Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 857: Truth revealing (3)

"But what about it? I killed my daughter, but I don't feel bad about it? But I have to do it!" Xia Ming's sad face is as painful as the death of Xia Ruoyun. "The years have come. I have never forgotten her, and I am always in pain. But, you know what happened? In those days, the woman who was a big woman was colluding with Mo’s family and wanted to kill Xue’s mother and daughter! ”

"Where is Cher's innocence? Because the national teacher predicted that she was the master of the ancient **** tower, Xia Ruoyun was for the ancient **** tower, combined with Mojiatun to want to take a shot to Xue's mother and daughter, even my father, they also killed What is wrong with my revenge for my father? What mistakes do I have to protect my daughter? If such a big woman is still alive, how many people should die in her hands?"

Xia Ming’s face was so sad that his face was full of sadness.

"Yes, I have said those words that have come out of Yu Pei, but I am also irritated! I just want to think that Xia Ruoyun and Mo Jia killed my father, even the kind and gentle Xue mother and daughter are not put. I have anger in my heart, I just said those swear words!"

"Father, don't say it," the early summer snow rushed to Xia Ming, his face shook his head in tears. "You give your sister some dignity. We said before, my sister is dead, these things are forgotten." Let's not let the world hurt her. After all, she is my sister. How can I bear her to leave such a bad name? And I said it that year, if my sister really wants to kill me, let her kill, I The death can be exchanged for her conscience, then I die without complaints."

Gu Ruoyun hooked his lips and smiled at the sing and harmony of the father and the daughter.

If it were not because she was the evil woman in the mouth of the father and the daughter, maybe she would be blinded by the acting skills of these people.

The same is also the cold-eyed Jindi, his face does not have a trace of expression, coldly staring at the father and daughter who cried in the crowd.


At the beginning of the summer, the snow slowly turned and walked to the front of Jindi. She suddenly fell down. She lifted the face full of tears and said apologetically: "Golden brother, I am sorry, I have been cheating you for years, really killing my sister." It’s our summer home! The reason why I didn’t tell you the truth is because my sister is too disguised, and I have been blinded by her fake face. I can’t bear to hear you all, if you really want to avenge your sister, Then you will kill me, and I will go to **** to find my sister to apologize."

After saying this, she closed her eyes, and the pale face was reluctant to die.

For Jindi, Xia Chuxue still has a lot of confidence. After so many years of getting along, this man can't bear to hurt her! What's more, everyone knows now that the wrong thing is Xia Ruoyun, and Jin Di is not going to be unscrupulous.

However, Xia Chuxue apparently looked at himself.

Jindi slowly raised his hand and patted the head of Xia Chuxue.

This palm is very strong, even if it is snow in the early summer, you can feel it with your eyes closed.


Lu Shen's face changed greatly, and the body flashed in front of the early summer snow, and hurriedly protected her into her arms.


This palm fell on the back of Lu Shen, and suddenly there was a blood spurting in the land. The handsome face was pale and colorless. At this moment, he only felt the pain of the internal organs, just like the slap of the palm. .

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