Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 189 Water God! The Ninth Elder of the Divine Plant Sect Died!

what's the situation? !

At the moment when the ricket masked man's face changed drastically, Lin Zichen also felt the terrifying energy coming from below at a rapid speed.

However, [Danger Sense] did not jump.

Without waiting for him to think too much.

The next second, the originally calm sea surface suddenly became rough.

In an instant, there was a terrifying huge wave.

He suddenly slapped the rickety masked man above him.

The huge waves were generated extremely quickly, and they hit the rickety masked man even faster.

The rickety masked man had no time to react and was directly caught in the huge waves and dragged to the bottom of the sea.

Lin Zichen, who was entangled in vines by the rickety masked man, was implicated and was also swept away by the huge waves and dragged to the bottom of the sea.

But before he sank much, Lin Zichen felt a huge but gentle push from his body.

Then the whole person stopped sinking and quickly rose towards the sea.


Only a clear sound of water breaking was heard.

Lin Zichen broke out of the water instantly and was pushed forward by a wave of waves beneath him, rushing toward Shen Qinghan several hundred meters away.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the others were already pushed back to Shen Qinghan.

Almost at the same time.

The waves beneath him disappeared instantly.

The sea became calm again, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.


Shen Qinghan cried and hugged Lin Zichen, her eyes almost swollen from crying, and big tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

Seeing her crying so hard, Lin Zichen wanted to comfort her.

But knowing that now was not the time for comfort, he just let her cry while holding her, and while taking her to swim away from the water, he used his five senses to see what was going on now.

The terrifying huge wave just now appeared too suddenly.

Suddenly it soared into the sky from below.

The rickets masked man with a rare biological level was directly swept into the seabed and disappeared.

"Is it Principal Yuan?"

While Lin Zichen quickly swam away from the water, he kept sensing and looking around, searching for Yuan Dongzhi's figure.

In his opinion, only Yuan Dongzhi has the ability to set off such a terrifying huge wave.

But after feeling it for so long, I looked around a whole circle, but I still didn't see Yuan Dongzhi.

It seems that the huge wave just now was not Yuan Dongzhi's handiwork.

Lin Zichen was puzzled by this.

At this moment, he noticed that Shen Qinghan's tears were falling to the sea. The moment they fell to the sea, a pair of small hands with palms facing up would rise up from the sea. As if receiving a gift, they would catch Shen Qinghan with great respect. Han's tears.

The size looks like a baby's hand, and it is made of water, which is incredible.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Then he thought about how he had just been pushed directly to Shen Qinghan by the waves.

Lin Zichen couldn't help but realize that the formation of the wave just now might not have come from Yuan Dongzhi, but from his childhood sweetheart Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan has been inseparable from water since he was a child.

As I grew up, I heard strange sounds from the sea several times.

It seems to have something to do with the sea.


Is she a water goddess?


Water spirit?

then what?

Lin Zichen had a lot of thoughts in his heart.


Suddenly, a burst of water broke and there was an explosion.

Lin Zichen instinctively looked along the sound.

I saw a rickety masked man rushing out from the bottom of the sea. His whole body was scarred and covered in blood, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Yuan Dongzhi, you forced me!!!"

The rickety masked man shouted as soon as he emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Then without any hesitation, he immediately sacrificed a large amount of blood essence and fed it to the alien beast genes in his body, increasing his strength by overactivating the alien beast genes in his body.

He did not see Yuan Dongzhi, nor did he sense Yuan Dongzhi's existence.

But this did not prevent him from believing that Yuan Dongzhi was attacking him just now.

Because among all the people present, except Yuan Dongzhi, no one could control such a terrifying huge wave.

Now, he is also following Yuan Dongzhi's example and taking risks.

Sacrifice a large amount of blood and essence to activate the alien genes in the body.

Significantly improve your own strength.

We must deal with Yuan Dongzhi as quickly as possible and bring Lin Zichen back to the head coach before the military reinforcements arrive.

Soon, the body of the rickety masked man began to undergo changes.

The hair and skin turn dark green.

The limbs twist into vines.

Four fleshy wings covered with blood vessels sprouted from its back.

In just the blink of an eye, a person transformed into an ugly giant "Wood Elf".


There was a burst of sound in the air.

The limbs of the rickety masked man suddenly elongated like rubber and turned into countless strange bloody vines, which shot towards the sea below at lightning speed.


A large number of vines shot into the sea, causing large waves.

At the moment of entering the sea, these vines turned into flexible pythons, deathly entangling all living creatures on the seabed and sucking their blood.

The man in the rickety mask didn't know exactly where Yuan Dongzhi was hiding.

But he can be sure that Yuan Dongzhi is definitely hidden in the sea under his feet.

He wants to launch an indiscriminate attack on all creatures in this sea area and force Yuan Dongzhi hidden in it to come out.

Today, more than just taking Lin Zichen away.

He also wants to kill Yuan Dongzhi!

the other side.

Seeing that the rickety masked man had gone crazy and his humanity was gradually replaced by animality, Lin Zichen did not dare to stay there for one second and immediately took Shen Qinghan away from the water.

However, he just made the move to swim away.

The next second!

The entire sea surface suddenly surged violently!


A giant arm made of seawater instantly rose into the sky from the depths of the ocean floor!

Open your palms that cover the sky!

With the suppressive power of the five-fingered mountain, he suddenly took a photo of the ricket masked man!


The rickety masked man had no time to react and was directly slapped into the seabed with a palm, causing a deafening sound.

The power of this palm is extremely terrifying.

The aftermath of the spread shook Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan out of the sea hundreds of meters away, and threw them high into the sky.

