Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 856: Mysterious businessman

The eyes of the old head of the dry bar squinted slightly, and the wretchedness inside disappeared. Instead, it was a glimpse of the looming precision: "Young people, the old man has smelled a very strong crystal coin from you, and you should have a lot of body." Crystal coins."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"These crystal coins are useless to you, but my old man, I like these things by nature. How about changing the crystal coins on your body? I can rest assured that the old man’s body is definitely you. If you can't find it elsewhere, the price is absolutely fair. How about it?" The old man said to him.

"You are a mysterious businessman!?" Ye Tianxie said with surprise.

Suddenly appearing behind in the cold... This scene is no wonder so familiar. When I first encountered the mysterious businessmen No. 1 and No. 2, they did not appear like ghosts suddenly from behind! In exchange for crystal coins, in addition to mysterious businessmen who can have.

No. 2 mysterious businessman Hua Yufeng said that there are three mysterious businessmen. So, this is the third mysterious businessman...etc. If he is the third mysterious businessman, then the second sister he just said is not Is...


Ye Tianxie was uncomfortable in the stomach and almost spit out all the breakfast.

"Oh, yes, the old man is the legendary mysterious businessman. Your boy is not only good at strength, but his eyes are also a lever. Since you know us, you don't need to say anything more. Come and see the old man's hand. Things, it looks like, you seem to have seen my big brother and second sister, um, although the things in the hands of the old man are more expensive than them, they are definitely ten times better than them. Come, hey, hehe..."

The dry bar screamed and the commercial panel was already in front of Ye Tianxie.

Mystery Merchant No. 3's product list:

Seeing the words "Mystery Merchant No. 3", Ye Tianxie has no doubt at all... This old man is really a mysterious businessman. After the mysterious businessman No. 1 and No. 2, even the last No. 3 was met by him. However, the boss is a middle-aged man with a hard face like a stone. The second child is a middle-aged woman with an abnormal mentality. The third child is actually how to look at the old man who is at least two generations older than them. This oldest old second and third row...

What special things will be on the third mysterious businessman? Ye Tianxie calmed his heart and looked forward to it:

Shenhuang Stone: The rumor is a kind of stone of the gods that the true God has left in the human world. It contains powerful power, but this kind of power needs to be stimulated by certain special conditions. There are very few, precious and precious. Price: 10 citrine coins, you can only buy up to 5 pieces.

Empty Illusion Stone: A stone that contains the power of mysterious space. It is extremely rare. If the method is right, the force of space can be extracted and separated. However, the requirements for forging are extremely high, and at least a forging engineer is required. The number of people who can be used in the entire lost continent is as rare as it is. Price: 10 citrine coins, up to 5 pieces can be purchased.

The empty illusion stone and the sacred stone, two kinds of stones that have great use for Ye Tianxie and Xing Baoer, but are extremely difficult to obtain. The first two mysterious businessmen are also sold, but there are quantitative restrictions. These are the three mysterious businessmen who have no doubt to buy them all.

There are only three types of ore on the No. 3 mysterious businessman. The last one makes Ye Tianxie feel completely excited:

Extremely dark Xuanjin: A special metal from the ancient gods that is said to be in a liquid state. It can only be carved once in a lifetime. Once it is mixed with gold, it will become the hardest substance known to the lost continent. No matter how great shock and destructive power can it be deformed and destroyed. Price: 100 citrine, only one can be purchased.

It turned out to be... extremely dark black gold! !

Murong Qiushui dreams of finding the extremely dark mysterious gold!

Among all the materials needed to make the sacred gun "The Elysium" displayed by Star Treasure, all the other materials, including the gold core, the mother and the soul, and the power core of the mysterious beast have already been obtained. It only lacks the extremely dark mysterious gold. In order to find the extremely dark Xuanjin, the July Chamber of Commerce and even the heavy money for the acquisition of the whole continent have no results. There are very few records in the lost continent about the extremely dark mysterious gold. It is more of a metal of legend that does not exist.

Now, it appears in front of his eyes.

The thing that the mysterious businessman sold, really surprised him once. There is no doubt that this extremely dark Xuan Jin, he must buy it. Otherwise, the roots of other places have not found it.

Item category:

Fragment 4 of the Rock Monument: A fragment of a stone monument with seemingly strange words engraved on it. Price: 1 citrine coin.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

It is also a piece of rock monument. He has 123 in his hand. Now he has seen 4. What secrets are hidden in these pieces?

Pure milk: Fresh milk is squeezed from cows on the Luoguo Mountain lost in the western part of the mainland. It tastes pure and contains no melamine. Effect: After drinking, the hunger is reduced by 20, the abnormal state and the ability to decline are released. The life and magic are restored by 20% every second in 1 minute. The effect can be superimposed with other props, and cannot be superimposed with itself. Price: 1 bottle of blue crystal coins.

