Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 219 Great love for the Immortal Master? Great love for the Evil Cultivator!

In less than two minutes.

Ma Xiwei, who went to the door to pick up the express, came back holding a large cardboard box.

Lin Zichen glanced at the cardboard box and his eyes fell on the list on it.

The sender was anonymous.

It was impossible to tell what was sent.

Liu Chuanwu walked up and took the cardboard box from Ma Xiwei, wondering, "Who is so mysterious?"

With this doubt, Liu Chuanwu carried the cardboard box to the table and tore off the seal on it to open it.

Just as he tore off the seal.

Lin Zichen, who was standing by, suddenly changed his face and hurriedly stopped him:

"Dean, don't open the box, it's dangerous!"

[Danger Sense] was beating violently!

Opening the cardboard box would cause great danger!

Liu Chuanwu stopped when he heard the voice and immediately stepped back to distance himself from the cardboard box.

Others also stepped back when they saw this.

"Zichen, what's wrong with this cardboard box?"

Song Yuyan looked at Lin Zichen and asked anxiously.

Lin Zichen looked solemn: "I don't know, but I just sensed the danger."

As he said that, he had an idea and lifted the cardboard box in the air, wanting to throw this cardboard box with unknown dangers out of the research institute and then deal with it.

But at the moment when the cardboard box rose.

An accident happened!

The surface of the cardboard box suddenly grew bright blood-red flower buds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as these flower buds appeared, they matured and bloomed in an instant, releasing a large amount of red pollen.

[You are suffering from the flower poison of the advanced alien plant Blood-Swallowing Flower, poison resistance +1+1+1+1+1...]

As this prompt message appeared, Lin Zichen felt a little unconscious.

This is poisoning.

But with the blessing of [Invulnerability to All Poisons], the perception of the five senses was fully restored in the next second.

"Hold your breath, don't inhale this pollen!"

Realizing that the pollen is poisonous, Lin Zichen immediately reminded the people around him.

At the same time, he used the biological attribute [Storage Space] and put the cardboard box in with a thought to solve this safety hazard first.

On the other side.

Shen Qinghan and others had already held their breath and did not inhale any pollen.

However, these red pollens do not need to be inhaled at all. As long as they touch the skin, they can immediately poison the prey.

It only took two seconds.

Except for Lin Zichen, the other four people were poisoned by the pollen and fell to the ground one after another, and could no longer stand up.

Just limbs are weak, consciousness is still clear.

"What's going on, who is attacking us?"

Song Yuyan asked anxiously.

Liu Chuanwu was still calm: "Looking at this method, it is almost certain that it is the work of the Divine Plant Cult."

"Lin Zi, the Divine Plant Cult's target is you, run quickly, don't worry about us!"

Shen Qinghan said anxiously.

Ma Xiwei, who fell beside her, also wanted to say something, but her vocal cords were paralyzed and she couldn't speak at all.

Lin Zichen stood there motionless, not leaving a few people alone.

He knew that he couldn't run away at all.

His parents were here, and Shen Qinghan was here too. If he was a member of the Shenzhi Sect, if he didn't catch the target, he would definitely attack the target's relatives.

Calm down -

Concentrate -

The spiritual field is instantly expanded!

Under the effect of [High Spirit], Lin Zichen dispersed his spiritual power to cover the entire Shanhai University and scan every corner.

The first thing to scan was the parents at home, as well as Shen Qinghan's parents.

Fortunately, both parents were safe and sound.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin were watching TV in the living room.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng were taking a nap in the room.

It's a good thing that my parents are fine.

But at this moment, Lin Zichen frowned and didn't relax at all.

He scanned the entire Shanhai University.

The result was nothing abnormal.

I can't sense the existence of alien plants.

"Isn't it the Divine Plant Religion?"

Lin Zichen was a little suspicious for a while.

However, he didn't relax.

He kept radiating his mental power and repeatedly sensed every corner of the field.

A few seconds later.

In the direction of the administrative building, he sensed 7 extremely strong energy bodies approaching the research institute at a high speed.

