Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 72: Pain and attachment

Well, there have been more urban plots recently, and many of my classmates are dissatisfied... Don’t worry, give comfort to a pretty good news...more than 20w words, 2k to 3k, and 3k3...more than nine thousand words per day --of course. This is not a promise, but I try to be... so if you can't do too much laziness, please don't make bricks.

Then, for a long time, it is still a city plot, about Miss Fifi, and the background of revealing a few protagonists...]

After four people’s hard work, the room where the original roots could not enter the people was completely renewed. The dust was cleaned and the wallpaper was re-applied on the walls and ceiling. A light yellow carpet was also laid on the floor. This was originally a carpet that was laid in Sophie's own room. It was brought to her under the strong request. It is coincidental that the carpet was surprisingly consistent with this room. There was no trace of disharmony after the spread. This discovery Let Sophie's eyes take Venus, and constantly exclaim that she and the room have a good fate, listening to the four bodyguards heart straight.

The bed, the cabinet, the desk, the dressing table, the mirror... all settled, and the four bodyguards in the original suit and leather were already black, just like they had just climbed out of the ash heap. But looking at the new room, they finally got a sigh of relief. Sophie Fei grew up in the real Jinyi jade food, if she let her live in the messy room before, don't say this big lady, that is, they can't accept four roots.

Packed up... it means that she really wants to live here in the future.

"Miss, I have already packed up."

Hey... Sofifi suddenly took out a list from the bag that had just been written for a long time, and raised it to the bodyguard: "These are the things I want to buy, and I will buy them all in one hour!"

Looking at the list that was nearly one meter long, the four bodyguards almost didn't fall out of tears.

Ye Tianxie, who has been watching TV corpses, finally turned his eyes, but he did not look at Sufifi, but looked at the direction of the door.

A few rushing footsteps approached faintly, and with one sound, the sinister door was slammed open, and a man in a neat suit walked in. His gaze swept away, and the original brow was even more Wrinkled a bit. This is a middle-aged man who is 40 years old. He is medium-sized and unappealing. He has a standard Chinese character face, but his sharp eyes are shocking. The faint temperament can affect people's minds. He felt that he was clearly in front of him, but he seemed to stand on a high elevation and looked down on himself. He was followed by two men of similar age, and the two were just a step away from him. The same appearance was not astonishing, but if he was swept or approached by his eyes, he would feel inexplicably feel a breath. It’s not easy to press.

The eyes were swept away, and finally settled on Sufifi who was surprised to turn back. Ye Tianxie instantly identified the identity of this man.

Sophiefi and the four bodyguards were all surprised and looked at the man who suddenly appeared. Sophie went up two steps and stopped again, carefully saying: "Dad... How come you come back?"

"Hey!" The middle-aged man snorted and his brow was still tightly locked: "Noisy! It’s really noisy! I won’t come back again, you really have to live here... live in a boy’s house!" He used the light of his eyes to glance at Ye Tianxie, and touched Ye Tianxie's gaze while his heart was moving. This is a man with a perfect appearance, with the charm that can easily tear the girl's heart defense... and what he cares most about is his eyes and expression. At this time, he is not surprised, not nervous, not afraid. The look of the class, the calm expression of the vaguely with a smile, and looking at his eyes, is more like a look of interest because of interest.

Su Luo...Sophie’s father... The world’s richest man in the world, and the richest man in Asia, his assets are truly rich and enemies. He struggled for a lifetime, and all the big and small people have seen it. All kinds of big and small storms have experienced... and Ye Tianxie’s performance at this time has made him difficult to understand.

"Boss." The four bodyguards who were next to Sufifi said hello at the same time, their heads hang down, and they made a big mistake. Su Luo’s gaze swept over the four of them and yelled: “This kind of thing, how come you messed up with her, why don’t you inform me soon, it’s awkward!”

Four people dare not speak, and the rules of the brush are accepted. Of course, they didn't even think about reporting this to Solo, but... the young lady started to come, far more terrible than this boss.

"Dad!" Sophie Fei bite her lip slightly and looked at her father reluctantly: "You don't care about this, I have already decided! I will live here until I want to leave here." !"

"No! Absolutely not! Fifi, you are not a child, you know what you are doing!" Su Luo said. But Sophie’s eyes made his eyebrows beat. She once again revealed this reluctant look, even if it was wrong, and never looked back, and... her room at home was empty, and all her things, including her most precious and least discarded things, disappeared... ...all moved here. This means that she is so conscientious and persistent that she wants to move into this home that can be said to be a strange man.

What is the attraction that attracts her must come here.

"Yes! I am no longer a child, so I know what I am doing! I just want to live here!" Sufifi shook her head and looked at Ye Tianxie in a hurry, looking forward to seeing some help. Her words.

The TV was shut down by Ye Tianxie. He turned half-turned and looked at them with a look of a playful look. The look of the two people who made Sulu behind the stone sculpture almost had the urge to kick him down to the bottom of the sofa.

Sulu silenced the small meeting, and was obviously surprised at the daughter’s obstinacy that seemed to have no reason. He is her father. No one in the world should know his daughter better than him... At this time, he can't figure out what she wants to do. Is it just a momentary impulse or madness?

His face eased and his voice softened as much as possible. He said: "Fifi, I know what you are thinking. But, do you really understand him?" He gestured to Ye Tianxie: "You know his Did you know his character? Do you know his character and temper? You and his roots have not got along, not to know, just because he saved you, you will... say, here How dirty, how can you bear it! Hey! Feifei, you are really not a child, you should know what to do and not to do."

Sophie Fei still bit her lip, her father's persuasion did not make her mind shake the slightest, she shook her head again: "Dad, I have decided this thing, I just want to live here, who advised me... I Will not listen!"

Sulu took a heavy breath and frowned, stepping back and walking to Sophie. Sophie Fei did not retreat, and looked up and looked at him with a reluctant and determined head.

"Follow me. If there is anything, let's go back and say." Su Luo grabbed Sufifi's arm with one hand. Sophie Fei retreats and shuns, shaking her head hard: "I don't go back, I just want to live here. Dad, I am not playing, I am very serious about staying here, you don't care about it!"

Sulu’s brows are getting tighter and tighter, stepping forward: “Go back with me!”

"I don't go back!!!!"

The scream of almost roaring made Sulu’s look suddenly dead there, and even Ye Tianxie and the six bodyguards were there. g

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