Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 788: The wind chimes are crying

The World of Destiny.

"Pros, I am leaving. Thank you for all that I have paid for me."

"No... Master! Without you and the dragon master, the world has long been destroyed. Whatever I do for you, it should be... Master, are you really going to leave?" ProLogis shook his hands with The old tears in the face looked at the glass fairy. Although he did not know why she was leaving, but ... she said that it is clearly "forever to leave."

"I named it "Destiny", and I have already fulfilled the consciousness of welcoming all kinds of destinies. However, this result is different from the best result and the worst result I think. The world is too Big, we can digitize it, can interfere with its time flow, redistribute its space, but it does not really control everything. At least, we have nowhere to find the heart of destiny... the world The secret hidden in the roots, no one can be completely thorough and controlled. I can't, you and Al can't... and everything that is caused today is a demon person who came to the earth, if I can get it early Some discover his existence, perhaps everything, will not go to today..." Glass fairy looked at the front and muttered to himself.

"Master, please don't blame yourself... A person may be able to influence a world, but there can never be someone who can completely control all of a world, that is, the goddess of the Bhara can't. What we can do is only Use the power in the hands to modify the rules of the world. Change it into a data-oriented space... Master, what happened in the end? Is the dragon master still discovered?” Pross choked.

Glass fairy did not answer, she turned and said faintly: "According to the message from Al, the elements of the earth will come to an end, I hope, here can be their ultimate refuge... Please do not exclude them. ”

Pross crouched behind the glass fairy, and said in tears: "Without you and the dragon master, here is no longer there, the master's request, how can I refuse. Just after the rules of the world changed, my strength It has become too weak. Now I have not only the power to create the world and influence the order. The comprehensive strength is not as good as an ordinary beast. But as long as it is the master’s request, I will die if I die. Do it. I will create a way for them to enter their body in the shortest time... This is a space forgotten and independent, not to mention the Tianyu and the Moluo, even the power of the Bharat Goddess has no effect. Here, if that day really comes, I will not only refuse, but will make them more peaceful than living on the earth... Master, please rest assured... I will let all the people on earth, who will save They are..."

"Don't say, never mention my name, ProLogis, from now on, please, and forget my existence..." Glass fairy closed her eyes and said softly.

"Why!?" Pross looked up in panic, and the voice became trembling.

"This is my last request, please... please promise me."

Pross looked at her for a long time, his head slammed on the ground, and cried: "Yes, master..."

"I am leaving... precious."

When the sound was overwhelming, Pross looked up in panic and found that the glass fairy was no longer in front of him. He stared at the front and lost his soul.

The cloudless sky, the glass fairy silently stared at the infinite earth, the right hand extended, the white palm, is the fate of the original hanging on the neck of Ye Tianxie.

"The moment of destiny... Bilu Huangquan... Pray for glaze... The cause and effect of reincarnation... The miracle of life... The soul of the soul... The sacred sakura... You are the head of the world’s most mysterious and powerful seven props, The things that belong to this world have taken you away. After a certain period of time, it will inevitably affect the world. I have not taken you away, but..." She took the fate of the moment, the whisper of disappointment.

"Sister, really... really want to be like this?" The fruit caught the eyes of the glass fairy, and the eyes were already crying red.

"Sorry, fruit... If you let him see the moment of fate, see you, he may, I will really think of me, forget it, he can care for me forever, think of me, he will suffer for a lifetime, sorry. Fruit, I am sorry, I shouldn’t bring you here, your body is too pure, you have left Tianyu, there is no breath there, you can only rely on the power of destiny, I only Can... can only..." The glass fairy holds the fruit and is heartbroken. She is the most sorry, the most owed is this little girl.

The fruit shakes her head and leans against her: "Sister, don't cry, don't cry... The fruit is not afraid, my sister is not afraid, the fruit is not afraid at all, just, I am so reluctant to master, I don't want to see Go to the host and sister, hehe..."

