Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 787: Wind chimes on the cry

Earth, Huaxia, Jinghua City, at 12 o'clock noon.

"According to the field test, the possibility of missiles or small hydrogen bombs that have been eliminated, experts pointed out that this is most likely caused by a high-killing laser weapon that has not been released..."

"Fortunately, the evil tiger mountain was spread on the ground as a cursed mountain. Since many years ago, no one dared to approach, and there were no residents around. The incident did not cause any casualties." Looking at the camera, a serious face squatting.

"The Al Qaeda leader has turned off the lights and claimed responsibility for the incident, and said that this is the latest laser weapon developed by the base. The incident is a small-scale experiment in the no-man's land of China, and will be officially used to target the United States next spring. ”

"The country has declared that they have recently discovered that the secret arsenal has been stolen. The Chinese incident was caused by the most powerful laser weapon in the universe they developed, but it was caused by the thieves and had nothing to do with them. Laser weapons they still have more than 30,000 inventories."

Su Feifei was watching the TV with absent-mindedness and continuously converted several channels, all of which were about the extensive destruction incident in Suzhou and Hangzhou. What aliens are coming, what laser weapons are being tested, what big crust is exploding... Various kinds of speeches are repeated over and over again, and various countries have expressed their attitudes like this. At first, they still feel fresh and fun, but they watched the whole day. After all these things, they are already no interest. She picked up her mobile phone and called Ye Tianxie. She still got the following: "The phone you dialed has been turned off, please call again later..."

"It's awful and hateful!! I am also particularly embarrassed not to turn off the phone and not to turn off the phone!! It's too odious." Sophie Fei almost angered and dropped the phone, she started from noon yesterday to the present, not hit a hundred times in a row There are also eighty times, all of which are tips for shutting down.

"It must be with another fox hook, I am afraid that I am disturbed... It is awful! This flower radish, he will go out next time, I must follow!!" Sophie fei fell the phone to the sofa, hard He clenched his fist: "How can I clean him when he comes back?"

"Fifie sister, the place where the evil spirits went to the place is very close to the explosion there, perhaps the explosion there affects the cell phone signal." Yu Chen hearted out the cut fruit and whispered for Ye Tianxie.

"It must not be! If there is no signal, he has already used the landline to call it! And my father is just in Suzhou and Hangzhou, I just called him." Sophie used a finger to pick up a piece of apple. The cheeks in the mouth are chewing, and the gangs are bulging high... In fact, only she knows what is irritating in her heart. It has been two days, she has not seen Ye Tianxie and heard his voice. . Because she left, she discovered that more and more of her present, even if she only left him for such a day, two days, it has been so difficult, I can't wait to go to Suhang to find him.

A crisp mobile phone ringing, just after the phone opened by Sophie Fei, Sufifei quickly hurriedly swallowed the apple in his hand, quickly grabbed the phone, and then annoyed... actually it was the phone of Zuo Bianjun .

As soon as it was connected, Sophie Fei had not had time to say hello, and the voice of the left-handed army was slightly rushed. "Feifei sister, can you contact the second brother?"

"No!! This flower radish must definitely look at which little sister, the phone has been shut down! When he comes back, I must teach him well... Left Big Brother, what are you looking for?"

"I... ah, no, nothing, just ask. Then I hang up first."

The phone was hanged in a hurry, and Sophie looked at the phone and looked confused.

Putting down the phone, the left-handed army is already a cold sweat. He turned and said: "Is it OK? Is it really sure? The place that was blown up is where the original Hushan Mountain is?"

"Call..." Murong Qiu Shui sighed, and he didn't pass the gray gas of his face at this time. He patted the shoulder of Zuo Bianjun: "You have repeated this question for thirty times, I Answer you once again, there, it turns out to be the evil tiger mountain..."

The left-handed army was unable to sit down on the chair. In the early morning of this morning, the blood wheel that did not destroy the reincarnation did not know how to practice it to him. He told him that the place where the explosion last year was the place where Huang Luo was located, and Ye Tianxie’s trip was to find Huang Luo. Then...

Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui contacted Ye Tianxie for the first time, and they went through various means to find out. As time went by, the results obtained made them have more and more cold sweat.

"Can't wait any longer!!" Zuo Bianjun stood up fiercely and said, "We will go to Suzhou and Hangzhou immediately. If you are not sure about this, I will sleep hard."



