Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1333: Suzaku Fawei (4)


Gu Ruoyun looked at the appearance that Wenya was not willing to answer, and changed a little: "I want to let her speak, this matter will be handed over to you."

Suddenly, Wenya’s body was shocked, and she looked at the Suzaku who was walking towards her. She said uglyly, “What do you want to do?”

"Of course it is for you to answer the owner's question!"

Suzaku smiled at Wenya, and she reached out and blazed a blazing flame on her palm: "Do you know the end of the Lin family? You were trapped by my Suzaku's fire and let him be physically Not ruined, the soul is not destroyed, but I have been tortured by the millennium in the fire of my Suzaku..."

The gentle face is more and more fearful, and the footsteps want to go backwards.

Nine Suzaku simply did not give her a chance, and she has already circumvented her.

How can she not know when Lin’s family is in the end?

Do not!

It should be the people of the entire first city know!

It is said that within the house of Lin’s house, painful mourning will come from time to time, and it has lasted for more than half a year! The kind of screaming is like a ghost crying, so that others feel the fear when they hear it.

It’s hard to be done. The man who tortured the Lin family’s family so badly was this little girl?

"Of course, I am definitely not going to do this to you..."

Just as Wenya became more and more afraid, the sound of Suzaku sounded again.

After hearing her voice, Wenya could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not the same ending as the Lin family, she will not be afraid...

"For you, how is the millennium enough?" Suzaku's nephew turned a few times, and his face smiled even more. "At least it will take 10,000 years. After all, you Wen Jia is the master, how can you be like the Lin family?" The end?"

At this moment, Wenya only felt a cold from the bottom of her feet, even though the Suzaku in front of her hand held the flame, she could not feel the slightest temperature, and her whole body was shaking.

"Let's say, are you behind the scenes of the main city?"

Suzaku's palm dragged the flame, and the tone threatened: "If you don't answer, I will definitely make you more fierce than the Lin family!"

"I said," Wenya finally opened her mouth and said palely. "Yes, that thing is really made by Wen Jiazhu!"


A powerful anger emerged from Gu Ruoyun's body. She looked at Wenya in front of her coldly and asked: "What do you want to take away from my brother? It is best to give me honestly, otherwise, you will end up with you. clear!"

"Yes..." Wen Ya bite her lip, "I want to refine him to be a beggar!"


After hearing these two words, Gu Ruoyun’s breath became more and more cold, with a chilling temper.

You are a creature that has no life and thoughts and will only obey the master's command! Can Wen’s family want to refine Gu Yu’s refinement...

"Did you warm up to Xiling mainland some time ago, and took my brother? Where is my brother now? Is it still in your home?"

"No," Wenya shook her head. "Gu Yu was secretly let go of my wolf-hearted sister. He is no longer in my Wenjia, Gu Ruoyun, I have already told you what you want to know, then you are now Can you let me go?"

"Let you let me go?"

Gu Ruoyun sneered and walked slowly to Wenya: "Of course I will let you go."

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