"Sorry, fruit..." She said "I'm sorry" to the fruit again and again, gently clenching the fate of the moment, and then throwing it to the unknown far away... until in the line of sight, In her breath, she completely disappeared. The seven ultimate props of the world of destiny, headed by the fate of the head, Biyue Huangquan for the second, pray for the third glass. These seven pieces are the strongest and most mysterious things in the world of destiny. Mysterious to the fact that even if the creation **** can change the rules of the world and interfere with the time and space of the world, it does not reveal their mysteries. God is not omnipotent, and the **** of the world is not omnipotent. God can create a world, but after a hundred years, a millennium, and a thousand years later, he can change the rules of the world, but it is impossible to fully know what people in the world are now, what are their names, and what is derived from them...

The world of destiny is also a huge world with endless mysteries. A game world in the eyes of an earth.

Another place.

"You have to go? Why is this... tell me why it is like this!!"

The namelessness of the dead is always ruined, the hands are tightly picked up, and almost blood is leaking between the fingers.

"No reason, this is the only choice." Glass fairy passed to the unknown pieces of her memory, let the nameless know everything. When he came, he fully understood the past and present life of Ye Tianxie. She presented everything to him without reservation.

"What is the only choice!!" The nameless body is shaking, and the whole face is twitching under the emotion of too much emotion: "Why is this again, why all the pains are carried by you alone... a hundred years ago You died for him. Now, for him, you have to be permanently blocked... Why do you want to bear everything... How much do you want us to owe you, you are willing... We owe you for a lifetime I will not finish it all the time!! Why do you want to bear all of it!!" The nameless painful groaning, his side, the blue-eyed pair of wolves, reveals the grief of the master.

Glass fairy shook his head and whispered: "Between us, there is no owe, all this, I am willing. If I am him, he is me, he will also do it for me." She sighed and said: "No name, you... ...and stay here? You are born again in this world by the blood of the soul, but this way of rebirth... will make you suffer a lot of pain every day..."

At the beginning, the name of the soul was reborn, all in order to help him, and to stimulate Ye Tianxie to grow up in this world, because only he would do his best to help Ye Tianxie. But now... everything is gone, and the reason for the nameless stay in this world has ceased to exist. Ye Tianxie lost everything, no matter the strength of Dragon Power and Claw Emperor, it is impossible to upgrade. He wants to gain powerful strength and can only pass the attributes of equipment like other players. The namelessness is born from the blood of the soul, and every day of survival, it suffers from the pain that an ordinary person can't bear for a day. Leaving and returning to death is his greatest relief.

"No! I don't go!! I am not willing!!" The nameless martyrdom.

"Please... don't tell the evil spirits." The glass fairy undulates and makes a voice of prayer.

"I won't tell him... I won't even take the initiative to see him!! But..." He stared at the glass fairy, and said in a word: "You... tell me! Space blockade is formed After that, did you break the blockade, is there any?! Even if that may never be possible, but as long as it is possible... please, tell me!! Tell me!!!"

The glass fairy understands what he means. She closes her eyes and smiles awkwardly: "That is the barrier built by the lifeline of the Tianyu and the Moluo. To destroy, the only way is to take the Tianyu and the Moluo. The lifeline is cut off... is equivalent to destroying the Tianyu and the Demon Luo... completely destroying the Tianyu and the Moluo, even the Bolu goddess, it has nothing to do..."

The nameless body was shaken, and the head hanged, and the body trembled fiercely.

"No name, precious, I am gone..."

Xianyin, the glass fairy has disappeared in front of the nameless, without any hesitation.

The nameless slowly raised his head, and under his eyes, he was two blood marks. That is his tears of blood in the infinite resentment of fate...

"I won't go... I will wait here!! Forever... If he doesn't come, I will wait for a lifetime, wait until I die! I Ye Ya, never believe in fate, never believe in despair!!! Even if you die, you can resurrect, who can't do anything!!! Xiaotian... prove it to me... you are not a waste!!! She ruined her own life for you, even if you are physically disabled, you have to She, find back all that you lost!! Use your faith to make all the possibilities possible!! I am here waiting for you... waiting for you!!!"


The nameless roar swayed around the dark space and lasted for a long time...

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