Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1208 What? It doesn’t look good!

Tong Yao appeared in the coffee shop on time in the afternoon. Chen Zhan did not show up until half past three. When he walked to Tong Yao, Chen Zhan did not sit down and refused the coffee brought by the waiter. He looked out the window with one hand on his head and held a small The nursery rhyme of stirring coffee with a spoon, Chen Zhan raised his hand and glanced at the time.

"I only give you three minutes. Han Qian's court session is scheduled for three days later, next Monday."

Tong Yao didn't say anything. She just took out her mobile phone and opened a photo and put it on the table. Chen Zhan frowned.

"I don't care about these trivial things. Chen Qiang told me not to embarrass Han Qian. I didn't stop Han Qian from leaving the prison this time, so Chen Qiang's plea has been used. What Han Qian did is vivid in my mind. You should also know what you did to me. A person who imprisoned my son in a mental hospital made everyone think that my son, Chen Zhan, was mentally ill. Do you think I would let Han Qian go? "

Nursery Rhyme raised her head and smiled.

"You will. Give Director Chen a cup of coffee with less sugar."

Chen Zhan turned around and left. When he walked to the door and opened the glass door, Tong Yao spoke.

"Fu Dong is here."

Chen Zhan, who was about to go out, paused for a moment. When he took one foot out, the nursery rhyme started again.

"Director Chen may not be curious about Li's death, but others are curious. Li Shaoqi's death is still a mystery. If this mystery is solved..."

Tong Yao suddenly looked at Chen Zhan with a smile and said again.

"What kind of coffee do you want, Director Chen? How many pieces of sugar should you add?"

Chen Zhan turned around and walked to the bar, then grabbed a handful of sugar cubes and threw them into the coffee cup. He walked towards Nursery Rhyme with the coffee and frowned.

"I really want to throw this cup of coffee in your face!"

Nursery Rhyme laughed.

"Director Chen is still as impulsive as before. Can we sit down and talk about Han Qian now?"

Chen Zhan sat down, took a sip of coffee, and said coldly.

"Regarding the death of Mr. Li, do you think Fu Dong would give up his illegitimate son Zhao Zhen? Although Fu Dong has great power in his position, ordinary people do not have the opportunity to speak up when supporting an illegitimate child, but I have, and my teacher is still Can say a few words.”

Nursery Rhyme stirred the coffee and smiled.

"You are right. After all, he is just an unfulfilled nephew. Fu Dong may not do anything to you for the sake of his son's future, but what about Fu Dong's sister? Fu Dong's sister is a living person, she will He is fighting for his son and you! And do you think Fu Dong will give up on his sister and sit on the sidelines? "

Chen Zhan squinted at Tongyao, who smiled and took out a portfolio, placed it in front of Chen Zhan, and said softly.

"This is all the information I have collected now. In fact, you really shouldn't be in charge of this case. Your taking charge of this case does give us a great opportunity, and Han Qian's early release from prison can also revive this chess game, Chen Director! My Han Qian will keep this secret from you for the rest of his life."

Chen Zhan ignored the documents on the table, frowned and looked at the nursery rhyme, and the nursery rhyme continued.

"I don't think there is a need to open the court session on Monday. There are many doubts in this case. Now you have sent Yu Kai away, and Yu Kai has also presented a letter of understanding, so I now hope to change the interest in this case. Yu Zhen is Suicide was blamed on everyone. It was Yu Zhen who committed suicide and tried to trick Han Qian, but failed to grasp the appropriate measures and caused his own death. "

Chen Zhan shook his head.

"This doesn't make sense."

Nursery Rhyme sneered.

"Common sense? Do you think this is a novel? Do you need to tell readers about common sense? There is no common sense in the world we live in. Mr. Chen Zhan, you seem to have forgotten one thing. I am not discussing with you, I am explaining to you. Do something."

Chen Zhan stood up and said in a low voice.

"Tongyang, aren't you afraid that we will be defeated by you and me?"

