Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 76 Ancient Terror Shrimp!


Spitting out the seawater in his mouth, Bai Yang stretched out his bear paws and began to push away the coral that was pressing on him.

However, there are too many coral remains on his body!


Enduring the severe pain in his back, Bai Yang struggled to crawl out from the coral pile.

He could feel that he was on the sea now.

And... he was still traveling at top speed.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Bai Yang took a deep breath.

I'm afraid there was some kind of creature under the place where I was sitting just now on the bottom of the sea!

Otherwise, how could it possibly move and surface?


What on earth is this?

How can you sleep under the sea for so long and have coral growing on your body?


Bai Yang kept guessing in his heart!

He looked down and looked underneath him.

It was a thick layer of sand and mud, and the body of this creature could not be seen.

"It's better to crawl out first!"


Just when Bai Yang suddenly glanced at the map in his mind!

He was stunned on the spot!


I must have been buried not long ago! Where did this go?

The circular map is surrounded by sea water signs, and there is no land at all!

It’s over!

This guy doesn't know where he got himself!

What to do with King Kong and Mammoth?

Thinking of this, Bai Yang couldn't help but become anxious.


Both palms began to dig outward vigorously.

Finally, more than ten minutes later, Bai Yang crawled out of the coral debris in embarrassment.

Sitting quietly on the sand at his feet, Bai Yang looked around at the place that looked like a small island.

At this time, there are still various unbroken corals standing on the island, and...


A fiery red crab crawled sideways past Bai Yang, seeming a little surprised. The crab squinted at the huge white creature in front of it.

"Can I eat it?"

Bai Yang could hear the crab making this sound.


Suddenly, I felt a pain in the bear's paw, and I saw that the crab clamped two crab claws directly on the fingers of the white bear's paw, and even opened its mouth and started to bite!

"What the hell..."

Bai Yang is now about 15 meters tall. Even if the bear is sitting on the ground, it is a full 10 meters tall, and the soles of his feet are ridiculously big.

However, this crab is probably not a simple creature!

I have never seen crabs grow so big before. They are as big as Baiyang's bear paws.

"Can't you bite?"

At this time, the sound of crabs came to my ears again.

It loosened its claws, glanced at Bai Yang reluctantly, shook its head and prepared to leave.

"You can't chew it anymore and it's over? You don't even ask me how I feel?"

Bai Yang stretched out his bear paw, knocked the crab to the ground, and picked it up.


Don't tell me, this crab is really awesome!


Bai Yang bit off one of the crab's pincers and chewed it a few times in his mouth!

The meat is delicious and the best big crab!

It would be perfect if it could be steamed!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The crab that lost one of its legs kept howling.

Bai Yang frowned after hearing this. This was not good after having hallucinations. The crab obviously didn't make a sound, but its screams could be heard in his ears.

In order to relieve its pain, Bai Yang used the bear's paw to break open the crab shell directly.

Revealing the plump crab meat inside.

However... although this crab is very big, it is not a prehistoric animal. It is just a mutant deep-sea crab. Although mutant creatures can also add evolution points, but...

At most, it can add 100 evolution points!

The current 100 evolution points are simply a drop in the bucket for Bai Yang!

"System repair!"

After consuming 100 evolution points again, the wound behind him finally no longer felt the burning pain.

Only then did Bai Yang get up from the ground.

He wanted to go to the shore to see what the thing was that was pulling him away!

But...this creature does have a nice back.

All kinds of abundant seafood are available!

All kinds of fish, shrimps, crabs, Bai Yang even saw a very large squid.

However, no matter how big he is, Bai Yang can only be used as a snack for the current Bai Yang. However, after going around for a while, his evolution points have increased a lot, and the wounds on his back are slowly getting better with repeated repairs.

Because the creature below is not shown on the map, Bai Yang doesn't know what to do with it on its back!

However, looking at the size of this island, I'm afraid this thing is bigger than the giant bird I encountered!

Could it be another invincible existence?

Bai Yang couldn't help but think.


Suddenly, there was a sound of sharp animal pincers coming from the side, somewhat like the sound of the crab just now.

"Another 100 evolution points!"

Based on the principle of not wasting anything, Bai Yang turned around and followed the sound.


In front of me is a big lobster several meters high!

And the whole body is that deep black!

At this time, he stood on the ground and kept waving his pair of shrimp claws.

"This is definitely enough for a meal!"

Bai Yang's eyes became more and more fiery when he looked at it!

This giant shrimp is almost half the size of Bai Yang's body now!

This must be an ancient creature!

Name: Ancient Terror Shrimp

Strength: 600

Speed: 300

Stamina: 500

Skill: Shrimp Ao wave!

It’s really an ancient creature!

After eating this shrimp, the evolution points should be enough to repair the wound!


Bai Yang roared, stood upright, and walked towards the Scarab step by step.

"Crack! Click!"

The Scarab looked at the giant polar bear with white fur in front of him, kept waving his shrimp claws, and slowly began to retreat!

"What the hell is this!"

Bai Yang could hear the slightly frightened question from the fear shrimp.


"You'll know what I am when you stop!"

Bai Yang yelled at it.

Damn it!

Forgot, this broken shrimp shouldn’t understand!

However, just when Bai Yang was about to pounce, the fear shrimp turned around and ran away!

"Don't run!"

Bai Yang kept chasing after it. Because of the wound on his back, Bai Yang didn't dare to run with all his strength. If he didn't open the wound, all those evolutionary points would have been repaired in vain!


When the Terror Shrimp ran, the thick shrimp shells on its body made constant friction sounds.


Bai Yang is in hot pursuit!

The whole island suddenly became agitated!

Every other creature looked at the two behemoths running wildly in horror!

The animals, who didn't know why, joined the running queue one after another.

After chasing for a while, Bai Yang was also a little confused!

There are more and more marine life around the shrimp.

There will be no less than a dozen of them now!


After trampling a small fish to death, Bai Yang glanced at it speechlessly.

What the hell, am I so scary?

You are so scared of such a small animal!

Even if you eat it, I’ll be too tired to eat it!

Seeing the seafood in front of him that was less than half the size of a bear's paw, Bai Yang couldn't help but get angry!

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