When the Dongpu players followed the place where Ye Tianxie passed to the door of the Imperial Palace, they just saw the scene of the attacking of the guards of the palace and Ye Tianxie. After they stumbled, they all gloated.

This evil day is not crazy... I went to attack the guards of the Heavenly Palace! You know, these people are just "guards", but they can stay in front of the palace gate, at least the equivalent of the 80-level Samsung boss! The two leaders in these guards have the strength of a 100-level boss.

The evil sky is not self-sufficient to conflict with them... Could it be that this Chinese evil arrogant thinks that it can defeat these npcs?

In the schadenfreude, they seem to have seen the scene of the evil day being solved by npc three times... and even if it is escaped by Ye Tianxie... What is the crime of attacking the guard? That must be listed as a repeat offense. If he escapes, if he steps into the Emperor's City, he will be immediately killed by the joint guard npc.

The guards of the Heavenly Palace obviously will not put Ye Tianxie in their eyes, and they will only attack the two 80-level Samsung guards. They did not expect that Ye Tianxie would have the guts to counterattack...not to mention that his counterattack was so terrible.

The attack of the two guards was completely avoided by Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie was on one side, and the heavy dragon spirit split on the chest of a guard, and he knocked back several steps in succession.

The guards of the palace were attacked, and the door of the palace was suddenly alarmed. The ten big knife guards who had no action at the entrance of the Heavenly Palace also raised their arms and cold eyes and attacked the evil days...

A total of fourteen people, comprehensive strength, equivalent to two 100-level lord boss, twelve 80-level Samsung elite. This is the lineup that ordinary players can't resist. The players who chased, but did not dare to approach, laughed more happily because they were already convinced that... evil days, dead!

Such an enemy can not resist the evil day under normal conditions. However, Ye Tianxie is in an abnormal state most of the time.

In the face of fourteen extremely strong enemies, he did not hesitate to close his eyes and display the roar of the dragon soul. The huge sound of the dragon and the sound of the alarm sounded in the deadly Heavenly Palace. A small chaos, and the neighboring Dongpu players were killed by the blockbuster, and the fourteen knife guards who rushed to Ye Tianxie were all fainted and could no longer move.

The chilling red light wrapped the body of Ye Tianxie, the blood sacrifice of fate was triggered, and the sentiment was released. The attack power of Ye Tianxie instantly rose to 54240. Then, his body flashed yellow, "the blaze of fate The soul of the blessing, he clenched his fortune, cold face rushed to the front of the palace guards who were all violently stunned, "Dragon Soul Broken" ruthlessly swept to the front...

-152000, -150000, -153210...

In the distance, it was not affected by the roar of the dragon soul. The player who quickly chased it was suddenly shocked by the yellow injury number under the attack of Ye Tianxie. The eyes of the dead and the big eyes were shocked and completely speechless. ...how can they not believe that a player can actually do such a terrible injury.

Under the blazing soul of destiny, every attack must be a crit, and each damage number must exceed 150,000... This is the weakest and strongest state of Ye Tianxie. At this point, his life was unbearable, but his attack was terrible enough to tear through all the tough defenses.

Four times the dragon soul broke, and the Samsung guards who were deliberately gathered together by Ye Tianxie suddenly died halfway... Yes, only four attacks, and a group of 80-level Samsung elites were eliminated. Then, Ye Tianxie continued to move forward, attacking the ruthlessly on the remaining guards, adjusting their position with the shock of the dragon's soul, and merging them all together, gathering to be broken by the dragon soul. All of them attacked... and four attacks. All the Samsung guards fell down, leaving only the last two gold guards with the strength of the 100-level boss. The level and grade of these two guards are too high. Non-Ye Tianxie can be solved in a short time. At this time, the palace gate of the Heavenly Palace was opened, and a large group of various costumed guards quickly emerged from the palace gate, and the number was full of hundreds. Their goal instantly locked Ye Tianxie and rushed to him with a compelling momentum. Ye Tianxie snorted, not only did not escape, but with the life of only "1" point, with the blood of the body, rushed to the guard team that the player can not compete, and his goal... ...that is the man in the golden armor, apparently the head of these guards.

The response of the guards was extremely sensitive. The closeness of Ye Tianxie allowed them to raise their weapons in an instant, and they were cold-eyed. Only when he was close, he immediately launched an attack, but in a hurry, they suddenly had a flower in front of them, and they were in the ten meters. The outer Ye Tian Xie suddenly appeared in front of them like a teleport, and their bodies were ruthlessly rolled up by an irresistible energy storm...

"Dragon Soul Storm Ripple!!"

