Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 857: Xuanwuzhi

Skill scroll:

Skill Reel - Move the flowers and pick up the wood: Get the guardian stunts after use - Move the flowers and pick up the wood, and release the guardian's hood to cover all the surrounding partners. Within one minute, all the damage of the covered partner will be 100% transferred. On your own body. The coverage range is 30 meters around itself, consuming 1500 magic, and can be used 5 times a day. Shield class can learn. Price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

After the various effect reels, there are quite a few skill reels. The skills of the first skill reel bring a considerable familiarity to Ye Tianxie... This is clearly the skill of the abyss knight Long Yuan, and one of his strongest guardian skills. Although this shifting wood is much worse than the dragon's shifting wood in terms of duration and scope, it is still an amazing guardian skill.

Skill Reel - Sunflower Collection: Get special passive skills after use - Sunflower Magic, to improve your attack ability at the expense of your own life. After using the upper limit of life -10%, attack power +10%, the effect can be upgraded. A total of five levels, the peak effect is the upper limit of life -50%, attack +50%. Available for all occupations, price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

Ye Tianxie: ⊙_⊙b

Skill Reel - Vientiane Prajna: Get special passive skills after use - Vientiane Prajna, to increase your own maximum health limit at the cost of weakening your attack ability. After using the upper limit of life +10%, attack power -10%, the effect can be upgraded. A total of five levels, the peak effect is the upper limit of life +50%, attacking -50%. Available for all occupations, price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

Skill Reel - Bei Ming Shen Gong: Get special passive skills after use - Bei Ming Shen Gong, to improve his life ability at the expense of reducing his magic ability. After use, the magic value is limited to -10%, the maximum value of life is +10%, and the effect can be upgraded. A total of five levels, the peak effect is the upper limit of life +50%, the maximum magic value is -50%. Available for all occupations, price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

Skill Reel - Taiji Shenong: Get special passive skills after use - Taiji Shengong, at the cost of reducing its own movement speed, improve your defense ability... After use, the movement speed is -10%, the defense power is +10%, and the effect can be upgraded. . A total of five levels, the peak effect is +50% defense, moving speed -50%. Available for all occupations, price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

Skill reel - Qiankun big move: get special passive skills after use - Qiankun big move. At the cost of reducing your own defense, you can increase your mobile speed. After using it, the moving speed is +10%, the defense power is -10%, and the effect can be upgraded. A total of five levels, the peak effect is -50% defense, moving speed +50%. Available for all occupations, price: 10 black crystal coins. Only one can be purchased.

Skill Scroll - Jade Girl Heart:............

Skill Scroll - Jiuyin Zhenjing:............

Skill Reel - Jiuyang Shengong:............

Skill Scroll - Purple Heart Method:............

Skill scroll - turtle interest**:............



A large row of skill reels came down, and the eyes of Ye Tianxie looked vertigo. Except for the first shift, all the other skill reels carry passive skills. Each skill has a strange name, and all are a routine that permanently enhances certain attributes by permanently weakening certain attributes. There are blood reduction and increase attack, there are reduction and increase of blood, there is a drop attack and defense, there is attack and defense, there is increased magic and blood reduction, there is demonization and blood increase, there is deceleration and increase defense, there is reduction and acceleration... In the same way, the eyes of Ye Tianxie are dazzling, and each one needs 10 black crystal coins. The number of black crystal coins owned by Ye Tianxie is enough to buy all these skill reels.

Equipment category:

Xuanwuzhi:? ? ? ? Price: 999 citrine coins.

Seeing the last basaltic blasphemy, Ye Tianxie's strangeness is not too much surprise. The No. 1 mysterious businessman has the Suzaku. The No. 2 mysterious businessman has a ring of white tigers. This old man has a basaltic genius. It seems that nothing is surprising.

And at this point, the five major gods of the mysterious ... ... Kirin Heart, Qinglong Ring, Xuanwu Zhi, Suzaku's 翎, Baihu's ring, he has all know the whereabouts. One on him, one in the hands of the round, one in the No. 60001 novice village, two on the mysterious businessman.

"Hey, how, the old man's things are good? These things are the collections of the old man for thousands of years, each one is the world's rare, fancy one, just give me enough crystal coins, you can take it right away. If you go, you have to seize the opportunity. If you miss it, you won’t know what year and month the next time you met. Hey.” Seeing Ye Tianxie’s eyes removed from those props, the old man’s eyes became A slit made a burst of laughter.

Ye Tianxie checked the number of crystal coins on his body: 230 crystal coins, 152 green crystal coins, 183 blue crystal coins, 190 amethyst coins, 259 citrine coins, 180 black crystal coins, white crystal. 176 coins. He believes that if they all come out, they can scare away the old man in front of him.

The base did not think about it. Ye Tianxie immediately took out 200 citrine coins: "All the sacred stones, the empty illusion stone, and 100, buy the extremely dark Xuanjin."