Just when the two of them were thrown to the highest point, they were about to start free falling into the sea.

A giant arm made of seawater quickly rose into the sky from below, opening its flat palm to catch the two people who were about to fall down.

Lin Zichen looked at the giant arm made of sea water under him, and thoughts surged in his heart.

The same giant arm.

When facing the rickety masked man, he suddenly slapped him down with his palm.

But when facing him and Shen Qinghan, she held them tenderly like the apple of her eye.

"Could it be...that this is Hanhan's mysterious water superpower?"

Lin Zichen thought of this as he felt the giant arms made of sea water under his body.

At this time, Shen Qinghan suddenly shrank to his side, a little scared and said:

"Xiaochen, what is this?!"

Around her body, there were a large number of weird-shaped water droplets floating.

These water drops seemed to be alive. When they floated past her eyes, they would transform into various symbols that seemed to be words.

Lin Zichen felt even more incredible when she saw these water droplets lingering around her, and then quickly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, this should be the manifestation of your water superpower."

After speaking, he quickly asked: "Did you hear any strange noises just now?"

The strange sounds in his mouth refer to those strange murmurs that Shen Qinghan heard when he went into the sea.

Shen Qinghan's eyes were still a little red.

The corners of his eyes were filled with crystal tears.

Hearing Lin Zichen's question, she raised her hand to wipe her tears, and then thought about it and said: "Well, I heard something about offending God and God's punishment, and then suddenly there was a huge wave on the sea. ”

Offend God?

Divine punishment?

Lin Zichen carefully looked at the very familiar Shen Qinghan in front of him, and guessed: "Are you really a mythical existence like a water god or a sea god?"

Shen Qinghan shook his head: "I don't know..."

Lin Zichen thought for a while and asked, "Can you control this giant arm made of sea water?"

Shen Qinghan shook his head again: "No..."

Lin Zichen fell into deep thought after hearing this.

This is the first time in his life that he has encountered such a mysterious and unknown thing.


Suddenly, a sea surface hundreds of meters away exploded with water.

Lin Zichen looked up.

The next scene that came into view was a rickety masked man rushing out from the bottom of the sea. His whole face was full of terror, and he was trying to escape from the water at his feet like a madman.

But less than a second after he emerged from the water, a giant arm shot up from the water at the feet of the rickets-masked man and grabbed the rickets-masked man who wanted to escape.

As the five fingers exerted force, the rickety masked man held in it suddenly showed pain on his face, vomiting blood, and the vitality in his body was rapidly draining away.

"College Yuan, don't kill me!"

"I am extremely valuable, leaving me alive is even more useful!"

"I know a lot of unknown secrets!"

The man in the rickets mask felt the approach of death, his face was full of horror, and his strong desire to survive made him beg for mercy loudly.

Lin Zichen listened to the begging for mercy and knew that the man in the mask mistakenly thought that Yuan Dongzhi was attacking him.

"College Yuan!"

"Xiao Yuan, do you know the truth about the death of your son and daughter in the origin?!"

"Spare my life and I'll tell you the truth!"

The rickety masked man vomited blood and continued to beg for mercy loudly with an increasingly hoarse voice.

But no matter how much he begged for mercy, no one responded to him.

Because Yuan Dongzhi is not here at all.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi was still dying on the other side of the water, waiting for the genes of the living dead slugs to repair her severely injured body.

"The truth about death?"

Lin Zichen's heart moved slightly when he heard what the rickety masked man shouted.

Any other secrets?

Could it be that the children of Liu Chuanwu and Yuan Dongzhi were killed?

At this time, the giant arm holding the rickety masked man quickly moved over and stopped in front of Lin Zichen.

To be more precise, it was Shen Qinghan who stopped beside him.

The rickety masked man originally wanted to continue shouting for mercy to Yuan Dongzhi, who did not know where he was.

But the moment he opened his mouth, he saw the water droplets lingering around Shen Qinghan's body, and saw those water droplets constantly changing into various shapes.

Then I thought about Yuan Dongzhi not showing up or responding from the beginning to the end.

He realized belatedly that the attacks he had suffered earlier were not the work of Yuan Dongzhi, but the work of the girl in front of him!

In response, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "伱! It's you! Who are you..."


Before the man in the ricket-shaped mask finished speaking, the giant palm that was holding him suddenly exerted force, and in front of Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan, his whole body was crushed into a ball of blood, and the seawater made of sea water was crushed. Most of the giant arm was stained red.


Looking at the giant arm stained red with blood, Lin Zichen was stunned for a moment.

He did not expect that a powerful and rare creature would suddenly die without any warning before his death.


After killing the rickety masked man, the giant arm stained red with blood soon turned into large water droplets and scattered, falling into the water drop by drop.

Lin Zichen looked at the scene in front of him.

It feels unreal.

A rare creature died just because of Shen Qinghan, without the ability to fight back.

It was like a dream.

Not long after, the giant arm holding Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan began to slowly turn into water droplets and scatter back into the sea.

The water drops surrounding Shen Qinghan also fell into the sea.

In just a few seconds, the two people who had lost their support quickly fell back into the sea again. Looking at the calm sea in front of them, their faces were dazed.

It was as if everything he had just experienced was a dream.

Lin Zichen didn't stay stunned for long.

Seeing that the blood in front of him was getting weaker and weaker, [The law of the jungle] began to beat continuously, driving him to devour the blood that contained the rich source of life.

After reacting.

He quickly swam up to touch the blood of the rickety masked man, and then skillfully thought: Devour!

The next second, four prompt messages popped up in the void.

[You have swallowed a large amount of the life source of the "Wood Elf\

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