Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1334: Suzaku Fawei (5)

Wen Yan, Wen Ya heart a happy, the eyes flashed a killing.

Just wait for her to leave here, some is the way to kill this woman!


Just behind the warmth of Wenya's heart, a black flame fell on her body, burning the skin of her chest, and the painful heart screamed. At this moment, a medicinal medicine rolled into her throat.

Looking at her move, Chu Luo stood behind her and shuddered. She suddenly felt that the action of the master before giving her medicine was much milder, at least mixed in the tea. Not like the violence in the face of Wenya...

"Chulu, the master of the family is terrible."

Ziyun stepped back two steps and then said: "Sure enough, the most poisonous woman, women are sinister and poisonous creatures."



Chu Luo's punch hit the chest of Ziyun, screaming at her: "What do you say the most poisonous?"

This guy, actually so insulting women?

Obviously, Chu Luo at this time forgot, when Gu Ruoyun gave her medicine, she also said such a sentence...

"What did you give me?"

In the moment when Ziyun wanted to talk, a scream came over.

I saw the gentleman's mission to buckle my throat, want to spit out the medicinal herbs swallowed in the abdomen, but that remedy has been turned into a pool of clear water, and her body blends into one.

"I can't take a shot at you for the time being, so that you don't leak anything, I will give you this poison," Gu Ruoyun twitched his lips and sneered. "This poison will attack every night, it will make you feel uncomfortable. In addition, about You can't mention anything that happens now, you can't even think about it. Otherwise, you will have a headache and you will die!"

Wen Ya's face became more and more pale, her body trembled more and more, staring at Gu Ruoyun, the eyes are like eating her.

"And..." Gu Ruoyun paused. "I will give you a painful suicide after I have given you this poison. So when I invented this poison, I added something, whenever I add something. When you want to commit suicide, you will also have a headache, and you will not even have the strength to take the sword."

Wen Ya’s voice trembled: “Why are you doing this to me? I have not hurt you at all,”

Upon hearing this, Gu Ruoyun sneered: "If you are not a gentleman, my parents will not be dispersed for more than 20 years, and they will not let them leave me and my brother from an early age. More importantly, until now you are playing. My elder brother’s idea is to refine him to be awkward. You said, how can I let you go to Wen’s family? I will only make you die better than death!”

"But, isn't Gu Hao still okay? Are you not married?" Wenya's eyes were praying, and there was no previous anger. "Since you have not lost anything, then you let me go." What's better? What's more, if Lin Jia has not chased Gu Tian for so many years, he will not grow so fast. It is reasonable to say that he should also thank us for Wen."

"thank you?"

Gu Ruoyun’s smile reveals a strong murder: “Thank you for letting the couple disperse for more than 20 years, or thank you for letting them lose their son? And, if it’s not for me, the rock that I met in the fifth floor. The dragon is an acquaintance, maybe, I am already dead under your conspiracy."

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