Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 62: Dragon soul power

The hole trembled from the ground up, as the strongest magician in Tianchen City, his action at this time was as difficult as an old man. He has survived to this day, and there has never been a moment of excitement like this. Even if the namelessness of the year revealed the power of the attributes of the wolf, he did not feel shocked at the moment.

"You...who are you?!" At the moment, facing Ye Tianxie, he never had the lightness and gentleness before, and his face was completely distorted by the shock that could not be suppressed. The muscles on the face are twitching, and the waves of the eyes are violently oscillating. Looking at Ye Tianxie's eyes is like watching another monster from the sky.

Ye Tianxie looked at his reaction with interest and slowly said: "Evil day."

"Evil day..." From the look of Ye Tianxie, he did not see anything that made him suspicious. Kong Xiu’s expression eased. Ordinary people may have different potential strengths due to physical or natural factors, but the innate differences between ordinary people are small, and the real gap is completely opened up. There are some people, some very few people, they are different from ordinary people. There are powerful forces in the body. These forces have difficulty knowing where they come from, why they exist, and the power of these unknowns is big and small. Some are awakened when they are born, some will slowly wake up during their growth, and some will wake up slowly under the guidance of strength, and some may not wake up for a lifetime.

In the real world, such people also exist... they are called abilities. The existence is very small, but far higher than the starting point of ordinary people, they can almost be called another human being beyond the existence of one level.

These innate potentials tend to tend to a particular category or attribute, some manifest as an element, and some attributes tend to the power of a certain beast... The namelessness of the year, before the call of the **** stone, his body appears Out of the image of a huge wolf... the power of the wolf soul!

And Kong Xiu determined that he had just seen a dragon, and the huge roar was only the dragon that could only be released by the dragon. At that moment, he only vaguely captured the image of the dragon, and it was too late to see what kind of dragon it was. However, what does the dragon's image mean... In his memory, and in all his cognition, there has never been a person who has the power to realize the attributes of the dragon.

The wolf symbolizes loneliness, and the dragon is the real king with the strongest body, the strongest power, the most incomprehensible majesty, and always high in the worship of thousands of souls! And the broken call of the **** stone is in a very shocking way to prove what a terrible potential power.

But obviously, from the appearance of Ye Tianxie, Kong Xiu can be sure that even Ye Tianxie himself does not know what kind of potential power he has.

"Your potential... very strong." Kong Xiu, who had lost his life for a long time, finally said so few pale words. The power that can make the goddess of the goddess of the gods not broken can be described as "very strong". In the face of such power, even if Kong Xiu's state of mind is ten times tenacious, it is impossible to maintain a calm stay. However, Kong Xiu is Kong Xiu after all. He has tried his best to control his emotions as quickly as possible.

"Then I have no way to transfer to other professions?" Kong Xiu's expression made Ye Tianxie's heart burst into doubts. The fragments of the land made him vaguely guess what happened just now, and some could not believe his guess. . Aside from this, he is still most concerned about his own professional problems. In the virtual game world, if there is no occupation, it is equivalent to the hands and feet being tied.

White light is still dissipating, and the light of this enclosed space is getting dil. Kong Xiu was silent, his heart was still madly jumping because of the previous scene and did not completely stop. The unknown potential power of the year can be awakened by his special magic, but if one's ability is enough to make the power spar shine more than four pieces, then the power is not what he can control or even touch... Because, that should be the power that the true God has!

"It's not accidental that your body rejects the seven basics. It's a destiny. With the potential power you have, the seven majors really don't deserve to be your profession... because you have the power of the dragon!" The repair said slowly.

"The power of the dragon?" Ye Tianxie was slightly stunned, full of doubts looking at Kong Xiu.

"For those who have this potential power, power will tend to be a certain kind of genus. In that year, the power of namelessness was a wolf, and you...is a dragon! Moreover, it is a dragon that is many times stronger than an unknown wolf!" Kong Xiu said, his eyes have always stayed in Ye Tianxie and have not been removed. He never dreamed that there would be such a person in the world, and he would not have thought that he would appear in front of him without warning.

What does it mean for such a person to appear? Who is he, where he comes from, what kind of life he has, why is there such a terrible dragon soul potential... What kind of future will his future be!

Ye Tianxie has been speechless for a long time. His direction in the world of "Destiny" has begun to exceed his own expectations. One thing after another should not exist, and even the incredible things appear in front of him, the power of the dragon... ...a virtual game world p said that he has the power of the dragon, and the look and sound are a kind of solemnity that is not mixed with any false. Such an evaluation from p should be regarded as a boring joke, but involuntarily, he As if I heard a deep spurt in the depths of my heart, the heartstrings were smashed.

The power of the dragon...the potential power...the exclusion of occupation...Why do you encounter these situations that should not appear in the "Fate" world, is it... the strange power in the real world affects yourself in this world?

From the beginning of his notes, he knows that his strength is much larger than that of his peers, and as he grows older, his advantage is getting bigger and bigger, gradually reaching a state of horror. The ordinary sword can't pierce his body, the hot boiling water can't make him feel uncomfortable, even the bullet can't hurt him... This totally different growth is carried out by his unconsciously. It didn't come suddenly, so he never really tried to find the reason. At that time, he has always been glad that he has such power... because, then, he can guard her with his own power.

"What do you mean?" Ye Tianxie finally asked.

Kong Xiu shook his head and looked cautiously. He said: "Your potential is too strong, I can't help you... But, on the day when you have enough power, you better go to the lost city of the lost city of the mainland. Hey, there are the most powerful magic guides and martial arts, they may have a way to help you."

If you awaken the potential of his incomparable monk, then what kind of power will be born... At least, his strength will far exceed the nameless...even...the goddess of the goddess!

Lost City... According to a limited number of official websites, there is an area where only players can reach the level of 50 or above - the center of the lost continent.

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