Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 190 Origin Fox Girl! Practice the cauldron!

In just a moment, Yuan Dongzhi took Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan out of the coastal forest.

We came to a hill that was higher and not submerged by the sea.

After putting the two people down.

Yuan Dongzhi immediately had an idea and generated several water jets, cutting all the plants within a hundred meters to the ground, creating a large open space.

This is so that when real reinforcements from the military region arrive, they can find this place as soon as possible.

"You guys stay here and don't wander around. I'll go find the others."

Leave such a sentence behind.

Yuan Dongzhi tapped his toes, and instantly he rose to a height of 100 meters, flying back to the coastal forest to look for the lost special trainee.

Lin Zichen looked at Yuan Dongzhi flying farther and farther away, and couldn't help but feel a little yearning in his heart.

There are three types of people with the ability to fly in the air.

1. A mechanical modification person equipped with an anti-airflow power device.

2. Gene fusion with wings.

3. Anyone with a rare level of mental strength.

If Lin Zichen wants to fly in the air, he can only become the third type of person and let his mental strength reach a rare level.

With the blessing of [the weak and the strong], he felt that this day should come soon.

In the future, just devour more exotic animal meat related to spiritual power.

As Yuan Dongzhi gradually flew away, Lin Zichen quickly looked up.

He looked around and saw a large flat rock in front of him.

So, he said to Shen Qinghan next to him: "Let's sit over there, and I will release my energy and blood to help you dry your clothes and hair."


Shen Qinghan responded and walked to the stone with Lin Zichen to sit down.

Lin Zichen skillfully released the power of Qi and blood to dry Shen Qinghan's hair and the clothes she was wearing.

"Take off your shoes and socks, and I'll dry them for you."

"Take it off for me."

Shen Qinghan stretched her feet on Lin Zichen's legs, her voice sounded a bit squeamish.

Lin Zichen helped her take off her shoes and socks, revealing a pair of white, tender and delicate feet.

The toes are as round as grapes, small and cute.

The soles of the feet are white and rosy, revealing the healthy complexion of a girl.

The skin is left supple and smooth, and feels great to the touch.

The whole foot looks full and can be held, which is particularly attractive.

I didn’t take another look at these alluring little feet.

Lin Zichen picked up the shoes and socks and silently released the power of Qi and blood to dry them.

"Xiaochen, your feet are wet, you need to dry them."

Seeing that the shoes and socks were dry, Shen Qinghan stretched his feet into Lin Zichen's hand.

Lin Zichen didn't say anything. He picked up her feet and released the power of Qi and blood to dry the moisture on them.

"It's so warm and comfortable."

Shen Qinghan's pretty face was full of enjoyment.

Her peach blossom eyes were filled with tears, and she said to Lin Zichen in a waxy voice: "Xiaochen, can you warm my feet from now on?"

Lin Zichen smiled gently: "I will warm your feet every night before going to bed."

Shen Qinghan felt very sweet when he heard it, and temporarily forgot all the negative emotions today.

My mood gradually relaxed.

No longer so heavy and depressing.

When Lin Zichen was almost taken away by the rickety masked man from Shenzhi Cult earlier, she was really frightened.

I was scared and full of despair.

Since she can remember, Lin Zichen has always existed in her world, and they have never been apart for a day.

It was hard for her to imagine how she would live without Lin Zichen.

To put it very cowardly, I probably won’t be able to survive.

Fortunately, Lin Zichen was not taken away by the rickety masked man in the end, and stayed with her to continue her company.


Shen Qinghan looked at Lin Zichen with watery eyes and said, "How do you release the power of qi and blood? Please teach me, and I will help you warm up before going to bed."

Lin Zichen warmed her feet with his hands filled with energy and blood, and said:

"It's easy to release the power of qi and blood. There are no skills to speak of. The main thing is the strength of qi and blood."

"Your qi and blood are too weak now. You only have the strength of ordinary sixth level, so it is difficult to release it."

"When the strength of Qi and blood reaches the advanced level, it will naturally be released."


"Is it as high as the first level of advanced level?"

Shen Qinghan felt a little uncomfortable.

He is only at the ordinary sixth level now, and is still four levels short of the advanced first level.

When can we learn to release the power of Qi and blood to help Lin Zichen warm up?

One year?

Two years?

Or even two and a half years?

Anyway, the time will definitely not be short.

It seems that during the period when the strength of Qi and blood has increased to the advanced level, Lin Zichen can only repay Lin Zichen in the usual way.

Use the difference in body temperature between inside and outside to help him warm up.

Make him comfortable.

The main focus is on reciprocity.

More than ten minutes later.

Yuan Dongzhi found everyone and came back.

It can only be said that the efficiency of rare-level powerhouses is very high.