The precious and rare degree of crystal coins, no one is more clear than the mysterious businessman. Seeing that Ye Tianxie suddenly took out a whole two hundred citrine coins, Laozi’s eyes directly smashed, and then nodded with a smile. At the fastest speed, I took out 5 pieces of Shenhuang stone and 5 pieces of empty magic stone, and the extremely dark mysterious gold in a metal scorpion, as if I was afraid of slow movements. Ye Tianxie regretted it: "Sure enough, good vision, **** Stone and empty illusion stone are hidden with magical power, and this extremely dark Xuanjin, the old man dare to say, except for the old man here, you can't find it anywhere else, hehe..."

The deal was successful and both people showed an excited look.

Ye Tianxie also took out 120 red, green, blue, and purple crystal coins: "Buy identification, forging, annihilation, cooking four rhinoceros scrolls."

A full 480 crystal coins, the mouth of the old man, the eyeballs almost did not fall. Excited, he picked up the four precious scrolls and said, "Don't blame the expensive scrolls. They are all scrolls containing the power of the gods. They can easily destroy this. The rules of the world are things that should not exist. You get four pieces at once, and you can’t, it’s incredible.”

When the transaction is completed, the old man’s eyes are shining straight... It’s just like dreaming when you start with hundreds of pieces. He looked at Ye Tianxie with his eyes: "Young people, what else do you need?"

Ye Tianxie pondered a bit, but decided to buy the last "spiritual scroll - plant also bought. Although this seems to be useless to him, Chen Xue also has enough planting ability, but maybe it is true A useful day will be ready." At this point, he took out the last 70 amethyst coins and 50 white crystal coins: "Buy the planting rhinoceros scroll."

The original mysterious businessman No. 2 and he said that white crystal coins can be used as any crystal coin including black crystal coins.

"White... White Crystal Coin?" Seeing the white crystal coin, the old man and the reaction are exactly the same as the original flower jade phoenix. First, it is like a ghost, and then it is full of excitement, and then the body of the cockroach The scrolls were taken out, and the fire and Ye Tianxie completed the transaction, and then took the white crystal coins, which seemed to be excited.

"Young people, where did you get these white crystal coins?" asked the old man of the dry head.


"..." Seeing that Ye Tianxie is obviously unwilling to answer, even if he answered it, he must be a perfunctory gesture. The old man who is interested in the head does not ask again, but instead changes his face and smiles: "Young people, you are The legendary 'big money'? What else is needed, though, oh..."

Ye Tianxie took out 30 red crystal coins, 30 blue crystal coins, 30 green crystal coins, 30 citrine coins, 40 white crystal coins, and bought the scroll of God's gift and the transfer of the dragon's land. Then I bought 23 bottles of pure milk with the remaining 23 blue crystal coins, and bought 100 packets of melamine by a red crystal coin. I bought a piece of rock monument 4 in a citrine coin. Then, take 50 red crystal coins and buy all 10 star picking gloves.

Finally, looking at the number of black crystal coins that he owned, Ye Tianxie bit his teeth and took out 130 black crystal coins at once, saying: "The thirteen skill scrolls, all bought."

Looking at a lot of black crystal coins in the hands of Ye Tianxie, the mouth of the old man was more big than the hippo, and his eyes were as bright as the two high-powered light bulbs. After being stagnant for at least three seconds, he silently mourned: "The vomiting of the cake, the treasure is gone, today the super big dog is transported..." and then hula lala took all the thirteen skill reels Come out, such as waste paper, a brain plug was given to Ye Tianxie, and then held 130 black crystal coins, the teeth almost did not smile.

Since then, in addition to the basaltic martial arts that Ye Tianxie could not afford to live and die, the old-fashioned head of the old man was searched and cleaned. Ye Tianxie took the star-picking gloves and struggled to cast a role on the old man... The original Suzaku's scorpion was picked up from the No. 1 mysterious businessman with a star-studded glove. But after thinking for a long time, I finally gave this idea to death. The reason why it was successful at the beginning was that the tree vine with the wishing tree tied the unfortunate businessman No. 1 and even succeeded for dozens of times. The strength of this old man is definitely not simple. If you steal it directly, it will be strange to succeed, but it will lead to a lot of trouble.

"Hey, young people, the old man really didn't misread you, you have a great future. The things on the old man are almost bought by you. It seems that you have nothing else to buy. If there is something new, let's go first. After that, there will be a period, hehe..."There are so many crystal coins in the hand, the old man who is afraid of being robbed by Ye Tianxie will be leaving in a hurry. He just left two steps and turned back and threw it to Ye Tian. Evil one thing: "Young people, this is for you, if you want to buy something later, just call me my name and you will know where I am, although now I am almost sold out, but I can't use it. How long will there be other treasures, hehe."

After that, the old man’s body swayed and disappeared in front of Ye Tianxie.

The old man who threw the leaf to Ye Tianxie was a dirty cardboard, which should be similar to the business card that Huafeng gave him. Ye Tianxie’s eyes were aimed at... and then sprayed out on the spot:

Flower Butterfly Business Card: A business card made by a butterfly with special power. Use this business card to talk directly to the flower butterfly. Unlimited use. Not tradeable. Disappeared directly after discarding.

The old man is called...flowers...flowers! ? ! ?

I@! #¥%......

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