Kefir: The product after the deterioration of pure milk, smells good, is said to be easier to absorb than pure milk. After drinking, the hunger is reduced by 20, the abnormal state and the ability to decline are released. In 30 minutes, life and magic are restored by 10% per second. The effect is not superimposed with pure milk. The price is: 1 bottle of blue crystal coins.

Melamine: Adding it to pure milk/yoghurt will turn into the same color, taste, taste and pure milk/sour milk. After drinking, the health value will drop to 1. It can't be recovered within 10 minutes. Price: 1 Red crystal coin 100 bags.

Ye Tianxie: (+_+)~~

Star-picking gloves: special equipment for pseudo-equipment. After wearing it, you can steal or **** a single target. Stealing: randomly steal one or two items from the other party. The basic probability of success is equal to its lucky value x3. The stronger the strength, the lower the success rate, the higher the level of the stolen target, and the lower the success rate. Snatch: Forcibly seize the equipment or props that the other party is using. The basic probability of success is equal to its lucky value x2. The stronger the strength of the robbed object, the lower the success rate. The higher the level of the target is, the lower the success rate. A total of 100 times can be used, and the remaining number of uses can be 100/100. Price: 5 red crystal coins, up to 10 can be purchased.

Ye Tianxie: (Star-picking gloves... Star-studded gloves that smashed a lot of things from the No. 1 mysterious businessman. With his current lucky value, use it to steal things, um......... must buy.)

Reel class:

The Confucius Scroll - Jian: The Volume of Heaven, the magical identification scroll that is blessed by the ancient gods, the use of the scroll for identification, can make any identification 100% success, the price: 120 red crystal coins, only one can be purchased.

The Confucius Scroll - Forging: The Heavenly Roll, the magical forged scroll that is blessed by the ancient gods, used in the forging, can make any forging 100% successful, the price: 120 amethyst coins, only one can be purchased.

The Confucius Scroll - 泯: The Heavenly Roll, the magical forged reel of the ancient **** blessing, used in the forging, 100% of the forged equipment erase all equipment restrictions, the price: 120 amethyst coins, Only one can be purchased.

The Confucius Scroll - Cooking: The Heavenly Roll, the magical cooking reel that is blessed by the ancient gods, can use this scroll to make 100% success for any cooking. Price: 120 blue crystal coins, only one can be purchased.

The Confucius Scroll - Plant: The Heavenly Roll, the magical planting scroll that is blessed by the ancient gods, can be used to make 100% success when planting. The price is 120 green crystal coins, only one can be purchased.



Ye Tianxie stayed, shocked, and was completely shaken. He stared at the five reels, and after a long time, he struggled to pick up two words - "I rely!"

Actually... 100% successful scroll! !

Ye Tianxie still remembers the heart stone that the blacksmith Lao Wang took out when he returned to No. 60001 Novice Village, and its role is to erase the use limit of the equipment by 100%. The effect is exactly the same as that. Scroll - 泯. The heart of the stone was caused by the whole battle of God, and finally the blacksmith Lao Wang was forced to No. 60001 Novice Village. And these five reels, all of which are similar 100% success volumes, a theoretically unworthy volume. With these reels, a low-level life professional can also complete a very high-level project, and with a huge experience of success, the ranks soar.

100% success, what an amazing incredible effect.

Similarly, these scrolls with amazing features must be bought, and one must not be less.

In addition to these five exaggerated scrolls, there is a more powerful scroll that Ye Tianxie most wants:

God's gift: the scroll of heaven, sealed with the magical scroll of the power of God's blessing, after use, the right to transfer a job. Price: 30 red crystal coins, 30 blue crystal coins, 30 green crystal coins, 30 amethyst coins, 30 citrine coins.

This old man... oh, it’s a professional reel, and there’s no one that sells a scroll that doesn’t have an amazing effect. Ye Tianxie thought silently and then looked at the last reel:

Dragon Land Transfer: After use, it will be driven to the front of the Dragon Land. Price: 10 Amethyst coins.


Ye Tianxie was once again shocked, and this old man actually sold even such reels! The transfer volume of the Dragon Land, if he buys this scroll, he can directly reach the dragon, completely ignoring the dragon scales and the messy arrays! This scroll, which appears in time, can't be timely, and it can't be coincidental.

Ye Tianxie looked up and looked at the old man of the dry bar... He now feels that the old man is getting more and more pleasing to the eye, and it is more timely than the legendary timely rain Songjiang.

Hey, the first love that was fifteen years ago was married. 】

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