Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 71: Fifi moving


Ye Tianxie stood behind Sufifi and said in an extremely weird tone: "Miss Sue, should you pass my consent first? I seem to have never promised to let you move in?"

"Hey!" Sufifi turned and looked at him with a dissatisfied gesture of licking her lips: "I am a big girl! Take the initiative to live in a boy's house, you should be too happy to come...you see You see, you live alone in such a big house, a lot of rooms are wasted, you will not be stingy, even a room will not give me a big beauty to live? There are still, you see your home so ~~ ~~ Chaos! It’s just that a pig will feel wronged when he comes in. I can help you clean up and pack it... Tell you, I have never helped someone clean up the room. You earned a lot and earned you!”

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Hey! I want you to be the savior of others, and still..." Her voice quietly lowered, and her head was slightly lower. She said in a voice that only Ye Tianxie could hear: "You The bad guy touched me too... I was responsible for it! I was absolutely escaping by this lady."

Ye Tianxie, who is always healthy and can no longer be healthy, suddenly feels some pain in his head. At the same time, he suddenly had a great interest in the growth of the girl in what kind of environment.

Sophie’s things are exaggerated... her bed, quilt, pillow, table, dressing table, full wardrobe, toys that all girls like, luxury goods, daily necessities.........even, there is still a big A pack of snacks.

She moved everything in her room. She is telling everyone that she is very serious about moving to Ye Tianxie to live here.

She and Ye Tianxie have only been in a hurry to contact him so many times. There is no way to find out his bottom line, let alone his understanding of him. He does not know his family, character, habits, and humanity... It is a stranger and Not too much... but I have to move so hurriedly to a boy like this.

All the people around Sufifi don't understand what the big lady who is not stupid is thinking about.

Is it the sway of the heart that was ignited when he was rescued in desperation that night, or is it another reason?

But what is certain is that Sophie is not joking, and it is so anxious to move to the first time. When the day was still not bright, all the people who could be called by her were shouted and helped her pack things up.

When the four black bodyguards carried the luxurious jade bed and stepped into the door of Ye Tianxie, the four people’s footsteps stopped there at the same time, their eyes widened, their mouths widened, and even their chins rushed to the ground. ... They have seen a messy room, but they have never seen such a mess. Even as a man, they all have the urge to turn around and go... Is the noble lady living in such a place later?

They couldn't help but look at each other and say nothing, the face of the gods who did not know what look, the meaning of the eyes is self-evident.

"Look! My bed, it's beautiful. Hey... I'm going to find an empty room for me, right. Which room do you usually live in?" Sufifi said with a smile. Originally, it was always ugly in the pungent smell. At this time, it has already recovered to nature... Obviously, even this kind of environment has begun to ignore her. It is really ironic to live here.

Ye Tianxie mechanically raised his arm and pointed to the room where he usually slept.

"That... I want this room! I know, you are living alone, there must be no other people here." Sophie Fei stepped on the high-heeled sandals "step". The closed door was unlocked, and she opened it with a slight twist. But when her hand caught the doorknob, she had already regretted it... because it felt that it was a thick hand. At the moment when the door was opened, the dust coming in from the front caused her to step back a few steps, and her hands hurriedly fanned in front of her, almost no coughing out.

Ye Tianxie turned his face and looked innocent.

"You, you, you...you haven't cleaned it for hundreds of years!" Sophiefei slammed her feet and carefully opened another room, and it was a large dusty dust. Sophie was completely speechless, turned around and pointed to the room she chose first: "You four... give you an hour to wipe a little dust from it."

Four bodyguards with strong origins stood at the door of the room for a long time. Finally, the older one who took the lead cried: "Miss... It’s not much easier than taking the whole house apart."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Don't give up! It's an hour's time. If you can't finish it, you have to deduct your salary for the whole month! Hurry up!"

The four bodyguards had to be temporarily cleaned up and plunged into the room where the dust was at least three feet. When I first entered, there were no three steps. Four people were thrown out of the three, and then they went into the scalp. After three minutes, the two men hurried out. It didn’t take long for a set of the most efficient and fast cleaning equipment. I was pushed in.

In the home of Ye Tianxie, they could not find the mop, could not find the vacuum cleaner, could not find the detergent, and could not even find the rag...

Ye Tianxie turned on the TV and looked at the picture on TV. He let Su Feifei yell at the ear to call the voice of the East Commander, and he was busy with the four busy. The bodyguards who came in and out did not even look at it... It seems that he is the outsider of this villa.

His family never allowed others to enter, even the only few friends he recognized, he never took the initiative to let them into their homes. And those who really know him will never take the initiative to go to his home.

Today, he actually let Sophiefei into his home, and even let her unscrupulously so directly toss.

What he thinks in his heart.

... three hours later.

This is really a weird scene. One is the young lady of the richest family in China, but she insists on moving into a boy's home, and she is so serious. The other is almost no resistance or rejection, let them be, they are like two friends who are familiar. In fact, all of their intersections are only three times in a hurry, adding up to a few minutes.

The garbage and bottles and jars that have accumulated a lot of time have disappeared, and the ground has finally got a little bit of "clean". Such a big villa, so dirty, not to mention four people, that is, forty people do not want to pack up for a day. These non-professionals can only rush to clean up the most visual and taste uncomfortable places, the focus is the room selected by Miss Sophie.

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