Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 849: Pointing at the nose

Updated: 2012-01-18

In the corner of the arena, the solitary city turned and the voice calmly said: "Let's go."

When he turned around, the gods saw his face sullen, did not dare to speak, and carefully left behind him behind him. As for what will happen in the future, Du Gucheng must have been reluctant to read it.

The image of Du Gucheng in front of people has always been warm and calm. He has hardly revealed any violent emotional fluctuations. He has not initiated conflicts with anyone. He has not even heard of who he or she has oppressed. He has a good reputation. The league is also very loyal to him. But as a godland that has always followed him, he can be said to be the one who knows the most about the city, his city is so terrible, and when he really picks up, he will be more sultry than anyone else.

"Less Lord! Are you really so silent and let the little demon and the evil spirits develop? Mu Xiao demon staged such a show today, the root is to let the whole world know their relationship... she did this Another meaning, clearly is to let you absolutely hope for her." Behind him, the domain of the gods, the first sword warfare, the gods frowning said.

The footsteps of the burial **** were slightly stunned, and then the eyes began to rise. They said, "I don't want to... and now, I can't fight the evil world, and I can't do everything."

"This... little master," the gods lost the stars, and said: "You have always been a person who will not admit defeat. The goal is bigger and harder. You always have a day to come. Is it our Godland League? And we are distributed throughout the south of China, and we must be afraid of him alone?"

"Before I understand him, I will not believe that there will be such a person. But as I get more and more understanding of him, I started to fear this person... Can you know that the whole cloud home, I almost suffered a disaster."

The gods are falling stars: "!?"

"The Yun family used the blood dream paradise to assassinate him... After the defeat, the wing of the sky and the cloud house were calm, which made me wonder for a long time. Later, I realized that the evil sky is the one with the disability of the cloud family. The only daughter. Although the eyes are blind and the legs are squatting, it is indeed a beautiful beauty of the country... Oh, lascivious, this is the biggest weakness of the evil world. Before I have absolute certainty, I will not Move him, but he can't move him. It's a foolish person for a moment of anger. It's a stupid person's behavior. I know very well that the strength of evil days here is enough to make the gods alliance hurt. The strength in reality... ... is to reach a level beyond the limits of humanity." Du Gucheng said with a curse.

The gods have not spoken again, and he seems to understand something.

Not going too far, the footsteps of the burial **** stopped, because a middle-aged man rushing ahead... he knew.

Seeing the screen on the screen, the little demon went directly to the evil sky. Mu Huazhen could no longer sit still and entered the world of destiny. He rushed to the arena with rushing anger and almost collided with the funeral.

"Don't be a young master!" When I saw the Solitary City, Mu Huazheng first stunned, and then the violent screams disappeared without a trace. Three steps and two steps went up, full of laughter: "Really It’s so clever, I’ve met here, you just... Did you just come back from the concert of the little girl?”

Du Gucheng smiled slightly and said softly: "You are a good uncle, um, I just came back from the concert of the demon, her singing is still beautiful and people can't bear to leave. Are you going to find her?"

Seeing the look of Du Gucheng was particularly dull, and I couldn’t hear anything like anger and anger. Mu Huazhen was even more stunned. He slammed his hand and said with anger: "I am going to find water... It’s so unspeakable. Today, she is doing such an unreasonable thing in front of so many people. Hey... the young master, you must not go to the heart, she is just a fun, the root does not know what she is doing, in fact she The person you like has always been you, and I don’t understand how to be a father..."


Mu Huazhen’s words were just halfway through, and a soft voice came out with surprise, and this voice was clearly the voice of the little demon.

Mu Huazhen and Du Gucheng and others turned at the same time, and at a glance they saw the Mu Xiaoyue and Ye Tianxie who had changed their costumes, as well as Su Feifei around him, as well as Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui.

The solitary city brow slightly wrinkled, and then squeezed a smile.

Mu Huazhen saw the little demon, the anger "蹭蹭" ups and downs, and then saw the evil sky around her, the anger directly exploded, he went up two steps, directly yelling at the face: "You are that What evil days? I don't care what you are... I will leave my daughter right away! Otherwise, I have countless ways to make you regret for a lifetime!"

Mu Huazhen’s words made Mu Xiao’s demon flower eclipse, and she said, “Dad, you...”