In Suzhou and Hangzhou, Ye Tianxie launched two dragon souls in a row.

Since yesterday, it has been flooded by countless or microphones, or people wearing camouflage clothes, as well as various vehicles and even helicopter gunships. There are still no signs of relief until today. The whole Mount Hushan disappeared, and there was no grass in the 20-kilometer area around the Huhu Mountain. There was no big stone, and the ground was just like the polished smooth glass. Moreover, the ground here is a full 50 meters lower than the original... What is even more bizarre is that there is no such thing as an exaggerated distance, and there is no groundwater overflow! It seems that the underground waters have been destroyed.

Another place in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"Call, I was really scared to death. The earthquake that was so big yesterday, the day after another became so dark, I almost thought that the end of the world is coming." Mu Xiaoyue patted his soft drums and had a lingering heart. Said.

"The cause of this incident is still under investigation, but the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou is now in chaos. No one can be sure whether the incident is over, or just a beginning. Returning to Jinghua as soon as possible is the best choice." The stereotyped woman said.

At this time, the car suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xiaoyue was careless, and his forehead almost hit the front seat. When she asked about the exit, she said "ah". Because on the road ahead, there was a person across.

"It's a person... Is he sick? Is it suddenly fainted on the road?" Mu Xiaomei said in amazement.

"Walk around. Little things gossip." The stereotyped woman said with no expression.

"Don't, this person must be ill and fainted. How can we see death and not save? Let's take him to the hospital first." Mu Xiaoshou~ The demon said, he has already opened the door and ran out. Today she is still a sunhat, big sunglasses, as long as she is going out, the base is this dress.

"Ah! Ye Tianxie!" When she ran to the man, Mu Xiaoyue made a cry. After a huge surprise, she had a slight panic in her face, and she swayed his body: "Hey. Hello! Ye Tianxie, wake up, wake up."

The stereotyped woman observed Ye Tianxie for a while and said: "The breathing is steady, the heartbeat is strong, the face is normal, but it looks like it is loaded, but even if it is not loaded, there will be no major events."

"Really? That's good." Mu Xiao Yao took a sigh of relief. She just met yesterday and left a deep impression on her. I didn't expect to meet him again in this way. "How can his clothes break into this way, it will not be a robber... No, his strength is so big, the robbers should not beat him."

"Sister Jing, bodyguard big brother, let us first carry him into the car... Let's go back and go to the hospital." Mu Xiaoyue grabbed Ye Tianxie's arm.

The stereotypical female frowned and looked at the watch and said: "The private helicopter prepared by Mr. Du Gu is already waiting for us. The time is too late. I can’t let Mr. Du Gu unhappy for any reason... Xiao Yao, if you Really can't let him down, he took him back to Jinghua, he said before, his home is on the side of Jinghua."


Ye Tianxie was carried to the car, the magnetic levitation vehicle started, and went away.

Over the sky, the glass fairy silently watched the maglev car getting smaller and smaller in sight, until it could no longer be seen. Tears completely blurred her eyes... When he was carried into the car, the moment the door closed, it meant that she would never see him again.

There are thousands of things in my heart. I want to catch up with the car and take back her evil spirits. But she can't... three hours, she only has three hours. If she does not leave her heart completely, she will not be able to separate from him. After three hours, everything will be late. She, there are too many things that must be completed within these three hours.

She can send Ye Tianxie directly back to her home in Jinghua. With her current strength, she can move almost anywhere in the Huaxia country. However, in order to make everything as close as possible, Ye Tianxie can wake up with minimal doubts, she can only send him to the place where he lost consciousness.

"Mu Xiao Yao, in the memory of the evil spirits, you have a relationship with him. In his impression, you are a lovely, kind and innocent girl, please, take my place, take my evil spirits home. Thank you...thank you."

"Heavenly evil, I swear to you yesterday, no matter where you are, whether it is life or death, heaven or hell, abyss or reincarnation, I will accompany you, but I have never thought about it, I ate it so quickly. Sorry... Sorry, my evil day, my dragon... In the world without me, please and Moore, and Xiaoxi’s eternal happiness, I will always think of you where you can’t see. , read you, use all of me, pray for you........."

There are too many tears, and the glass fairy almost wants to shed all her life's tears for her beloved one. She whispered, and at the end, she used her lips to sigh and still could not suppress the sad cry.

She has no regrets...

She is not afraid of the eternal blockade.

Just, she is so reluctant... her favorite person...


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