Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 861: Destroy summer home (3)

Lu Shen laughed wildly and thought of his own efforts over the years. His heart was like being smothered by ants, and his pain was unable to extricate himself.

Xia Ming’s face changed instantly, and even the hand holding Qiu Na’s neck couldn’t help but loosen it. The murderous eyes turned to Lu Shen.

Xia Laozi was indeed poisoned by him! This matter does not even know the mother and daughter of Xue, why is he so clear?

"Oh, you must be curious how can I know this?" Lu Shen sneered, "If I don't have a handle in hand, can I work with the tiger for so long? Xia Ming, if you don't know, unless you do, you kill." I am going to announce the things of Xia Laozi in the world! Let everyone see your Xia Ming’s thief face, this is the price that your summer family has cheated on me for so many years!"

Lu Shen did not believe that Xia Ming did not know that Xia Chuxue was not the owner of the ancient tower.

Qiu Na gave him a green hat. He may not know it. Otherwise, he would not love an illegitimate daughter. However, the true master of the ancient **** tower, Xia Ming is sure to know!

Therefore, as long as the summer family is all together to deceive him, Lu Shen is angry!

If it weren't for this scam, maybe he had already given Xia Ruoyun a slap in the face, and it was a matter of morning and evening to break through the talent of Xia Ruoyun.


Just then, a strong force slammed into Xia Ming's body, letting his body step back a few steps, just as he raised his head in anger, a cold voice came from above his head.

"Xia family father, are you killing?"

When Xia Ming looked up, he slammed into a pair of cold scorpions.

The scorpion was too cold, cold enough to have no trace of affection, and the woman’s body was covered with endless murder, and the killing made his heart involuntarily panic.

"Ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, he laughed, and the laughter sounded in the noisy lobby, which was particularly embarrassing.

"Since all of these things are known to you, then everyone can't leave today."

He slowly stood up from the ground, and a touch of cold smile appeared on his lips: "As long as you are all dead, no matter what happens here today, no one will pass it out, and I am Xia Ming, still That candid true gentleman!"

As soon as I heard this, everyone thought that Xia Ming was mad.

You must know that both the medical sage and the Golden Emperor are the strongest in the realm of the Emperor Wu, and he relies on him to fight against these two people.

"Ha ha ha!" Bai Zhongtian laughed twice and asked with sarcasm. "Then I want to see now, what method do you use to make us die here?"

"Bai Zhongtian, in the past few years, you have been asking us for trouble in Xiajia, so the first person I will not let go is you!" A touch of killing flashed through Xia Ming’s eyes, all of a sudden, He shouted at the sky, "Suzaku, please help me to kill these people!"


Gu Ruoyun stunned, but before he came back, he heard a long shout from the sky. The sound was like a rush of horses, and some people with low strength could not breathe.

"Who is Gu Ruoyun? Get out of this adult!"


As the roar came, a flame fell from the sky, and the whole life broke into the lobby.

It was a huge flamingo, burning with a blazing flame, a pair of wings screaming like the wind, and the fierce eyes swept over everyone present, with a condescending taste.

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