He looked closely and found that the 7 people were all faculty members of the school.

The leader was the director of the school's academic affairs office, and the remaining 6 were tutors in the Evolution Academy.

As soon as the laboratory had an accident, or the cardboard box had just been dealt with, these 7 people in the academic affairs office rushed to the research institute immediately.

You don't need to look to know that these 7 people are not right.

Nine out of ten are traitors.

With this thought, Lin Zichen did not stay in the research institute and wait for death.

He rushed out of the research institute as soon as possible and rushed to the crowded teaching building.

He has the special biological attribute of [social animal].

As long as there are more earthlings in a certain range, his strength will be stronger.

Unfortunately, just after he rushed out of the institute, he was blocked by the director of the Academic Affairs Office who suddenly accelerated.

"Student Lin, why are you running so fast in the school? Did you encounter something important?"

Zhou Xiaohui, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, asked in the tone of a school leader.

Lin Zichen did not answer, but took a step forward and punched the opponent's forehead.

Zhou Xiaohui did not expect him to attack suddenly, but he was not panicked at all. He just slightly turned his body and easily dodged his sudden punch.

So strong!

He is a rare and powerful person!

Lin Zichen was shocked, and immediately his whole heart sank to the bottom.

He couldn't understand.

This person is just a small dean of the academic affairs office in the school. How can the biological level be as high as rare?




Suddenly, a harsh sound broke through the air!

A large number of vines suddenly surged out from the surrounding green plants, shooting towards Lin Zichen like arrows.

Lin Zichen wanted to hide, but there was no time to hide.

As soon as his body moved, dozens of vines entangled him tightly in the next second, making him unable to move.

"He is quite aware of the danger. He took action as soon as he saw me without any hesitation."

Zhou Xiaohui looked at Lin Zichen who was tightly bound by the vines, and couldn't help but smile and admire these words.

Lin Zichen said in a calm voice: "I didn't expect Teacher Zhou to be a traitor to Shenzhi Cult."

Zhou Xiaohui smiled: "I don't call it rape, I call it opening your eyes to see the world."

"And you are all idiots with feudal ideas and don't know how to adapt."

"I don't know what survival is at all."

After saying that, he ordered the six people who came behind him one after another: "Six of you, go to the research institute and take away all the members of the Tianren Pavilion inside."

"Especially Teacher Song, remember to send her to my bed. I have long wanted to taste her."



6 people responded in unison.

Then he quickly rushed to the research institute without wasting a second.

Looking at the background of the six people leaving, Zhou Xiaohui's eyes were full of excitement.

As the dean of the Academic Affairs Office, he has basically taken action whenever he saw a beautiful female tutor over the years.

With the simplest means of coercion and inducement, almost all the beautiful and powerless female tutors in Shandali became his playthings in bed.

Except Song Yuyan.

Only the female mentor who joined Tianren Pavilion was not succeeded by him.

Song Yuyan was so Buddhist that she never thought about promotion and salary increase. She was devoted to the Institute of Pure Humanity, which made him unable to start all these years.

Today, he chose to be hard.

Directly bring all the people from Tianren Pavilion back to the headquarters in the origin.

When the time comes, you can play Song Yuyan however you want.

Not only Song Yuyan, but also Yuan Dongzhi.

Sooner or later, he would have to get his hands on this beautiful woman who often wore a cheongsam dangling in front of his eyes.

After bringing Lin Zichen back to the place of origin, completing a great feat, and obtaining rich evolutionary resources, his own strength will be greatly improved.

He went to catch Yuan Dongzhi back, satisfy his lust, and play with this beautiful woman in cheongsam.

at the same time.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaohui was distracted by his thoughts, Lin Zichen immediately had an idea and used [Lord of the Forest] to control the vines on his body and loosen them from his body.

Then he flashed and killed the six people rushing to the research institute.

He wanted to kill these six people first to prevent Shen Qinghan and others in the research institute from being taken away.

Then, deal with Zhou Xiaohui properly.

Find a way to defeat this heretic who has been hiding in Shanhai University for many years.


