Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 862: Destroy summer home (four)

"Suzaku? If I didn't get it wrong, it looks like Xia Ming is calling it Suzaku? Is it the legendary bird Suzaku?"

"This Suzaku is one of the four great beasts. It is said that it has disappeared many years ago. Why is it here? What is the summer home that has been able to have the mythical Suzaku? No wonder he dares to be so fearless."

Suzaku stunned, apparently dismissive of these humans who discussed him.

"I am asking once, who is Gu Ruoyun?"

After the second sentence of Suzaku fell, Xia Ming hurriedly walked over, and nodded and said: "Suzaku, who is Gu Ruoyun, is also the person you are looking for!"


In an instant, Suzaku’s eyes looked at Gu Ruoyun, and the flame-like scorpion burned with anger.

"You are Gu Ruoyun? Ok, very good, then you will die!"

In an instant, Suzaku waved its wings, as if it could burn all the flames of the world, all in front of it, with a sultry atmosphere.

"Be careful!"

Jindi sighed low and hurriedly rushed to the front of Gu Ruoyun, who stared at the squid in the anger.

The medical sage is not worried. There is an ancient phoenix purple evil beside this hoe, and a little Suzaku can't hurt her.

After all, between the beast and the ancient beast, there is a gap like a gap, and it is impossible to break through the blood suppression!

"Pool, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a squeaky voice came from the front of Gu Ruoyun. After seeing the figure in front of Gu Ruoyun, Suzaku snorted, and then a bigger anger erupted from the body and shouted: " You let it go!"

"Suzaku, you stop!" Yunyao's face changed greatly. The original elegant face cooled down with Suzaku's words. "If you don't stop, let me kill me first, then move her!"

Everyone did not understand the yellow dress woman who appeared in front of Gu Ruoyun out of thin air. Obviously, she did not understand the relationship between Suzaku and her. But this woman seems to have strength without Suzaku, how can she stop Suzaku?

"Abominable human!"

When I heard this, Suzaku became even more angry: "Xia Ming’s kid is right, you will only use the spirit beast as a shield, and you will have the ability to fight with this great man! You will only use the beast to resist the crisis for you. What are you strong?"

Spirit beast?

The people in the lobby face each other. Is this elegant and beautiful woman also a beast?

Looking at Yunyao's beautiful side, Xia Ming's heart gradually raised a bad feeling, but he did not even know where this feeling came from.

"Shield?" Yunyao stunned, frowning tightly. "What are you talking about? What shield? Suzaku, our friends haven't seen each other for so many years, how is your temper getting more and more violent? Even my masters are Want to hurt, she is not only my master, but my savior."

Suzaku snorted and glanced at Gu Ruoyun, who was guarded by Yunyao. He said, "You don't lie to me, you are just threatened by this woman! Xia Ming told me that he saw this woman with his own eyes." Will abuse you, but also grab the Qinglong threat to obey her orders, and use your body to resist the attack for her, he can not see the past and said this woman, and the result is hatred with her! But you do not have to Worried, I will save you and Qinglong now. I think Xia Ming is a good person. After all, he does not think that our beast is a human shield."

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