In the **** storm that was smashed by the power of the Dragon Soul and the Destiny, more than a dozen guards were brought up by the storm, and the seven cuts that took place in an instant made them dying. After the **** tornado disappeared, a gray dragon shadow suddenly rose to the sky, reaching the sky, and in a twinkling of an eye it reached a height of fifty meters. Ye Tianxie looked at the Heavenly Palace in front of him under high vision... The layout of the entire palace was completely covered by his eyes. There is probably one-fifth of the size of the Lost City Palace. The most central building should be the deliberation hall. The most luxurious one behind it should be the Emperor’s palace...

"Oh! It's there... The host is watching, there is a layer of blue light, there is it! The green soul must be there!"

Ye Tianxie's gaze looked forward with the fingers of the fruit... Finally, his eyes locked in the building that he identified as the Emperor's palace. Under the deliberate observation of the gods, he really saw the surrounding of the building, it seems that there is a layer of blue light, but the blue light is too dim, even if it is separated by such a distance, it is difficult to see with the naked eye. . If it is not a reminder of fruit, Ye Tiangengen can't find it.

Emperor's palace...

The former guard said that the emperor had been in a coma for three years...

Three years...

The power of death sanctions...

Is it...

There was no time left for Ye Tianxie to think, and the dozen or so bows below were already aimed at him. The range of these royal archers is naturally not comparable to the players. Even at the height of 50 meters, they can also attack... Ye Tianxie blinks, drinks a drop of dusk, fills the ball with magic. Sneeringly said: "Since it is here, how can you leave nothing behind...ball!"

The ball that received the command was very excited and jumped. The blue light flashed, and the only banned spell that can be used at the moment was released. In the middle of the blue light, a huge range of ice explosions was triggered... The explosion of ice will The guards who were going to attack him were all drowned, and the Heavenly Palace in front of them covered a hundred meters. The southern snow of the Heavenly Palace bloomed, bringing countless panic and screams.

When the ice burst that lasted for more than ten seconds finally dissipated, the incomparable Heavenly Palace guards could not find the shadow of evil days. Three black shadows flew out of the Heavenly Palace. They stared in the direction of Ye Tianxie's flight for a while, then looked at each other, did not catch up, and all returned.

Outside the palace, the faces of the large number of players who are chasing the East are filled with shock and horror... One person, after killing more than 20 palace guards in a blink of an eye, went forward without hesitation. He is not killing the players...but the guards, or the city center of the Eastern Continent, and the strongest guard in the whole continent... Their ranks tend to be full, and the grades are at least three stars...

And evil days, just a level 50 player! !

Even before he left, he was madly given to the Heavenly Palace a very amazing gift...

Dongpu players have begun to shake in their hearts... Such evil days, do they really have the ability to expel him from the East and recapture the grasshopper sword?



Ye Tianxie was very depressed all the way north, and rushed out of the north gate of the Emperor City at the fastest speed. He knew that the Emperor City had been unable to stop, killed more than 20 palace guards, and sent the Tianguan Palace such a large-scale ice blast. Now it must be the guards of the city to catch him. As long as he stepped on the Emperor's City, he will soon be chased by the guards.

Here, it is the north of the Emperor City, a field that is still fresh and natural. After flying north for a long time, due to the slightly higher level of monsters, the presence of players in the East has not been seen. He stopped in the air, turned and looked at the Heavenly Palace, then raised his left hand, smirking at the empty phantom ring on his finger...just when he sprinted into the guard team with "Dragon Soul Break", it was not just It’s so simple to release a dragon soul storm. Because the leader is obviously a full-level gold guard, the life is at least two million. The dragon soul storm has no possibility of killing him. So, he will be When he flew out, Ye Tianxie posted a 10,000-mile tracker on him at a very fast speed.

After using the empty fantasy ring, Ye Tianxie showed a smile on his face. Although the Miles Tracker is unlikely to be able to track across borders, it will not be affected in the East China mainland. He accurately senses the existence of the Miles Tracker from the core of the empty rock in the ring.

However, the tracking function of the core of the empty magic stone can only be used ten times a day, these ten times, all of which are consumed in the game before the flower dream. At least today, he is unable to use the tracking feature again.

"Yeah!! Master, why did you run away? There is clearly a green soul. Why don't you find out the green soul and walk away?" The fruit was anxiously pulling the hair of Ye Tianxie. On the way Ye Tianxie flew here, the same complaint she had sent at least eight hundred times.

"Call... I have said how many times, but I can't go in if I want to go in.... Even if I am really courageous enough to get in, the base will not come out." Ye Tianxie can only help but explain again. .

"But, but it is a young soul! The master is so powerful, you can defeat Huang Yuan and Green Wave by one person, how can you escape." Fruit drove the gang, eagerly said. In the matter of the nuclear of fate, she is obviously more anxious than Ye Tianxie.

"Reassured, of course, I will not give up the green soul." Ye Tianxie pointed his chin and looked at the direction of the Emperor City. When he first arrived in Dongpu, his first thought was how to go back. But now, before getting the green soul, just ask him to go back and he won’t go back.

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