Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1340: Hidden door (4)

Murong Qian’s body trembled.

Gu Ruoyun’s reputation is worth 10 million. What is Chulu’s? The little female guards stopped, and the five million gold coins did not know how many dogs they could buy!

"Left makes adults, you have to be the master of this matter!"

Murong Qiang's biting his teeth and turning to the left to make an adult, the expression suddenly became wronged: "They are the lion's big mouth, want to cheat our Murong family! Ten million gold coins, are they robbing?" Even the robbers are not as embarrassed as they are."

"Miss Murong, you are wrong, not 10 million gold coins, now it has become 15 million," Ziyun corrected with good intentions. "And, you said that my family is not worth the 10 million? It means hidden door. Isn't the person worth ten million?"

The left left just wanted to speak, and was again blocked by the words of Ziyun. His handsome face was blue and his eyes were cold.

"Mu Rongqian, the hidden door people are very expensive, and the reputation damages are very expensive! So, that 15 million you give them!"

Murong Qian’s face is changing, and she never thought that the left will be for these people!

Thinking of this, she bit her lip and trembled with anger, but she didn't dare to say a word. Otherwise, if I say something wrong, I guess I have to add millions of gold coins. Therefore, Murong Qian, who was full of anger but could not vent, looked at the young man who had stolen.

"Hello, you are so courageous, even the things that I admire to the family are dare to steal. Who gave you such great courage, not even life?"

The young man was so scared that he stepped back two steps and did not dare to face the anger of Murong Qian.

"Xiao Qian," Wen Ya's face changed and stood up and said, "Wen Ying is the grandson of our warm parents, so this is the case. You can give me any compensation. Things have happened as if they have not happened."

Even if Wen Ya hates Wen Ying in this occasion, it must be maintained, but otherwise, this guy's grandfather will definitely have a lot of trouble with Wen Jia!

"Wen Ya, you give me away, today I have to give this stinky little lesson a taste!"

With a bang, Murong Qian pulled out the whip and pumped it toward Wen Ying’s face. The whip was with a sigh of breath, like a viper, tangling around his neck.

"Xiao Qian, stop!"

With a bang, an imposing manner emerged from the gentle body, and the whips of Murong Qian were shocked. Then, the fierce whip turned to Murong Qian.

At this point, Murong Qian wants to close the hand is too late...

The long whip was pumped **** the face, and a **** trace appeared on her face in an instant. She screamed with sorrow, her hands clenched her face, and the whole person was embarrassed.


Wenya lived, and looked at Murong Qian, whose face was bloody. A trace of coldness came up from the bottom of her heart. She couldn’t even pull her feet.

Just now she clearly controlled her strength, why she still hurt Murong Qian, and also ruined her appearance. If this incident is passed back to the Murong family, then Murong’s father will definitely not let her go...

Murong family and Wen Jia forces are almost the same, if it really caused the battle, there are only two defeats.

Thinking of this, Wenya’s heart trembled, she didn’t understand why she hurt Murong Qian.

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