Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 855: Bird dragon

Bird Dragon: 100-level lord boss, life 2000000. Originally an 80-level lord boss, the giant mouth scorpion, after accidentally drinking the blood of the dragon, after a long evolution, evolved into a more powerful bipartite with some characteristics of the dragon. Has a strong physical and magical defense and ability to fly.

Talent: 20% immune against all physical attacks, 30% full magic resistance, and up to 50 meters in flight height.

Skills: Bi-winged, pterosaurs, pterosaurs.

Weakness: None.

100-level lord boss!

Against the sacred inflammation, Ye Tianxie rushed without hesitation, killing the soul of the soul and killing him, taking away nearly 300,000 lives of the bizarre. The second strike was about to start, the wings of the bipyron had suddenly risen, and Ye Tianxie quickly withdrew, and the body was still swept by the wind that its wings rolled up. Although it did not cause harm, it was far away. It was almost in the range of the dragon scales.

And Ye Tianxie attacked twice, causing the life of the bipterosaurus to drop by a quarter. These two attacks also made it understand that Ye Tianxie had a huge threat to it. The wings spread out and vacated in the long sound, flying to the height of tens of meters, and then swooping, when it dive, A strong airflow has preceded its body straight into the leaves of evil.

The dragon's strong attack technique - pterosaurs are flying!

The flying speed of the dragon is not fast, but this dive, but like a sharp arrow shot in the air, if it is lightning fast, not close, it has brought Ye Tianxie a terrible feeling that the body is to be pierced. His brows were tight. When the air was approaching, the body instantly shifted to three positions. The body of the bipterosaurus hit the position he had stood before. Ye Tianxie quickly returned and retaliated, but hit the air... The twin pterosaurs have just had a very steep dive speed, but in the emptying, they did not hit the ground. Instead, they slid an extremely beautiful inverted parabola and quickly returned to the sky. After a week in the sky, they again A dive to Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie once again avoided, and when he turned back, the bipedal had once again returned to the sky.

The most unwilling to face the player is the monster that can fly, especially for the melee class. And this 100-level Xianling boss is enough to become a nightmare of any profession... extremely fast dive, there is no pause after diving, but it is fast and vacant, the height of the vacant can reach 50 meters, so that the archers are beyond the reach.

The more advanced the beast, the more rare it is, the harder it is to defeat. This also determines that after the player exceeds 80, the upgrade will be difficult. It is not always possible to climb one level in a few months.

Looking up and looking at the twin-winged dragon in the air, Ye Tianxie’s eyes slammed, holding the right hand of the Shura demon sword, and the sword was facing the front, the back of the hand was shining toward the sky, the lost dawn flashed, and a dazzling light tore open the space. Between Ye Tianxie and the Twin-winged Dragon, a glare of light was instantly pulled out, and it flashed away...

Through the stunt of the lost dawn - look through the autumn water! !


The huge wounds caused a sigh of sorrow in the air, and the body swayed in the air, almost falling down. The attack distance of the autumn water is 100 meters, and it is a forced penetration without a weakening effect. The forced hit, the speed of the arrow of light, and the flexibility of the body of the bipyrus can not be avoided.

Immediately after seeing the autumn water, it is the triple dawn of the lost dawn... The arrow of the three lights hits the bipedosaurus in the flash of light...


The dragon once again made a long humming sound, and the body quickly vacated, reaching the highest flying height that he could reach, and then quickly smashed into the distance.

The attack distance of the Triple Dawn is 30 meters, and the flight height of 50 meters makes it impossible for the Triple Dawn Root to hit it. Ye Tianxie launched the wing of the Chiyuan, and vacated the sky. The speed of the broken thousand made him win the blink of an eye with the blink of an eye. The three dawns shot in succession...


Two consecutive dawns, six arrows of light, the twin-winged dragons that escaped from high altitudes were finally emptied of life, falling from the air in the long ring, heavily squatting on the ground, the huge body rushed a large number of branches Broken.

Extinguishing the sacred inflammation and descending from the air, Ye Tianxie walked in front of the biplane dragon. He had to say that this was another excellent mount. The height of 50 meters is no less than that of the undead dragon. The most interesting thing for him is... Its sprinting ability is extremely amazing. If you can control it, swooping down in the air, with your own attack, you will be able to It produces quite amazing results. In the face of powerful monsters, you can also perform excellent containment or alternative guerrilla warfare in this way.

