Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 658: The only holy beast of Dongpu

Ye Tianxie was thinking about how to sneak into the Heavenly Palace, his talker suddenly rang. Glanced at it, it was Sophie's phone call... Although the game could not make calls across borders, the outside phone contact would not be affected. Ye Tianxie picked up, and Sophie’s voice was rushed: “Heavenly evil, where are you now?”

"In Dongpu... Probably the location of the center is a little north." Ye Tianxie replied.

"Then do you have anything? Is there a lot of people chasing you?"

Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "Do not worry, I am not in this place except me. Even if there are many people chasing me, I will not have anything."

"I know that you won't have anything, people just care about it... For the evil spirits, if you are there, how come back?" Sufifi asked. They discussed the morning and didn't find any way to come back.

"This, there will always be a way." Ye Tianxie can only answer this.

"There is still, tomorrow is the team competition... The time of the team competition is not as long as the single-player game, only five days... five days later is the award ceremony for the singles and team competitions. If you can't come back at that time. There is no way to get rewards... Also, I have to participate in tomorrow's game, I really want you to look at me on the spot." Sophie whispered.

Ye Tianxie clicked on the nose...not to mention whether he could return to the lost continent, even if he could go back, he would not choose to go back until he got the green soul. Because after going back, I want to come to Dongpu and I can only wait until the middle of the game is open in the middle of the game... It all means that it will be what year.

"Fifi, I just found something interesting in Dongpu, I should stay for a few more days. In addition, it’s hard to come here once and just stroll around here, maybe I can find something very interesting. The game started tomorrow. Although I am not at the scene, as long as there is a match for Fifi, I will definitely pay attention to it all the time and will always look at you."

Sophie laughed at the microphone and smiled at her lips: "Stupid, just wait for you... oh, then you are happy to play in Dongpu, the most important thing is to pay attention to safety, my Sufi Philip is your evil day. ... Hey, a true girlfriend, I won’t lose face in the game. The game that starts tomorrow must be watched... Well, then I hang up, don’t bother you, remember not to forget to eat and sleep. Otherwise, I will call you a hundred times to remind you."

After the call with Fifi hangs up, the phone of Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui has also been called, and he simply explained the matter. Then began to look around for four weeks. Then lifted the watch, downloaded a global map of Dongpu mainland through the virtual network, studied it for a while, and finally turned off the map. After thinking for a while, he used the talker to make a call to the left-handed army. ...... After a while, I was connected. The left-handed army said in a hurry: "Call... I just got into the game for ten seconds, and I ran out quickly... Second brother, what?"

"Break the army, you have an understanding of the situation in the game areas of various countries. Do you know which position has been seen in Dongpu, or there are high-level beasts that humans can't resist... It is best to be a **** or a mysterious beast. "Ye Tianxu asked."

"Ten and God Xuan... We have the most players in China, so the lost continent is also the most extensive, and the highest level of Warcraft is also the most. But the entire lost continent is only three holy beasts, twelve gods, and no To the hundred days of the beast... the amount, counted by the two brothers to kill the feathers of the ice and the red, the known gods and mysterious beasts will be left. We lost the mainland's top Warcraft is still so rare The words of Dongpu are even less pitiful. The words of the beast of the Holy Ghost are also... Oh..." The voice of Zuo Bianjun paused and seemed to think of something.

"Break the army, did you think of something?" Ye Tianxie perceived and asked.

"Second brother, wait a moment, I will download and print a map of the East China mainland."

In the communicator, the voice of the left-handed army was smashed, and after a long while, the left-handed army looked at the map in the hand and said to Ye Tianxie: "Two brothers, do you have a map of Dongying mainland in your hand... well, Look at the position in the middle of the map... probably about 200 kilometers north of the center of the Emperor City, there is a Baqi Mountain... that is the largest forbidden land in the East China mainland, neither the player nor the npc can be close. Because the rumor is inhabited by the East China mainland. The only beast of the Holy Ghost - the Eight-Different Snake."

Eight big snakes? Ye Tianxie’s look was obviously turbulent, and then he whispered: “There is a real thing in this world.”

"Haha, that is of course, no matter the virtual game, as long as it is the site of Dongpu, the shadow of the Eight-Different Snake is indispensable."

The Eight-Different Snake, the strongest monster in the myth of the Japanese mythology, is a huge snake with eight heads and eight tails. It is rumored to have the power of the devil world. It is the origin of the dark power of Dongpu and the representative of evil. Its eight heads represent "Soul, "ghost", "evil", "demon", "magic", "slaughter", "spirit", "death" can be said to gather all the negatives and sins. It appears frequently in the myth of Dongpu, obviously It has become a representative monster in myths and legends. There are many editions of its myths and legends. In the original version, the Eight-Different Snake was killed by the man of the Sasuke, and the Grasshopper Sword was also obtained from its tail.

In the virtual game world, or a lot of stand-alone or virtual games with the myth of the East as the world view, the eight big snakes are mostly exist as the ultimate boss.

