Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 858: The truth reveals (4)

Is this the power of the powerful Wu Emperor?

Even if he applies all the defenses, he can directly invade, leaving no room to destroy the body inside the defense?

Fortunately, the early summer snow is not a big problem!

At the beginning of the summer, Xue Xue is the true master of the ancient **** tower. One day, he will be able to tremble the mainland. At that time, he will have to be windy and rainy, and today’s revenge will be thousands of times in the future. Give him 10,000 times!

That's right! Lu Shen saved the early summer snow, not because she liked her, but for her future status.

After all, he worked so hard, just to marry her.

"Golden Brother, you... want to kill me?"

At the beginning of the summer, the snow lifted the pale face, desperately staring at the cold man in front of her eyes. At that moment, she did feel the man’s murder! And that one palm, there is no room left!

If it is not Lu Shenchong, she will really be on the spot and split, and die here!

But Xia early snow did not understand, Xia Ruoyun had only had a few lives with him, and he had been with him for six years. Why can she know that all the mistakes were caused by Xia Ruyun? Can you be so worried about her?

"Golden Emperor, do you want to kill her?" Gu Ruoyun shrugged his shoulders and glanced at the early summer snow. "But I am sorry, this woman's life, no one but me can't accept it!"

Jindi, who originally wanted to take the shot again, saw the eyebrows slightly wrinkled after hearing the words of Gu Ruoyun, and then he took his hand back. The cold eyebrows still had no temperature, and looked coldly at the early summer snow.

At the beginning of the summer, the heart of the snow shook a little, no longer to see the indifference of Jindi, she slowly stood up from the ground and walked toward Gu Ruoyun.

"I was surprised at the beginning. Why do you want to approach a guard around me? Until now I realized that everything you do is not just Xia Ruoyun. You keep saying that it is revenge for her. In fact, it is only because I am the ancient **** tower. The Lord is the Lord of the Ancient Gods Tower, destined to be immortal, so you want to kill me!" At the beginning of the summer, Xue sneered and continued, "Poor guards around me, played by you between applause, you Like Xia Ruoyun, my heart is too deep, my heart is hot! If you really have a little conscience, you should not do this. I have never provoked you in the early summer, why do you want to provoke me every time! I used to be too kind and always Being bullied, now, I will never let anyone deceive me!"

This time, Bai Zhongtian did not wait for Gu Ruoyun to speak, then he laughed and said with sarcasm: "You don't want us to bully you? Then you have to have strength! Can you not know that you are a waste now?"


Hey, after hearing these two words, Bai Zhongtian’s eyes are full of sarcasm. If this early summer snow is considered good, there is no evil person in this world.

"Waste? Cher, what does he mean, are you a waste?" Lu Shen's face changed. "How do you become a waste?"

At this moment, everyone’s eyes fell on the snow in the early summer.

At the beginning of the summer, Xue sneered: "Yes, my strength has been going backwards. What about it? I am the owner of the ancient tower, as long as I have the ancient tower, I can recover!"

Wen Yan, Lu Shen sighed, in this moment, Bai Zhongtian ridiculed the voice again.

"Haha, the owner of the ancient **** tower? Xia Chuxue, you are sure that you are the master of this ancient **** tower? Where is the ancient **** tower, can you come out and let us see?"

Bai Zhongtian got up, and this early summer snow knows that those words are the lies of the national teacher and Qiu Na. Now they can still be so vowed that it seems that he is really too young to see these people in Xiajia.

"Right, baby, don't you have a paragraph on your jade? Are you releasing that paragraph?"

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