Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 75 Seriously injured, finally out of danger!


After hitting the water hard, Bai Yang raised his neck and took a deep breath. Without even looking at the giant bird in the sky, he swam towards the bottom of the sea in an instant.


In the distance, a group of seals were planning to swim to the ice floe to breathe air. Unexpectedly, they saw a huge thing crashing into the sea water far away.

After taking a closer look, they all started running away desperately!

What is this!

The polar bear has become a sperm, so big!

Bai Yang glanced at the fleeing seal, frowned, and then quickly swam down.


The sound of the giant bird can still be vaguely heard.

"It's finally safe now!"

For safety reasons, Bai Yang dived all the way to the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, the bottom of the sea was relatively deep, a little deeper than the lake on the mountain. It was impossible for the giant bird to enter the water!

Thinking of this, Bai Yang couldn't help but feel relieved.

Today is so thrilling!

However, the harvest is also huge!

Now I have successfully advanced to become an ancient creature!

Although Bai Yang has not reached the ancient stage like King Kong and others, probably because of the system, although Bai Yang is now at the ancient stage, ordinary ancient creatures are not his opponent.

Quietly leaning on a big rock on the seabed, Bai Yangxiong sat down!

He is not panic at all now!

After his body size has increased, his lung capacity has increased. Even if he can stay underwater for half an hour without breathing, there will probably be no problem.

"Damn it, dead bird, just wander around slowly!"

Finally able to take a breath, Bai Yang began to check the system panel in his mind.

The most powerful evolution system!

Host: Bai Yang

Species: Russian Wrangel Island-Western Alaska group (ancient ice bear)

Strength: 1628

Speed: 1600

Stamina: 1600

Defense: 1600

Skills: Violent Fury, Thorn Armor

Talent: Illusion

Evolution points: 6000

Except for the name becoming Ancient Ice Bear, the rest has not changed much!

And Bai Yang guesses that the next evolution will definitely not be 2000 points, but may be 5000 points!

The scariest thing is...

Bai Yang now doesn't give any evolution points when he eats ordinary creatures, not at all!

The sea lion I just ate didn’t give me any evolution points at all!

It seems that the lowest target for hunting in the future is prehistoric creatures!

However, the thorn armor just now is indeed a good thing. Ever since he got this skill, Bai Yang always felt that his defense was enough. He had never turned it on before. When he was escaping from the giant bird just now, it was the first time he turned it on.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a pair of transparent armor, and it was the kind that covered the entire body.

Although it is armor, it does not feel heavy at all. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that the white fur is covered with a layer of transparent armor!

"The giant bird is almost gone!"

Bai Yang raised his head and glanced at the sea surface. He couldn't see clearly because he dived too deep!

"Would you like to go up and take a look? I still don't know where King Kong and the others have gone!"

"I'm afraid I'm moving again. I can't stay in this place. If the giant bird has nothing to do, he can just come and take a walk. How will he live like this!"

Thinking of this, Bai Yang became cruel and slowly began to slide his palms toward the sea.

He quietly put his nose out of the sea to take a breath.

Bai Yang then exposed half of his head and took a look.


"This giant bird is so fierce!"

There was no trace of the giant bird in the sky.

But... all the ice floes on the entire shore have been scratched by the bird's claws, and small pieces of ice keep floating into the distance.

"That's too cruel... You deserve not to get the lotus seeds!"

Bai Yang couldn't help but slandered in his heart.

"call out!"


A bird song came from the cliff behind.

Immediately afterwards...

Bai Yang looked back and saw that the giant eagle-like bird had just taken off from the cliff. It suddenly increased in speed and was in front of Bai Yang in the blink of an eye!

"Damn it!"

Feeling that the hair all over his body stood up again, Bai Yang quickly dived down again.


Huge waves exploded behind Bai Yang.



Suddenly his back hurt, and then he felt as if his body was pierced by something, and blood kept coming out of Bai Yang's mouth.

"System repair!"

I didn't have time to think about it in my heart, so I directly ordered the system to be repaired!

But... after the system was repaired, Bai Yang still felt a heartbreaking pain in his back, especially in the sea water. The salty sea water kept pouring into the huge wound on his back. Bai Yang felt that he was about to bear it. Can't stand it anymore!

Unexpectedly, the giant bird didn't need its claws to catch him, and pecked directly in through the sea with its beak!

"How cruel!"

Bai Yang thought in his heart!

This giant bird probably couldn't be caught, so it wanted to peck Bai Yang to death!

However, even if there is a systematic repair function, but... this peck almost tore Bai Yang's back completely off.

The injury is too serious!

Bai Yang took a look at the evolution point!

Damn it, there were so many evolution points just now, but now there are none at all!

After deducting so many evolution points, the wound has not been repaired yet?

No way!

After finally diving into the seabed, Bai Yang struggled to sit down holding a piece of coral.

Every movement could pull the wound behind him, and he grimaced in pain.

Could it be that after evolving into an ancient creature, it has more evolutionary points to repair after being injured?

Or is the injury too serious?

Bai Yang was speechless for a moment as he looked at the zeroed evolution point. This was obtained by biting the Snow Wolf and the Shark-tooth Crocodile respectively when he was escaping for his life. However, fortunately, he tore them apart temporarily. If he didn't have this evolution point, I'm afraid I'll be cold!

Although the wound was not repaired, he finally saved his life.

Thinking of this, Bai Yang couldn't help but feel frightened, it was so close!


"This damn dead bird is going to be roasted and eaten from now on!"

Bai Yang thought bitterly.


Waves of severe pain came from behind, but after this ambush by the giant bird, Bai Yang did not dare to go up rashly!

The bear could only sit on the bottom of the sea and quietly recover his strength.


Suddenly, the coral behind him started to move!

Bai Yang looked back in confusion.

"Are there animals?"

Bai Yang can't make a sound in the sea water, so there is no way to test it. However, if it can make such a large piece of coral shake, I'm afraid this animal is not small!

"Well... finally woke up!"

At this time, an old voice came from my ears.

"Still a senior?"

Bai Yang frowned as he listened to the voice. He could tell from the voice that it was indeed that of an old man, and it was very old.


Suddenly, the seabed beneath him began to move slowly.


The huge coral collapsed, instantly knocking Bai Yang to the ground and burying him.

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