Tong Yao stood up and laughed.

"It's up to you, unless you want to lose your son."

After saying that, Tong Yao took out a hundred yuan and put it on the table, then left the cafe with his down jacket.

Tong Yao stood at the door of the coffee shop and looked up at the Honor Group office building standing opposite.

I didn’t expect that my company would suddenly become someone else’s.

I lamented that everything changed too fast, and then...

The nursery rhyme fell.

Lying down in the snow.

This scene in Chen Zhan's eyes made Chen Zhan even more angry. He didn't understand why he always suffered in the hands of this woman.

Again and again.

Tongyao stood up, patted the snow on his body, and crossed the road cursingly. As a result, the car door hit his chin again when he opened the door. Tongyao covered his chin and squatted on the ground, enduring the pain and continuing to curse.

He doesn't look like an adult at all, and he doesn't have the atmosphere of a virtuous and kind teacher.

Tong Yao cursed all the way and drove home. When she opened the door, the atmosphere in the living room was very strange. Ji Jing was sitting on the sofa, her right hand wrapped in a bandage, and the other girls were hiding themselves like ostriches.

Han Qian and Fu Dong stood in front of the dining table admiring the food on the table, but they couldn't tell!

I can't tell what this is doing at all.

Fu Dong picked up something similar to a piece of bread, and then let go. The unknown object landed on the plate and made a crisp sound.

The plate cracked.

Fu Dong raised his head and looked at Han Qian.

"What's this?"

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Yeats. Yeats lowered his head and said weakly with his face flushed.

"Deep-fried... deep-fried... deep-fried spring rolls. I didn't dare stir them when putting them in the pan. They stuck... stuck together."

Fu Dong sighed, then picked up a plate of vegetables that looked like shredded potatoes with his chopsticks.

One bite!

No, it was half a mouthful. Just half a mouthful made Fu Dong's face distorted, and Fu Dong glared at Han Qian.

"I don't care if they don't know how to cook. They are all spoiled young ladies. I understand that they don't distinguish between grains and grains. But what the hell is shredded ginger used as shredded potatoes?"

Han Qian was also a little confused. He slowly turned his head and looked at the "ostriches" with their heads lowered. Luo Shen weakly raised his hand and said weakly.

"I...I thought you wouldn't be able to eat so many dishes! I don't have any potatoes at home, so I just wanted to make them look good and highlight my abilities."

Fu Dong didn't look at Luo Shen, but stared at Han Qian and asked.

"There is definitely something wrong with you coming to Binhai, but I don't know what it is. This time you must have used me as a shield to attract firepower. Han Qian, you are smart. My brain is not as useful as yours. I am not angry, but you are so You fooled me, I’m very angry! Go back to the capital, we will take over your case!”

Han Qian hurriedly took two steps back, raised his hands and was so anxious that he almost cried. Fu Dong even used the word "Master", this guy was angry!

Mainly, Han Qian never expected that Aunt Ji was injured while cooking. Before she told him, he always thought that Ji Jing was busy in the kitchen.

At this time, Yu Shici spoke weakly.

"Would you like that green salad?"

Fu Dong was completely angry, grabbed Han Qian's collar and walked out the door.

"Intentional murder, right? Han Qian, let me tell you, you are finished!"

Han Qian was busy explaining.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, can't I just cook this thing again? Don't be anxious!"

Yu's poems are faintly written.

"There is no food at home."

What irritated Fu Dong was a vegetable salad. What overwhelmed Han Qian was that he couldn't go out now. Tong Yao stood at the door and watched everything happening in front of her. She walked into the kitchen with the dish without saying a word. Han Qian grabbed Fu Dong's wrist.

"Don't worry, everything can still turn around."

Twenty minutes later, Fu Dong looked at the four dishes in front of him and picked up a peanut.

"Han Qian, Han Qian, I have never served such a shabby rice bowl in my life. Fried sausages, peanuts, green onions and half shredded cabbage, and cold vermicelli. There is not even one steaming dish on the table."

