Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1339: Hidden door (3)


After seeing the medicinal herbs that fell to the ground, the young man’s face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes gazed at Gu Ruoyun.

Why does this woman know that the drug is in his hands?

"Wen Ying!" Wenya's face also changed time, and looked angry at Wen Ying. "What is going on here? Why do you have a drug in your hand?"

In fact, if you change to an average person, you must be excused from the disciples of the family at this time. At least you must admit that the drug is a gas-filled Dan!

Wenya did not do this.

Because she knows that even if it is done, it will not help! The medicinal herbs of Julingdan are easy to verify. In case it is verified at the time, I am afraid that Wen Jia will become more and more shamed!

Therefore, it is not necessary to acknowledge this fact.

"Wenjia?" Murong Qian stepped back two steps and shook his head in disbelief. "Why would it be Wen Jia who stole my medicine? And, how did she know that Dan medicine would be in the hands of Wen Jia?"

For the alchemy teacher, the smell of the medicinal herb is very sensitive. From now on, Gu Ruoyun smelled the smell of the lingering spirit in this man. Therefore, she was able to find out the whereabouts of Julingdan so quickly.


Ziyun snorted: "What do you have to say now? Actually dare to fall into my family is a thief, now face it! Chulu, you give me a count, these people fall into our master, how should I lose this reputation damages ?"

Chu Luo took a look at Ziyun, and then really seriously counted it.

"My master has now won the first place in the hidden door assessment, and soon I can enter this hidden door cultivation. Therefore, it is also a hidden door! Since it is a hidden door, the reputation loss will also be It will become very expensive. After all, the hidden door is so big, it is so famous. If the reputation fee is too cheap, how do people think about the hidden door?"

Ziyun had to admire Chu Luo, and this words completely brought the water to the hidden door. Even if the hidden door left to make a big opinion on them, now they must stand on their side for the entire hidden door!

Sure enough, the left-hander who wanted to talk to Murong Qian and Wen Jia immediately swallowed the words after hearing the words of Chu Luo. He snorted and said: "Since Murong Qian really married you, then this reputational loss Really need to pay, you open a price!"

"Left makes adults?"

Murong Qian’s face changed, and before he could talk, he was sprayed out of the blood of Chu’s next words.

"The reputation loss of the champion of the hidden door, at least the tens of millions of gold coins? I said at least, later I will re-price according to the insults of Miss Murong family to my master." Chulu that delicate face It was full of smiles, and the mocking scorpion fell to the pale face of Murong Qian, and scorned the lower lip.

Before she was so deceived by the master, it was so hard to turn her off to deceive others. How could she let such a good chance?

"Thousands of gold coins, why don't you rob you!"

Murong Qian can no longer care about the other, directly screaming at Churo, the evil eyes seem to want to give the other party a corpse!

"Ziyun, she fell into my robbery, how is this reputational loss?"

Chuluo squinted her eyes and turned to look at the purple clouds.

Ziyun’s fingers stroked his chin and indulged for a long time. He said: “Your price is not expensive, so it’s worth five hundred and two. I believe this time left the adult will definitely be the master of us. After all, now is us. The people of Mozong won the championship, so our Mozong also represents the hidden door. The reputation of the lost person is invaluable. However, we should look at the young and unfamiliar Miss Murong family, or open a Give her the price, lest she will feel embarrassed for the fall."

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