Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 850: Horror white wolf

Updated: 2012-01-18

At this time, Mu Huazhen was undoubtedly deeply impressed by the needles. The cold sweat that came out of his body immediately made his body just rained... He didn’t know the true identity of the evil world, but the son of the left family and the sanctuary The Lord was in such a pose in front of him, and he was too lazy to look at it in the lonely city... and the words of the solitary city made his heart almost scared to jump out. Can this person let the cloud family who is fighting against the Solitary family stand out? That's going to kill him, isn't it like playing! ?

In this case, he will usually only be a joke. But this is spoken by the city of Solitary. The left-breaking army and Murong Qiushui are even more proof of iron. Such a person, he just turned to him. He is now fully aware of what it is called to dig his own grave.

However, the sleekness that was raised in the officialdom for many years made him calm down at the fastest speed. The white face was filled with a smile on his face: "Haha... hahahaha," he smiled dryly. It’s full of happiness and gratification to look at my daughter... Now the only thing he dares to look at is the little demon: “Water, ah, yes, it’s a good vision. Just the temper of Dad’s temper is to try it. He is really sincere to you... It’s not bad. Dad is not angry when he is so angry. He shows that he has a good tolerance and tolerance. Such a person will be very good to his own woman. You followed this. Man, then I am relieved..."

Ye Tianxie "..."

Sufifi "..."

Mu Xiao Yao "..."

Left Broken Army: "..."

Murong Qiu Shui "..."

Stuart brother and sister "..."

He turned his head again and looked at Ye Tianxie. The smile on his face turned into a charming smile: "That, evil... evil master, my daughter will entrust you to you later, and then it will be one... Family, I will have time to let the water take you to our Suhang Niang family to see it. I will take care of you from time to time. When you get married, remember to talk to my daddy... then that In this way, if I have something, I will take a step first. You play well, you play well..."

At this time, Ye Tianxie still carries the black scorpion. Mu Huazhen can't see his face, but he can feel his gaze straight and let him talk uncontrollably. After a bunch of words, he was completely soaked in sweat all over the body, rushing to the left, the army, Murong Qiushui, Du Gucheng and so on, fleeing and running away.

Everyone: "..."

"Heavenly brother, my father, he is like this, you ... you don't want to be angry." Mu Xiao Yao said uneasy, his face was red. I don't know if I was given to my father, or because my father even got married and "mother".

"Haha, your father is very cute." Ye Tianxie said with a smile. He didn't have the slightest thought of the sound, but also let the little demon in his heart loose and secretly rejoice.

Du Gucheng turned and looked up, smiled and said to Ye Tianxie: "Oh, congratulations to the beauty of today, I am afraid that in the next few months, you will be the focus of media public opinion, but I want to come to the evil brothers already used to Became the focus, the root will not be on the mind, I think, we will have a lot of opportunities for cooperation in the future... Zuo Laodi, Murong Shaozhu, greeting my father for me, as a junior can not visit in person, it is a sin ......Farewell, if you are free in the future, you will also want to sit in the domain of the gods, we are infinitely welcome."

Du Gucheng gestured to them, and finally looked at Mu Xiao de, and turned and left.

"Oh, the performance is really calm." Murong Qiu Shui squinted at the background of the distant city, said meaningfully. For a man, the greatest hatred in the world is undoubtedly the killing of the father and the hatred of the wife. Faced with Ye Tianxie and Mu Xiaoyue, he is acting like a okay person. It should be said that he has no heart and lungs, or that the city is too deep.

"The more calm, the more hate he hates. What surprised me is that he didn't even accidentally reveal a murderous temper. Well, I have to re-examine this person." Stuart also said with a pair of eyebrows. . People in the blood dream paradise are extremely sensitive to murderousness. If one person hates another person, even when facing him, even if the cover is good, the hatred in the heart will turn into murderousness as the sound overflows, but the lonely city Not on the body.

Murong Qiushui and Du Gucheng’s words made Mu Xiao’s demon flustered. She said: “The evil brother, the solitary brother, he is not as bad as you think. He is very good to me, he is today...”

"I know." Ye Tianxie nodded, and then his brow fell, saying: "Since it has been separated from Tiancheng Entertainment, in the future, it is still less to contact him... Some things, you will understand one day."

Mu Xiao Yao: "..."

At least for now, Mu Xiao Yao doesn’t understand at all. Her world is too simple... just as her feelings for Ye Tianxie are also from ignorance to clarity to warmth, and there is no variegation.

And Ye Tianxie... Looking at the solitary city that walked slowly, he already understood something.

"Today's weather is good... Then, congratulations to the second brother and ~~~~, the beautiful man, I am the perfect man who no one wants, just want to find a quiet corner, silently crying, use my tears, go Consolation of my solitary soul... Fat man, let's go, no longer go, you will become the big light bulb of Zuo's brand." Murong Qiushui will put away the **** empty teeth, muttering and turning away.

"...the amount, the second brother, then we went to the level." The left-handed army had to follow up.

"Well, congratulations to the dear head and ~~~~ holding a beautiful woman, such a beautiful day, it is a good time to pick up a girl, I seem to have seen one after another estrus is calling me. Well, bitter face If you say that you haven't thought about finding a woman someday... ah, okay, please let go of your knife, I really didn't say anything."

Stuart and Situ ruthlessly left. Situ rain suddenly jumped to the side of Mu Xiaoyue, excitedly shouted: "Small demon sister, you taught me to sing well? Right, I am like you, is the little lover of the evil spirits."

"Ah? Small... Lovers?"

"Yeah, yes, go, let me take you to our house, just in the center of the lost city, very beautiful, there are a lot of empty rooms inside... Yes, there are a few cute Little sister, I will take you to know them, they are also the little lovers of the evil brother!"

Mu Xiao Yao: "!~@¥%......"

Just as he suddenly looked up, in the sky, five cold and chilly winds whizzed down...

With a scream, the white light of "嗖" hid in the hope badge. Her former goddess of glory after the follow-up of Ye Tianxie, the most common thing is to escape and escape to escape... Ye Tianxie’s "red wind" blessing, and can not pull back between them...

boom! !

The five-jawed scorpion, such as a sharp knife, pierced the ground and brought a violent turmoil throughout the seventy layers.

It is a wolf claw, a wolf claw that is even bigger than the body of Ye Tianxie!

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