Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 846: Truth (3)

That is the man she loves, then how can she blame him?

No matter what he does, everything is correct, and the wrong ones are others!

If it wasn't for Xia Laozi and Mo's family, he would be the name of Mrs. Xia Jiashao! It is precisely because of the sentence of Xia Laozi that person who could get the heart of Miss Mo Jia, whoever can become the Xiajia Shaozhu, the man gave up himself.

"Do not!"

At the beginning of the summer, Xue shook his head and stepped back a few steps: "I am not the daughter of this man. I am the blood of Xiajia. How can I be his daughter? I don't believe it, I will never believe your gibberish!"

"Snow!" Tianxing Guoshi’s eyebrows sank and hesitated. "If you are not my daughter, why did I say that to the world? What astronomical astrology? I am a national teacher, but still There is no such ability, and all that I said is for you. As long as Xia Jia thinks that you are the master of the ancient tower, Xia Ruoyun is the body of disaster, then you can replace her as a righteous lady."


At the beginning of the summer, she lived in the snow. She looked at Tianxing Guoshi and said, "What did you say? You said that I am the Lord of the Ancient Pagoda, just to help me get the status?"

"Yes," Tianxing Guoji nodded. "In fact, you are not the owner of the ancient **** tower. Xia Ruoyun is not a disaster, but I have to do it. Unfortunately, Xia Laozi is not blinded by me. The ancient tower was handed over to Xia Ruoyun. If you really have a relationship with the ancient tower, this ancient tower will not fall into the hands of others."

The implication is that Xia Ruoyun is the true master of the ancient tower, he only said this to help the early summer snow.

However, this statement is like a blue sky, so that the early summer snow is crazy on the spot!

"You lie, you are lying! I am the real master of the ancient **** tower! I am the best woman in the whole world. Why does Xia Ruoyun take my things away? The ancient **** tower belongs to me!"

At the beginning of the summer, the snow was holding her head tightly on the floor, her body twitching gently, and the tears fell silently from the eyes.

When she learned that she became a waste, she was not so desperate, because she always believed that as long as she got the ancient tower, she always had a chance to recover. But now these people have told her that the past rumors are all fake?


Qiu Na went over and held her tightly on the floor: "He said everything is true. That is what I told him to say. Otherwise, you are just a little daughter. What is the status of Xia Jia? What's more, if I don't do this, do you think Xia Ming will kill Xia Ruoyun's mother and daughter?"

At the beginning of the summer, Xue’s body trembled and slowly lowered her hand. She lifted the face full of tears and said desperately: “Mom, what if the father knows these things? Have you not known him for years? If he knows, he will never let go of our mother and daughter!"

Xia Ming’s kind-hearted people will never be soft to them because they love their mother! The most important thing is that after so many years, deep feelings will deteriorate! He was so good to them before, what he did, not because she was the real master of the ancient towers in the early summer?

If you know that all this is a lie, Xia Ming’s character will not let them go!

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