Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 845: Truth (2)


Like a blue sky, the body of Xia early snow stepped back a few steps, and the face of a white man became more and more pale. How could she not believe that her mother, who is happy with her father, would be infected with other men?

"Tianxing, you are leaving now! If you are known by Xia Ming, then we are all finished!"

In the room, Qiu Na’s face was panicked and she hurriedly wanted to launch the national teacher. However, the national teacher reached out and held her hand tightly, and her eyes were gentle and affectionate.

"Nana, you can rest assured that we will never know anyone, and I will not destroy the feelings between you. Moreover, I will come back to see you, in addition to visiting you, and I want to see our daughter. Our daughter was not bullied in the summer home, so I made up such a lie. Unfortunately, the old guy in Xiajia didn’t believe me from beginning to end, but sent someone to secretly check me. For this reason, I had to leave the country. I thought that after he died, I could go back to this place, but you always pushed me outside the door. Nana, for you, I didn't have the value of using it. Can't you even see you?"

Qiu Na’s face was very pale. Before the birth of Xia’s father, it was the master of the same name as Jindi. It was she who let Tianxing Guoshi go far away. Who thought that Xiajia’s father would have a strange disease and finally died. And the death, without the summer home of Xia Laozi, is simply not worth mentioning, Xia Ming is also a master who can not help the wall!

However, today's Xiajia has the help of Jindi!

More scary Suzaku beasts.

Therefore, even now, Qiu Na does not dare to let Xia Ming know all the true images.

"Tianxing, just when I beg you, you will never appear again, I..."


Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and suddenly Qiu Na’s face changed greatly. After seeing the white woman standing at the door, her face became more and more ugly, and she trembled and said: “Sher, how are you here?”

At the beginning of the summer, the snow sneered, and looked coldly at the dogs and men in the room: "If I am not there, I can't hear you! Mother, don't you feel that you are disgusting? You made this kind of thing, basically It’s a slut!”

"Xue," the National Teacher had seen some excitement in the early days of the early summer snow. After hearing her words, he frowned. "How can you say your mother like this? How difficult has it been for you for years?"

"shut up!"

At the beginning of the summer, Xue Yan’s stunned him: “Now you will give me a roll and leave my summer home!”

"Snow," Qiu Na opened her mouth and wanted to say something. After seeing her daughter’s disgusting eyes, her heart suddenly poured a cold water, and a feeling of heart-cooling spread throughout the body. "I'm sorry, when your father broke the promise first, he left me in order to get the title of Xiajia Shaozhu, and he got the heart of Miss Mo Jia with his strategy, so I hate him and I also happen to coincide." I got to know Tianxing Guoshi and I came together."

"Just I still love your father, so when he is willing to accept me, I will accept it with enthusiasm. Who knows, when I arrived at Xia Jia, I realized that the real master of Xiajia is the monk, I It’s just a slap!” When Qiu Na said this, her eyes flashed a sternness. “Even the Xia’s father, only recognize that wife! I often rushed Xia Ming to the monk’s room in the middle of the night. I am not so lonely, I once again darkened Chen Cang with Tianxing Guoshi, and after that time, I was pregnant with you."

At that time, it was Xia Ming who designed Miss Mo Jia to keep her position. However, Qiu Na never blamed Xia Ming.

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