Then when Tong Yao took out a bottle of liquor, Fu Dong shrugged.

"It's not impossible."

Tongyao walked to Yu Shici's side and whispered a few words before Yu Shici went out. Tongyao still said nothing and began to tidy up the room. Fu Dong looked at Han Qian with a wine glass in his hand.

"You lost two companies. You suffered a big loss this time. Are you angry?"

Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"It's a lie to say that I'm not popular. These two companies can't be acquired even if you have money. Honor and Changxiang are not listed on the market. As long as they don't sell them, no amount of money I have will be of any use. Even these two companies are losing money to them." All are acceptable.”

Fu Dong held the wine glass in front of his eyes and looked at Han Qian, who smiled.

"Stop teasing me. I have said that I will take the company back in half a year. Tell me, what is the chance of success if I directly ask my mother Zhou to arrest Lin Zongheng?"

Fu Dong put down his wine glass and pointed at the four dishes in front of him.

"The probability is so high. It's cool. If there is no conflict between Lin Zongheng and Xiao Baitao now, Lao Bai will not give up on Lin Zongheng."

Han Qian frowned and asked.

"How much more capable are Lao Bai and Fang Xiong? Very big?"

Fu Dong nodded.

"I have no rights and lose face. Before Lao Bai went in, everyone stayed away, but now that he has come out, it has been proven that he is clean and there is nothing wrong with him. No one is sure whether Lao Bai will change in the future, and now The people in the first and second offices were all brought up by Lao Bai, what do you think? But if you said you took care of them yourself, Lao Bai had no reason to say that you were in Baolin Zongheng, but why didn't you let your mother Zhou help Liu? Is Shengge ready?"

At this time, Yu Shici came back, carrying a large bag of snacks and some ingredients. Tongyao stood up, took the ingredients and walked into the kitchen. Luo Shen took a popsicle and walked behind Han Qian. Fu Dong raised his eyebrows.

"Little Luo Shen, go away and eat. I think you're cold. I'll go back to the capital and treat Luo Fu to some ginger slices."

Luo Shen rolled her eyes. This was her greatest courage. Han Qian turned sideways and took a bite of the popsicle in Luo Shen's hand and said vaguely.

"The Gu family owes Liu Shengge a favor. You don't know what happened to this favor? When you guys wanted to work together to kill Gu Qingyun, Liu Shengge risked his life to save him. Although it is the icing on the cake, the Gu family owes This favor, if Liu Shengge doesn't kill me, my mother Zhou will talk, so now it's a deadlock, we are relatively similar, no one can do anything to each other, they are both tempting me to kill them, so I It’s all over, like my father killed a few people, I can suppress the matter, but I can’t kill people, no one can suppress it, the focus is too bright.”

Tong Yao came out with a portion of hot fried squid with garlic sprouts. Fu Dong's expression softened a bit and he said softly.

"No one can kill anyone. I know about your father's murder not long ago. His son was about to be killed. It was still self-defense for the father to protect his son and kill him. Because there is no age limit in this, so what on earth did I do this time? effect?"

Han Qian pointed at several girls.

"To verify your cooking skills, I really value you coming to tell the truth. In the entire Binhai, I have never eaten the food they cooked together. You can't eat this food in the world."

Fu Dong pouted.

"That's right. The Nineteenth Level of Hell may only eat this thing. Let me tell you something trivial. Don't blame Cai Qinghu for this. You two are a legal couple. Her every move is being watched. Even if you are fine now, Cai Qinghu's improvement has come to an end. This is the end of his life. It is impossible to move forward. It is useless for anyone to help. "

Han Qian raised his eyebrows after saying this.

"Chen Zhandu can be reinstated."

Fu Dong pouted.

"Chen Qiang and Chen Lei were not involved in human life. Do you understand?"

At this time, Tong Yao brought out two more dishes, one small stir-fried pork and one hot pork liver. Fu Dong added a piece of pork liver and threw it into his mouth before speaking.

