Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 856: The truth reveals (2)

"Gu Ruoyun, I have to say, you really got ready to come here," Xia Ming quickly recovered and sneered. "But you still shout out the person behind you who disguised as my voice." Haha, it’s really ridiculous. Do you think that if you come up with such a thing, you can tell me that I killed my daughter? I have never said that Xia Ming, you want to frame me!”

Xia Ming did not believe that there was something in this world that could record the voice of the people. Some people pretend to be talking to him in the back, but these words are indeed what he once said, but as long as he does not admit, these people are willing to believe in him. Still this woman?

The crowd suddenly talked about it, and at this moment, a cold voice slowly came from the side.

"If the Emperor did not guess wrong, this piece of jade should be the legendary Tianlu Shenyu! It is also the foremost in the artifact rankings. It has no fighting power, but has a magical function. That is the ability to use the spirit. The force seals the words that one has said in this jade. In the end, you only need to re-inject the spiritual power to let the sound play back."

The implication is that the paragraph must have been said by Xia Ming, so it will be retained in the **** of heaven and earth.

The face of Xia early snow changed greatly, and the sad and desperate eyes gazed at the increasingly cold face of the Golden Emperor.

Why didn’t she believe that Jindi, who had been with Xia’s family for so many years, would have abandoned her summer family and helped this woman?

However, at this time, the early summer snow has forgotten, and Jindi protects the Xiajia, and there is only one Xia Ruoyun! Once I knew that Xia Jia was the murderer of Xia Ruoyun, why should he help his enemies?

"What does Jindi mean? Xia Ming does not say that someone is pretending to be his voice behind him? But why did he always help the Xia Jia's Jindi to play Xia Ming's face on the spot?"

"Oh, it is hard that you have forgotten that the Golden Emperor has nothing to do with the Xia family. Over the years, he has helped the Xia family. It is because he and Xia Ruoyun were born into a relationship of death, and listening to the words of Emperor Jin, it seems that Xia Ming really said this. It was sneaked down by people, that is to say, he was the murderer of Xia Ruoyun."

"Xia Ming just said it myself, the tiger poison does not eat, this face is almost swollen! I never thought about it, the home of the Xia family would be such a hypocrite, I really mistaken people. !"

Xia Ming’s footsteps were a few times, and his face was pale and colorless.

If other people say this, they still have room for rebuttal, but in the face of the Golden Emperor, no matter what he said, these people will not believe him again!

The hateful thing is that Gu Ruoyun has made a set of drills for himself! And when he was smart, he even fell into the hands of a little girl!


Turkic, Xia Ming laughed wildly, and the laughter was full of bleak: "Yes, Xia Ruoyun is really killing me!"


Everyone did not expect Xia Ming to admit it directly, but he was left in the same place by the sound of the sound, looking at him silly.

"Father!" The face of Xia Chuxue suddenly changed. How did the father admit it so quickly? In this way, I don't even want to get the heart of the Golden Emperor!

However, Xia Ming did not seem to hear the words of Xia Chuxue. He closed his eyes with some grief and slowly slammed open.

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