Ye Tianxie collected a lot on the body of the bipterosaurus and did not get anything useful. He inhaled its body into the seven-star gourd.

The one-hundred-level lord boss, the natural explosion is also a hundred-level equipment. A 100-level gold armor, a pair of 100-level silver full-time earrings... These two pieces of equipment are estimated to be impossible to equip within a year. Finally, there are six yellow and yellow crystal coins.

The crystal coin was picked up and just about to be put away. Suddenly, he felt his shoulders were photographed... Just when he thought he was scratching his clothes, a sharp, harsh voice rang behind his back. stand up:

"Hey, young people, really good strength, even this twin-winged dragon is so simple to solve, it really makes the old snacks a surprise, the old man looks at you, hehe."

Ye Tianxie rushed forward a few steps and quickly turned back.

A dry old man like a little old man who had just been fried was standing there, smiling at him. The old man bent over and hunched, and it was estimated that he would be one meter high when he straightened up. He didn’t know what he had just used to knock the shoulders of Ye Tianxie. The face is like a bark... No, it can only be said to be sandpaper. There is a small, dirty goatee on the chin. There is a cane on the hand. The crutches are as dry as his people, not a crutches. It is better to say that I don’t know the dry branches that came from under the dead tree.

"Oh!!" He also screamed, and hid in Ye Tianxie's body: "Ah! This old grandfather is from where! It's scary!"

It appeared like a ghost behind him, and he was not aware of it. Not only did he not find his closeness, but the root suddenly emerged out of thin air. And his appearance is like a ghost.

Here is the forest of dragons, all kinds of strange beasts are scattered, and there are various dangerous institutions. The ordinary people are absolutely afraid to come in casually. This person is in the forest of the dragon. Is he a dragon?

"Oh..." The old man laughed even harder than crying: "Young people, don't be afraid, the old man is a good person. I see your temperament strength is extraordinary, even this birch dragon can be defeated, there is a future, there is a future. Hey, young man, how old is the old man who accepts you as an apprentice? Hey, if you are an apprentice of the old man, you can guarantee that you are fragrant, spicy, and no one dares to bully you wherever you go. If you like women, , Lost mainland women, which one do you want to play? How? Hey..."

Ye Tianxie: "..." (Where is this mental illness!)

"How? Is the heart moving? The heart is not as good as the action. Hurry up and pick up the phone... Cough, hurry down and give the old man three heads. The old man will officially accept you as an apprentice. The old man has never been countless in the world, and he has never Received the apprentice, you are lucky today, hehe!"

Ye Tianxie lived so big, it was the first time I heard someone use the "old man" to call himself.

Ye Tianxie is so big, he has never seen such an ugly, his voice is so ugly, he is so crazy and old.

"No interest." Ye Tianxie took the next three words and turned away.


Ye Tianxie swayed in front of him, and the old man had already appeared in front of him again. It was completely teleported. Ye Tianxie stopped and his heart was amazed... Although this old man is mad, it is definitely not simple.

"Young people, don't rush to go." The old man said with a smile, his body was too dry, and he had to look up when he spoke with Ye Tianxie. As for his body, he could kick the old ones. far. "Hey, the old man wants to accept the apprentice for the first time in his life. How do you want to give me this old man a little face, oh... well, what do you want, as long as you can be an old man, the old man must agree you."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Sorry to say? Hey, that must be like a beautiful woman? Hey... Young people, don't be shy, old man has been young, how can you not know what these young people like? The old man has a second sister, long It’s like a flower, it’s beautiful, and I like your little brother most. As long as you promise to be an old man’s apprentice, the old man will take you to see my second sister. When you get there, you will not want to leave...喋喋喋喋""

Such an old man who looks like a ghost said such awkward words... still second sister! Also tm national color fragrance, beautiful looks like flowers! Thinking of an old lady who is older than this old man, Ye Tianxie almost spit out every night.

"You go to someone else as an apprentice, I will go first." Ye Tianxie really didn't want to stay with this old man for a second, and took it back to the city. The dragon scales he is destined to pass, he can only choose to return now, and think of other ways.

"Hey? Young people... young people! Don't rush to go!" The old man rushed up in a hurry, and the crutches in his hand stopped the movement of Ye Tianxie. He smiled and said: "You are not me." The apprentice is not right, then, how about making a deal with the old man?"

"Transaction? What transaction?" Ye Tianxie looked at him with confusion.

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