There was a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Zhou Xiaohui moved.

His body turned into an afterimage and flashed in front of Lin Zichen.

Then, he suddenly pulled a thorn-covered vine in his hand towards Lin Zichen!

Lin Zichen reacted very quickly and jumped to avoid the slap.

Then he raised his hand and pointed it at the six people in front, released his energy and blood with a flick of his finger, and shot the released energy and blood at the six people like bullets.




Only a series of dull sounds were heard.

The released Qi and blood accurately hit the hearts of the six people, and quickly destroyed the life structures in the six people's bodies, completely wiping out their vitality.

Seeing that six of his men were killed instantly, Zhou Xiaohui was shocked and couldn't believe the scene before him.

But he was not shocked for long, and quickly came to his senses and took action against Lin Zichen.

As soon as he took action, he used all his strength, directly erupting with rare-level biological pressure. With a "bang", he suppressed Lin Zichen in front of him to the ground, unable to move.

"You can resist the poison of the Blood Flower and control the vines. You have so many incredible abilities in your body. No wonder the headquarters has to design you."

Zhou Xiaohui walked up to Lin Zichen, looked at him condescendingly, and smiled with a sudden look on his face.

Lin Zichen wanted to break away from Zhou Xiaohui's biological pressure, but no matter how hard he tried, his body could not move at all.

The pressure of rare-level creatures is too strong.

The pressure on him, who was a high-level creature, was like the five-fingered mountain of the Tathagata Buddha pressing on the Monkey King. It was a completely dimensionally reducing blow.


Can't sit still and wait for death!

If your strength is not enough, you can still use your brain!

There must be a way to escape!

Lin Zichen's mind was spinning at high speed.


He thought of a way to escape.

Suppression is from top to bottom.

He will be so pressed that he cannot move.

Since you can't break free by going up, you can consider breaking free by going down.


Get free!

I have the [Lord of the Forest], which can control the roots of plants underground to help me escape!

Think of this.

Lin Zichen immediately and calmly controlled the plant roots underground.

Use these plant roots to hollow out the soil below you and create a chance for yourself to escape.

To deceive others and delay time.

While Lin Zichen was manipulating the roots of the plants, he opened his mouth with great effort and made a sound:

"You are so powerful, what is your identity?"

"The eighth elder of Shenzhi Sect."

Zhou Xiaohui said with a half-smile.

He didn't care about his identity being exposed, because after doing what he did today, he would enter the source and return to the headquarters of Shenzhi Sect.

Everything on earth will have nothing to do with him anymore.

He is actually the eighth elder of Shenzhi Sect?

Lin Zichen was extremely surprised.

The ninth elder of the Shenzhi Sect who appeared in the coastal forest before was able to suppress and beat the rare third-level Yuan Dongzhi!

And the director of the Academic Affairs Office in front of him is actually the eighth elder of Shenzhi Sect!

A being stronger than the ninth elder of Shenzhi Sect!

This is so shocking!

Lin Zichen stabilized his mind and once again struggled to speak under the biological pressure: "Are you strong and then lurking in Shandong University, or are you in Shandong University yourself and later attracted by the Shenzhi Sect, with the blessing of the resources of the Shenzhi Sect? Did he become so strong?"

Zhou Xiaohui smiled and said: "Of course I became so strong after joining the Shenzhi Cult."

After speaking, he continued: "Shenzhi Cult can bring you evolutionary resources that you can't imagine. Once you join, you will realize how stupid it was that you had resisted joining Shenzhi Cult before."

Lin Zichen manipulated the plant roots to hollow out the soil below and asked, "What specific evolutionary resources are there?"

This time, Zhou Xiaohui did not answer.

Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and said jokingly like a cat playing with a mouse: "Classmate Lin, I know you are stalling for time."

"Give up, it's useless."

"All the powerful men of senior rank and above in the province went to the source to resist the beast herd."

"No matter how much you try to delay, no one will come to save you."


"I will save myself."

Lin Zichen said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the soil beneath his body suddenly collapsed with a "boom".

