in the dissipating, and Ye Tianxie turned his head and looked at the squatting on the ground, and his face was stunned and confused. He frowned and wondered: "What happened?"

He has been keeping his eyes closed, and his spirit has reached a wonderful state because of his contact with the gods. The consciousness has almost isolated everything around him. He has not seen everything that Kong Xiu saw.

Hearing his voice, Kong Jian’s eye wave in the sluggishness finally had a little reaction. He blinked his eyes and almost squinted his eyes. The head turned and turned to him at an extremely slow speed, which was fixed in his. Face... "Dragon...Dragon...Dragon Soul..." He was unclear, as the nightmare of the nightmare whispered.

Calling the **** stone is broken... Even the **** of the lost god, the **** of the highest god, lost the power of the goddess of the gods, and turned into a fragment of the sky in the hands of a person... that is the strength and potential of this person is too strong. It is strong enough to let the **** stone tremble and even tolerate and burst!

Impossible...this is impossible...even if everything is in front of him, and he is so close to him, he still can’t believe what he sees... it’s a truth that he believes in and Cognition has been greatly shocked by the shock and subversion.

Broken Calling Stone... The image of the dragon... The roar of the dragon...

That is only in the long-standing legend...

The power of the dragon soul! !

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