Evolution From the Big Tree

Evolution from a Big Tree Chapter 592

Speaking of this, Jiu Huafeng also turned around, showing a touch of joy, and said:

"Until just now, we have already calculated that only the fourth-order Transcendent and natural disaster-level existences

, we captured eight alive, beheaded two, and a few escaped with serious injuries. "

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu's eyes lit up

He did not expect that eight existences at the level of natural disasters would be captured alive

You must know that the existence of such a natural disaster level has very powerful means.

Not to mention capturing alive, it is extremely difficult to kill.

But now, a total of eight people were captured alive, which shows the fighting strength of Ziyu's many commanders.

"tsk tut"

With a grin, Yu Ziyu also praised:

"Yes, after this time is over, I will reward you for your merits."

"Thank you master"

In response, Jiu also submitted all the data he had sorted out.

A simple look at Tzuyu is also clear

The four natural disasters of the barbarians, including the barbarian emperor and the two natural disasters, were captured alive.

Secondly, the Dark War Giant Elephant, and the Snow Lion King, were also defeated by Black Gold and Thunder r/\u003e

In the hands of the dragon.

Then the two extraordinary fourth-order natural disasters fell into the hands of Golden Ant and Jiuxing

"The eight natural disasters,"

As his eyes flickered, Yu Ziyu also had some calculations in his heart.

just for a moment

As if aware of something, Ziyu suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly

"No, it should be said that there is a ninth natural disaster."

Saying so, Yu Ziyu's tree roots and willows suddenly surged with spiritual power

"Shua, Shua, Shua"

With one sound after another piercing through the air, Ziyu's nine willow branches were already entwined with electric arcs, turning into

For the silver lightning, he attacked into the depths of the darkness.


A sudden hissing made the night sky startled.

Looking at the reputation, there is a black shadow, which is pulled towards the sky in an instant.

"Where do you want to run to?"

The faint voice echoed in the night sky, but it caused the complexion of this black shadow to change drastically.

"I just look, I just look"

With a hint of panic, this black shadow seemed to be desperately trying to speed up suddenly

At the same time, Yu Ziyu always pays attention to the cleanliness of the space, like a fish meeting water,

Ripples, looks extraordinarily weird 0

"It can actually blend into the space, no wonder you dare to peep at me."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu's eyes froze.


"Boom, boom, boom"

There was a sudden neigh, and the earth rolled violently.

Immediately afterwards,

Amid the horrified gazes of countless mutated beasts, a purple python suddenly disappeared.

Look carefully, it is actually a purple python

The breath alone is as cold as freezing the soul

From time to time, the eyes that are purple, are staring at the distant one that shoots away.


"Go ahead and catch it."

In the faint voice, the purple python seemed to have understood human nature, flashing in the depths of his eyes

A touch of teasing


The more tyrannical neighing, not to mention other mutant beasts, even the black shadow in the distance

My heart trembled.

And at this moment, as if he had sensed something, Jiu Xing suddenly said:

"Master, is that?"

Looking suspiciously at the black shadow that disappeared in the sky, Jiu Xing was also puzzled.

"It's a little snake."

In response, Yu Ziyu also continued to explain

“Seems like a nice guy”

Whispering, Yu Ziyu also recalled the attribute panel that flew past in a flash 1 just now

[Racial mutation Teng snake.

Level: Extraordinary level four.

The natal talent of poisonous fangs has unparalleled sharpness, enough to tear everything

Its defense is even more capable of pouring deadly neurotoxins into not to mention ordinary mutated beasts, even if

Even the fourth level of the extraordinary may not be able to resist hard.

Special ability to devour poison: the ability to grow continuously by absorbing toxins, the more terrifying

The more poisonous, the more delicious it is.

The scales of the sky can be like the scales of space, it is as black as ink, but it can greatly

Increase the speed, and even hide the breath

The poisonous mist of death can be spit out with its mouth open, melting all the poisonous mist.


Chapter 675: The Way of the Edge (Third)

This little guy is really qualified to be a member of the guard

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu stopped paying attention.

He has confidence in the sky-reaching purple python that his tree roots turned into

Don't say that this Soaring Snake is not the most mysterious space attribute and cannot teleport.

so what

Yu Ziyu's tree root turned into a sky-reaching purple python, which is not just as simple as infinite extension

, the terrifying perception, the extreme speed of tearing the void

Everything that was cut, destined to turn into the sky-reaching purple python from the roots of Tzuyu's tree, is the most terrifying


There may be some prey that he is eyeing that can escape, but it is not this Xiaojia.


Just looking at it, Yu Ziyu had already settled down, and began to sort out the things of the past few days


"The evolution point has reached 400 million. The accumulation of spiritual power has changed again in just a few months.

, reached the vast realm. "

While whispering, Yu Ziyu also seriously felt the spiritual power in his body.

The endless spiritual power surged continuously, as if gathering into a piece of Wang Yang.

no end in sight

And in the center of this ocean of spiritual power, there are several willow spits hanging quietly like a lonely boat.


Every time a wave of spiritual power rolls up, it will wash away some impurities from the willow leaves, making them more


And this is one of Yu Ziyu's biggest hole cards - Liu Throwing Knife

Among them, a Willow Leaf Flying Knife was refined into a psychic weapon by Ziyu.

Looking carefully, this one is scarlet like blood, but it is a crystal clear willow leaf, surrounded by intentions

There is a vast phantom of a giant whale.


As if sensing Ziyu's gaze, this willow leaf let out a long cry.

And the lonely howl

That's the neighing of a giant whale, and it's also an expression of joy

"bring it on."

A whisper.


Accompanied by a roar, Tzuyu's body was shocked, and then, a blood-red willow

Ye Ji is glowing red, slowly rising from Yu Ziyu's huge body

But at the moment when this willow rose

"Thrust pull, thrust pull,"

There was a sudden shock in the void.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of each of the mutated beasts, like new scars,

The cracks are constantly emerging.

This is sharpness.

The sharpness has turned into substance, even if there is no killing intent, it is not something Void can bear.

In other words, this is the aura revealed invisibly by this psychic weapon.

Looking up, with this willow leaf as the center, the space with a radius of 100 meters is full of cracks.

An extremely sharp sharp edge seemed to pierce into the soul, Jiu Xing trembled slightly

More than just nine stars

Raw Demon, White Tiger, Golden Ant, Thunder Dragon

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