A deep, bottomless pit collapsed.

But when he was above the soil, his whole body fell instantly.

Successfully escaped from the suppression of Zhou Xiaohui's extremely powerful biological pressure.

Disappeared from Zhou Xiaohui's sight.

"Humph, want to escape?!"

Zhou Xiaohui jumped into the pit and chased Lin Zichen who wanted to escape.

About half a minute later.

A location hundreds of meters away from the pit.

Suddenly there was a "boom" and a figure suddenly burst out of the ground.

It's Zhou Xiaohui!

"Damn you!! Is he fused with the genes of giant alien rats?! So capable of digging?!"

Zhou Xiaohui cursed loudly in anger.

The land under his feet was full of deep pits extending in all directions, and it was impossible to tell which direction Lin Zichen ran.

After calming down a bit.

Zhou Xiaohui looked at the big pit in front and shouted calmly: "Classmate Lin, I advise you to come out immediately and get arrested. You don't want anything to happen to your parents who live in the family area, right?"



Lin Zichen's expression changed as he listened to Zhou Xiaohui's words.

What I was worried about finally happened.

The family became hostages.

The previous words of deputy governor Ye Yongsheng were simply not reliable.

Why can he protect the territory of Kyushu if he says it can be protected?

What a fool!

I shouldn't trust others!

Think about this.

Lin Zichen broke out of the ground and landed on the ground dozens of meters in front of Zhou Xiaohui.

Seeing Lin Zichen come out obediently, Zhou Xiaohui raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "Yes, I am very sensible. Your parents will be safe and sound."

Lin Zichen asked: "Can I say goodbye to my fiancée?"

"Of course not."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xiaohui threw the thorn-covered vine in his hand towards Lin Zichen, wrapping him tightly around him.

In order to prevent Lin Zichen from escaping, Zhou Xiaohui let the spikes on the vines penetrate into his body, locking the blood and energy in his body, making him truly unable to move.

At this time, an ethereal female voice suddenly sounded from high in the sky: "Not bad, I can escape from being chased by rare creatures."

The two people who heard the sound raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound almost at the same time.

Immediately, what caught their eyes was a woman wearing a loose Taoist robe, with an air of immortality.

"Pavilion Master?"

Lin Zichen was surprised.

Didn't the Pavilion Master go to Shuangri Bay to look for the underwater ruins in the video?

How would it appear here?

Did you just go and come back?

Or when you were far away in Shuangri Bay, you directly sensed what was happening here from a distance of dozens of miles?

The power of the Pavilion Master is unfathomable, and this situation is possible.

No matter what, it's fine. Since the Pavilion Master has appeared now, it means that I am saved.

Deputy Governor Ye Yongsheng?

Fuck Deputy State Governor Ye Yongsheng!

Pavilion Master Qi Qingmo is my supporter!

the other side.

Zhou Xiaohui looked at Qi Qingmo in the sky.

Seeing that the other party could actually fly in the air and hover in the air for so long, he didn't even notice it.

He couldn't help but panic and asked: "Who are you?!"

He knows every rare-level powerhouse in Nanjiang Province and remembers their faces.

As for Qi Qingmo in the sky, he had never seen him before.

"Not just any ant deserves to know my name."

Qi Qingmo said this with indifferent eyes.

Then, she stretched out her jade hand towards Zhou Xiaohui below, and gently squeezed it through the air.

The next moment!

Zhou Xiaohui exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot, condensed and hovered in the sky, until it turned into a bright red pill and fell into Qi Qingmo's hand.

Lin Zichen looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was immediately terrified.

He recognized the bright red pill.

It was the Bloodbath Pill he had eaten before.

Crushing a person into a ball of blood mist, and then condensing it into a pill... The Bloodbath Pill that can continuously generate blood and qi in the human body is actually made in this way?

Is this the Great Love Immortal Master?

Why does he look like an evil cultivator who relies on killing people to refine blood to practice? !


PS: Putting bowls, asking for monthly tickets and recommendations

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