Therefore, I heard the strongest beast of the Eastern Continent, and the only beast of the Holy Ghost is the Eight-Different Snake. Ye Tianxie is not surprised.

"As for the others, I don't know very well. There will be no more than three beasts of the gods in the East, and no more than twenty beasts. Now it is only in the middle and early stages of the game world, unless they pop up themselves. Come, otherwise the player can't know where they are... Second brother, you won't want to kill a few East Warcraft's advanced World of Warcraft." The left-handed army suspicion asked.

"There is really such a point... However, the position of the eight-big snake is good, the difficulty seems too big. Um..." Ye Tianxie looked at the Baqi Mountain, which is located in the north of the Emperor City, and said with indulgence. The face showed a thoughtful expression.

The Beast of the Holy Blessed... That is the ultimate power of the true God, and the ultimate beast that human beings can't compete with. In the face of the irresistible heaven or the mysterious beast, Ye Tianxie can still use the magical change to defeat it... but in the face of the beast of the Holy Ghost, even if he launches the magical change, he can only play with it. For so few tens of seconds, I don’t want to receive any real results at all, but I also have to be punished by the level of zero. The beast of the sacred beast has a very strong life, and at the level of the sacred sacred, in addition to the natural end of life, there is no such thing as enough to make them die, even if it is a natural disaster. In the lost continent, if it was not the emergence of the demon gods thousands of years ago, the four guardian holy beasts of that year would no doubt survive to the present.

Ye Tianxie’s hesitant tone made Zuo Bianjun sweat all over the body. He said: "Two brothers, you won’t really want to kill the Eight-Different Snake... Ah! Second brother, although your strength is absolutely abnormal, But that is the beast of the Holy Ghost! You must not think about it... I don’t say anything else, I heard that the life of a beast of the Holy Ghost is at least tens of billions, even if it does not attack, it is there to make people fight. ... can't fight for a few years!"

"...when did I say that I was going to kill it? If the beast of the Holy Ghost is so easy to be destroyed, then it is a beast of the Holy Spirit of P." Ye Tianxie said with a grin, and then the eye aimed at the north. ...... Slowly said: "Well... I just went looking for it to play... I hung up first."

Left Broken Army: (⊙o⊙)! !

Find a big snake to play! ! ? ?

The left-handed army had just shouted a few times to stop, and the call had been directly interrupted by Ye Tianxie. Weeping the ice lining spread its wings and flew to the north under the command of Ye Tianxie - the target, the eight-fold mountain in the north two hundred kilometers!



Lost in the mainland.

"Pray for a dream, since you came four months ago, this is the first time you have come." Sophie Fila said with a flower dream, very happy.

Flower dreams apologize, softly said: "I'm sorry, Fifi sister, pray for dreams..."

"I am sorry for this. I am so happy that I am too late... just, hey, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, it is even worse than the evil spirits. You have such a powerful sister. I will never use it again." Worried about being bullied... If the evil spirits bully me in the future, you can help him to teach him." Sophie Fei smiled. Since she was with Ye Tianxie, she has almost no negative emotions in her heart, no matter who she is, she is so kind and tolerant.

"Well... sister, star Baoer, is she there?" Huaqiu dreamed softly.

"Well, she is here, and she is doing her invention in the backyard...but the yard has exploded several times. Except for herself, very few people dare to go in. Hey? Dream, do you know Boa?" Feifei revealed doubts. In her memory, Star Boer does not seem to have been in contact with Hua Meng.

Hua Meng nodded and shook his head: "I have only seen it once with her... Sister, take me to see her? I have something to say with her alone... I thought of a way to get him back." However, I need the help of Star Treasure."

"Ah?" Sophie's face was astonished, then nodded hard. "Really? Great... I have been worried about how to get the evil spirits back. Let's go, I will take you to treasure. child."

Star Boer is swinging in the empty yard and swinging the strange stones on the ground. After Sophie Fei brought her flowers to her dreams, she did not stop, but directly found an excuse to leave. Because Hua said before dreaming: she wants to say alone with Star Bao.

Hua dreams quietly standing behind the star Bao Er, silently watching her back for a long time, his eyes, incomparably complicated, and even some erratic.

When Star Baoer turned around, she discovered her existence. First, she snorted and then exclaimed: "Wow! You were not the powerful sister who almost defeated my boss when I was in the game... Yes. Your name is an angel flap, we saw it very early... just didn't think you were so powerful."

Star Baoer's eyes are shining, and the worship of the face...I don't know if it is true or not.

Hua dreamed a little smile and said: "I am one year older than you, can you call your Baoer sister?"

"Of course!" Star Baoer smiled and nodded. "That sister, are you coming to me?"

"Well, I want you to do something for me."

"Do something? What is it?" Star Treasure blinked.

"The national border scroll."

"Hey?" Star Baoer looked surprised.

Recently, the state is ruined and needs to be forced. Um... I am studying whether I want to be four or more every day........................

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