Lin Zichen glanced at the people who came back.

Several people were seen injured.

But they were all minor injuries, nothing serious.

He must have been injured in the previous tsunami.

When Lin Zichen glanced at him, many people avoided looking at him, embarrassed to look at him.

When they were attacked by the fox-eared girl before, they all left Lin Zichen and ran away without hesitation. Now they felt embarrassed when they saw Lin Zichen.

Although in that situation, helping is a favor, not helping is a duty, and there is no obligation to help.

But having said that, it is still difficult to get over the hurdle in my heart.

When I see Lin Zichen again now, I will feel embarrassed because of this.

"Zi Chen, how did you escape from that fox-eared girl?"

Zhang Kai, who had a broken alloy mechanical leg, limped forward and asked curiously.

When he was attacked by the fox-eared girl before, he did not abandon Lin Zichen immediately.

Instead, he waited for Lin Zichen to give way and then rationally chose to leave Lin Zichen behind and prioritize his own safety.

Therefore, he would not be embarrassed to face Lin Zichen like others.

When he asked the question, the others listened with perked up ears.

They were also curious about how Lin Zichen escaped from the fox-eared girl.

You know, the fox-eared girl controlled the instructor Lu Tianrong in just one encounter. She was so powerful that it was terrifying.

Facing everyone's curiosity, Lin Zichen said calmly: "I didn't run away, I beat her away."


Beaten away?

After hearing this answer, those who didn't know what happened all opened their eyes with disbelief.

Even Lu Tianrong, whose biological level is as high as advanced sixth level, can instantly control the fox-eared girl. Will you be beaten away by an ordinary creature like you?

Are you kidding me? !

Zhang Kai asked curiously: "How did you defeat the girl with fox ears?"

Before Lin Zichen could explain, Lu Tianrong, who was not far away, walked over and said, "That fox-eared girl is not physically strong, but she has outstanding mental strength."

"When you first controlled me, you consumed too much mental energy, which caused my strength to drop too much."

"Then, he was beaten away by Lin Zichen with his physical advantage."


Everyone looked stunned after hearing this.

I see.

No wonder Lin Zichen could beat away the fox-eared girl.

It turns out that the girl with fox ears is out of blue.

A mage without blue is like a female gunner without a gun. Any healthy adult male can stab her to death with his physical advantage.

On the other side, Yuan Dongzhi couldn't help but feel a little funny after hearing Lu Tianrong's explanation.

She had seen the whole process of Lin Zichen's fight with the fox-eared girl.

I know that the fox-eared girl at that time was very energetic and did not consume much at all.

The fact that he couldn't beat Lin Zichen was purely due to the fact that he couldn't close the gap with Lin Zichen because of his mental strength.

About half an hour passed.

A huge military aircraft appeared above the hill.

Real reinforcements from the military region have arrived.

Moreover, it was the female officer Yao Heling who personally led the team.

When everyone saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally saved.

Today's disaster has finally come to an end.

You can go home.

Soon, the plane door opened.

Yao Heling took several mechanical transformation people down from the plane and landed on the hill.

"Commander Yao."

Lu Tianrong shouted respectfully.

Yao Heling nodded, said nothing, walked straight to Yuan Dongzhi and asked, "Dongzhi, why are you so alienated?"

She was asking questions knowingly and showing her concern for Yuan Dongzhi.

Yuan Dongzhi said in a cold voice: "The support from the military region came too late, and there was a traitor who drove the Shanhai and came to join forces with the ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect to deal with me. In order to fight one against two, I had to over-activate the alien gene in my body. Improve your own strength.”

These words seemed to be explaining the situation, but in fact they were expressing dissatisfaction.

The Military Region Headquarters in Nanjiang Province invited so many geniuses to participate in special training camps. As a result, they could not even guarantee the safety of the special trainees.

This is so incompetent.

Incompetent to the point of being incomprehensible, leaving people feeling disappointed and angry.

Yao Heling pretended not to hear the dissatisfaction in Yuan Dongzhi's words, and quickly took out a reagent and handed it to her, apologetically saying: "This is the latest special-grade anti-alienation reagent developed by the military region. The effect is ten times better than those of the anti-alienation reagents currently on the market. Times, your condition looks very bad now, please get an injection quickly."

"I feel fine now. I will take the injection when I get back."

Yuan Dongzhi took the handed reagent and put it into his arms with a cold expression.

Yao Heling didn't say anything, and quickly began to organize everyone to board the plane and leave here to go back to the military area.

After boarding the plane.

Yao Heling and Yuan Dongzhi sat together in a cubicle with an area of ​​nearly 30 square meters, drinking hot tea made with spiritual fruits and talking seriously.

Yuan Dongzhi briefly talked about the previous situation in the coastal forest.