"You shut me up!" Mu Hua shocked her and glanced at her. "You haven't explained it to me before leaving the solitary masters. I have shown this to me today. You want to mad at me!" "He is pointing at evil days, and there is no demeanor." "What is this? Isn't it the wind that mixes in this game? What qualifications do he deserve? You and the young master Compared to the root is a waste, the roots are not worthy of the shoes for the solitary masters!! The young masters are always in love with you, you are mixed with such a man, your brain is filled with soup!!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Left Broken Army: "..."

Murong Qiu Shui: "..."

Solitary City: "..."

Sophie Fei: "..."

Stuart brother and sister: "..."

When Mu Hua was shocked, he found that the scene was suddenly cold. No matter whether it was the little demon, the solitary city or the evil day that he pointed at his nose, he was not talking.

Suddenly quiet, Muhua shocked for three seconds. Finally, a high-decibel female voice rang in his ear. Situ fell into the rain and shouted: "Dead old man! You just sweared waste!! You dare to marry me. Brother of the evil spirit, believe that the old lady will tear your mouth now!!"

Muhua was the mayor of Suhang. Others have always respected him like a grandfather. When he was pointed at his nose, his face was green. The yin test said: "Little girl, you are best. Shut up. In this world, it’s not everyone who you are embarrassed."

"Ha!" Situ rain almost did not spray on the spot: "Ha ha ha ha ... you said I look down on you? What do you think you are? Old lady will not die you!! Look at your long fat head The appearance of the pig brain, the root is an incompletely evolved life body, and you feel aggrieved when you call it a pig... You have a pig that doesn’t say that you still have a pig head. When your mother gave birth to you, It’s not that you’ve thrown your head from the shackles and smashed the face of an alien. Even your head smashed into a dementia. Your mother can raise you so big. It’s not easy. You **** out and giving your mother a shame and self-return. Feeling good, I am your mother, I don’t want to throw you at the zoo to ensure that the African wild boars welcome you there..."

Situ fell to the rain and bombarded the bombardment. The trick was to smash the Muhua earthquake to the bombing.

"Fall...falling rain, he...he is my dad..." Mu Xiaoyue quickly stopped to stop.

"I care who he is!! Even if my dad ran out of the soil, dare to marry my evil brother, I..."

"Cough, my dear little girl, you have to remember what you said, now you are a lady, right, lady." Situ was pulling his hat, and said slowly.

"You...you..." Mu Huazhen, who had never been so ruthless in his life, had a burst of red and white. Obviously, he had already reached the extreme. He pointed his finger at Situ’s rain: "You...you...you Do you know who I am!!"


As soon as Mu Huazhen’s words were finished, a black hole’s muzzle was already aimed at him. Although it is the game world, but the sudden appearance of the muzzle still makes Mu Hua shocked, and the footsteps subconsciously retreat, a cold sweat.

"Put your hand down, I don't like someone pointing my finger at the direction I am in."

A feminine voice sounded coldly, and Mu Huazhen followed the sound... When he saw the appearance of Murong Qiu Shui, his body slammed and stunned, and the voice of the throat was very dry: "Mu ... Murong Shaozhu..."

"Mu Huazhen, go back, your daughter, my second brother will take care of you, and will take good care of it." Zuo Bianjun step forward, not salty and not light.

"Left...Left!" Mu Huazhen almost fell out of his eyes.

He listened very clearly. "Left less" is clearly called the evil day as "second brother." And whether it is him, or Murong Qiushui... just turned out to be behind evil days! Generally speaking, people who are accustomed to walking in the rear are all subconsciously respected or low in respect of the people ahead. The officialdom is long-lived. He has almost no habit of looking at the people behind him. So before, his roots were Did not notice the left cracked army and Ye Tianxie.

"Oh, let's go now. He wants to destroy your family, but he needs a word, pointing to his nose. All the world, only you dare to do this, don't say me, it is Zuo Zhenhua, he is absolutely not Dare. The last time the cloud family violated him, if he did not deliberately close the hand, the cloud family had already extinguished the door. You dared to point at his nose, hehe, it’s so courageous."

The secret language of the lonely city in the ear, let the cold sweat of Mu Huazhen's body instantly wet the clothes on the body. He has already seen that even now, the position of Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui still stands behind him. He is standing there. Although he does not say a word, it is clearly a silent Ling. However, in the down view, the solitary city is on his right hand side. He doesn’t even look at him at all. It is clearly a note that is not in the eyes.

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