Evolution From the Big Tree

Evolution from a Big Tree Chapter 591

They were all strangled, the terrifying scene, not to mention the mutant beasts of these continents, even the sons

The mutated beasts under Yu's command were also a little scared

"Master's strength is really getting more and more terrifying."

"Indeed, I can't see through the current master."

During the rare discussion, Nine Tails and White Tiger also looked at each other, and the depths of their eyes were filled with shock.

The color of movement.

However, at this moment, as if he had discovered something, Jiuhu raised his eyes and looked at

A khaki swirl in the sky.

"I am old, here I come"

Amidst the sudden laughter, an oppressive breath burst out violently.


In an instant, the sky trembled, and faintly, everything began to twist.

And at this time, if someone is nearby, they will definitely find that a great pressure seems to be coming.

The Buddha acts on the body, and the body is as heavy as lead.

And this is gravity

a very terrible force

After breaking through the fourth level of extraordinary, Mo finally condensed this power into his own potential



Stepping out with one step, the body of a bull head, like a monster, is imprinted with countless mutant wild animals.

Beast eyelids.

He carried an ax over his shoulder.

At first glance, it is both domineering and terrifying.

However, what is most noticeable is behind him, an illusory vortex like a black hole


The flickering electric arcs are constantly intertwined in the illusory vortex.

And like this, looking at this vortex, it seems that the light is all attracting, and behind the living demons are all chemical

For the darkness.

Only, that one black vortex, the continuous vortex, seems to distort the space.

"Anyone, come and fight with me."

It seems to be a little excited, the bull demon who just walked out of the earth space is Jiang Yitou's giant axe

, cut towards the sky


Visible to the naked eye, a crack of hundreds of feet is pulled out in the sky.

In a daze, half of the sky was cut open by him

But, for a moment, as if realizing something, Niu Mo was taken aback for a moment.

He lowered his head, glanced at the prostrate thousands of mutated beasts, and then looked back, the plant far away

The towering giant tree was bigger than before, the bull demon also grinned, and the eye fish seemed to be twitching.

"Don't tell me the battle is over, master."

"What do you say?"

The playful voice reverberated in the void, but it shocked the whole world.

And at this moment, Yu Ziyu glanced at the current Bull Demon with great interest, and Yu Ziyu's eyes also

It was a slight condensate.

[Racially mutated bison.

It is the fourth level of Transcendence.

Birth talent: crescent horns—the crescent-like horns are changing again and again

sublimated, and turned into the true natal weapon of the Bull Demon


Special Ability Gravity Domain - able to freely control the gravity of one party's space, up to a hundred

Times, down to zero gravity, everything can be easily controlled.

The body of the beast 1 - press forward to the ground, restore the real posture of the beast again, with both strength and speed

will increase substantially.

Absolute black hole's comprehension of gravity, the condensed 'black hole force' can absorb

Induce all attacks, but there is a limit, along with the strength of the bull demon, the power of this black hole

The limit will continue to skyrocket,

Taking a deep look at the current attribute panel of the Bull Demon, Yu Ziyu also found it interesting.

The nature of this demon is really exactly the same as him

It also started to hide clumsiness.

Not to mention other things, just that the crescent horns that have turned into natal weapons are not ordinary.

horror bar

However, even so, the bull demon restrained the sharpness of the horns on his head, and instead used

The power of the black hole has attracted the attention of most powerhouses

"Tsk tsk, not bad."

In his heart, Yu Ziyu likes the bull devil's rough and delicate, somewhat stable temperament.

It seems that last time, in the hands of humans, the bull demon suffered a big loss, and he has reflected on it.

Thinking of this, Ziyu also suddenly rolled a branch


Accompanied by a roar, under the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts, a

The wicker like a divine chain tore apart the sky and flew far away.


With a cry of despair, a huge dark war elephant is already like a small

Like a sheep, it was rolled by Tzuyu's branches.

However, the dark war giant elephant at this time is a bit miserable

Blood was dripping all over his body, and even the white jade-like ivory was half broken

, looking shaky.

"You have just broken through, and I have not prepared a gift, so I will give you an ivory, and go

Find an old man to forge a good weapon. "

As he said that, Ziyu used a branch to break off the ivory of the Dark War Elephant, and threw it to the

Raw demons.

"Thank you, master."

Hehe smiled, and the Bull Demon didn't refuse either.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the master is building momentum.

yes, hype

In front of thousands of mutated beasts, create an image of clear rewards and punishments, so as to attract

Attract more mutated beasts to join the Misty Mountain Gate

Chapter 674: The Snake of Darkness Appearing Suddenly (Second)

night is getting dark

However, the northern side of this continent is as bright as day.

A giant tree like a skyscraper pierces into the sky.

Between the five colors, the night sky and even the earth are rendered

"Ho, ho, ho"

Amidst the low growls, one after another the mutated beasts started to sweep in an orderly manner.

started the battlefield

Countless corpses that had already turned into ice were dragged by mutated beasts towards the ice space


The space of ice is an extremely cold place, enough to keep these corpses from rotting.

Not to mention other things, with these corpses, the food for several months or even more than half a year in the misty mountains can be regarded as

got settled

Of course, for most mutant beasts, this kind of food that contains spiritual power really counts as food.

is luxury.

However, what is worth mentioning about "190" is that the mutant beasts under Tzuyu's command never

Will devour the corpses of companions.

Pulled by Yu Ziyu's breath, even if you never want to see it, friends and enemies can see it at a glance

Most of the corpses of these companions were brought back by the major clans.

Like the Tiger Clan, they will put the corpses of their companions into a pool of blood, and wait until the corpses melt,

After turning into bloody water, it continuously accumulates strength.

Then, if Tianjiao with the Tiger Clan rises, he can go to the blood pool to wash his blood.

And this is the so-called background.

It's hard to see what's going on right now.

But if it is thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, the arrogance of the Tiger Clan will definitely continue to emerge.

Just like this, there is also the top dragon clan

The most famous Dragon Tomb of the Dragon Clan also pays attention to this.

However, the methods of the Dragon Race are more cumbersome, and it is really not something other races can imitate.


With a sigh, he glanced at the battlefield regretfully, Ziyu also withdrew his gaze, and turned to

He looked at Nine Tails not far away.

"Master, I made a simple statistic, we lost 40% of the battle in Misty Mountain, and there are many

The commander is wounded.

"However, compared to these, our harvest is beyond expectations."

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