It is said that the Shanhai Mecha self-destructed, the nine elders of the Shenzhi Sect disappeared, and the remaining heretics were all buried under the sea.

In addition, the fox-eared girl who attacked Lin Zichen was also mentioned.

"Did a fox girl appear?"

Yao Heling frowned and her expression became serious.

Fox girls are intelligent creatures in the origin. The appearance of fox girls on the earth means that there is a new biological channel on the earth that is not under surveillance.

Before, it was only suspected that new biological channels would appear.

No need to doubt now, just stone hammer.

Thinking about it, Yao Heling asked in confusion: "Fox girls generally have a neutral attitude. They basically guard their own land and rarely communicate with the outside world. Why do fox girls come to the earth out of nowhere?"

Yuan Dongzhi: "I came to see the cauldron."

Yao Heling became even more confused: "Come to Earth to find the cauldron?"

The geniuses in the Origin far exceed those on Earth in both quantity and quality. Why would a fox girl come to Earth specifically to find a cultivation cauldron?

Is it because strangers are not fragrant?

Or are the various intelligent creatures favored by God not strong enough?

This makes absolutely no sense.

Yuan Dongzhi said lightly: "I also find this strange, but the fox girl did come to Earth to find a cultivation cauldron, and she fell in love with Lin Zichen."

Yao Heling was still confused: "Although Lin Zichen's talent is high, there are countless geniuses in the origin who are more talented than him. I can't figure out why the popular fox girl in the origin would like him."

"Could it be that he saw Lin Zichen's handsome appearance and then got interested in him?"

"No, it's not because of sex."

"She came to Earth from the origin specifically to find the cultivation cauldron. Even if she didn't meet Lin Zichen, she would still find other men on Earth."

"So why is this?"

Yao Heling was puzzled, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

Yuan Dongzhi guessed: "Maybe I just want to try something new."

"Is this still possible?"

After Yao Heling finished speaking, she continued: "There is only one Yuan Yin. If it is broken, it will be gone. There shouldn't be any fox girl who would give away her Yuan Yin just for a taste."

Yuan Dongzhi disagreed: "It's hard to say, the world is so big and full of wonders, maybe there are fox girls who don't care about their Yuan Yin and like to do something new."

He said this with his mouth, but in fact he thought so in his heart.

In terms of energy and blood, Lin Zichen was able to single-handedly kill a seriously injured high-level sixth-level expert with an ordinary ninth-level body without any injuries.

In terms of spirit, Lin Zichen can resist the illusion attacks of fox girls of the same level.

Such an astonishing talent is still top-notch even in the origin.

Moreover, the appearance is also very good.

That fox-eared girl took a liking to him and chose him as her training cauldron. This was perfectly normal.

As for why the fox-eared girl came to Earth.

Yuan Dongzhi guessed that the other party did not come to the earth specifically to find the cauldron, but wanted to see the earth to satisfy his curiosity.

Then, in the process of satisfying her curiosity, she learned about the existence of Lin Zichen from Shenzhi Cult. She felt that he was worthy of her and in line with her eyes, so she chose him as a training cauldron.

Yuan Dongzhi's conjecture is very reasonable.

But unfortunately, I guessed wrong.

Because the fox-eared girl came to Earth specifically to find the cauldron.

Her father was from Earth. He defrauded her mother of money and sex. After getting her mother pregnant, she disappeared and there has been no news to this day.

But even so, the mother still misses the father. Even if her feelings are played with and abandoned, she still has to do with him and does not accept other male creatures.

He even told her every day how great her father was who just picked up his pants and ran away.

Although irresponsible, he is really charming.

Influenced by her mother, she has been curious about men on Earth since she was a child.

I thought that I would also find a man from Earth to be a training cauldron in the future to see what the benefits were, so my mother never forgot about it.

"What's the current situation in the military region?"

After talking about the fox girl, Yuan Dongzhi turned to ask about this matter.

Yao Heling took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "It's all suppressed."

"Including those you solved, a total of 47 heretics who have been hiding for many years have been uncovered."

"Almost all the infidels in the entire military area have been cleared away, and the harvest has been huge."

Great gain?

Yuan Dongzhi thought this wording sounded a bit strange.

Seeing the smile on Yao Heling's face, she keenly noticed something.

Then his face turned cold and he said: "Don't tell me that this special combat training is a fishing law enforcement operation by the military region that deliberately uses special trainees as bait in order to clean up heretics."

The female officer's face changed slightly when she heard this, but it was only fleeting. She quickly frowned and said, "You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Yuan Dongzhi had a stern face and his voice was cold and emotionless: "Yao Heling, it's best that I misunderstood what happened today, otherwise I will definitely not let you go."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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