"This time your mother Zhou and your father Gu can't get involved in this matter because of orders. You keep appearing in the capital. Many people are paying attention to you. Moreover, our leader has some grudges with you. Don't blame me. They old couple, I'm going to have a chat with Chen Zhan?"

Han Qian picked up the wine glass and smiled.

"Of course that's what you want."

Fu Dong smiled.

"That's what I said. It's better not to say anything about Chen Zhan. After all, Zhao Zhen is still under his command."

"You are not prepared to let Zhao Zhen pay."

Fu Dong did not answer, but waited for the next dish of Nursery Rhyme. The salted prawns were brought to the table. Fu Dong's expression softened a lot, and he took the initiative to get Han Qian a glass of wine.

"Shall I give you a company?"

Han Qian shook his head and smiled.

"Don't~ Gentleman, if you don't accept it, you will talk about Li Shaoqi after taking over your company. Although it is not good to talk about dead people, he is really not good, so! If you die, just die. Although I don't know the murderer I'm good at cutting, but I can use this matter to keep Zhao Zhen taken care of. I am a businessman, and I think more about interests. I hope you can understand."

Fu Dong stopped moving in his hand, put down his wine glass, leaned forward slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"That little psycho?"

Han Qian pouted.

"No one is here, let's do it indirectly! This is the purpose of letting you come to Binhai, but I feel that if I don't tell you, you are not a human being. For Zhao Zhen's sake, just pretend you don't know about this matter. If you have any ideas, you Come to me and I will solve it for you. Of course, it’s my opinion! Don’t get angry with me.”

At this time, Tong Yao walked out of the kitchen and whistled to Ji Jing on the sofa. Ji Jing stood up and walked to the south balcony. She put away the clothes drying rack and raised the balcony tatami lifting table. Then she took two legless stools and placed them. At this time, Yeats stood up and took out the prepared cigarettes and ashtrays, while Yu Shici prepared alcohol blocks and a small rack.

Tong Yao walked out of the kitchen carrying a pot of mutton soup and placed it on the tatami on the south balcony. She turned her head to look at the two of them and smiled.

"Winter goes well with mutton soup, and the snowy scene is more suitable for drinking. Can you two drive? You can smoke~"

Fu Dong stood up and walked to the balcony. Tong Yao laughed when he sat down.

"Take off your socks and relax."

On the tatami on the balcony, Fu Dong was holding a bowl of mutton soup and sipping it in small sips, and asked softly.

"How many people know about this?"

Han Qian ate the pie brought by Nursery Rhymes and whispered.

"Within ten, except for the three of us, the rest are the people on the opposite side."

Fu Dong looked at Luo Shen sitting beside him, and Han Qian smiled.

"Idiots don't understand. If you come here to see me, will anyone gossip?"

Fu Dong curled his lips and sneered.

"Don't want your tongue? Han Qian, it was best for you to have entered the Yamen Gate. Your rights are definitely greater than those of Sun Zhengmin now."

Han Qian shook his head and sighed.

"I have an upright personality, I can't get into the government office, and now I'm definitely diagnosed with bipolar disorder."

As soon as Han Qian finished speaking, Luo Shen's cell phone rang. After answering the phone, Luo Shen hummed twice and looked at Han Qian.

"Official, your ban has been lifted, but you have to wait for the announcement from the Yamenmen tomorrow. Why do you want me to say that Honor and Changxiang are two lousy companies? It's not worth the money, so forget about living in the capital. ”

Han Qian smiled and shook his head, while Fu Dong looked at Luo Shen sideways while holding the wine glass.

"Little Luoshen, get out of here, as far away as you can."

Luo Shen sighed and muttered a grudge and went to the sofa. Fu Dong looked at Han Qian.

"It's not as reasonable as what Luo Shen said."

Han Qian sighed.

"Human! You have to struggle in this life, and only after struggling can you feel that you are alive! During the short period of retirement, I felt as if I had never existed in this world. It is not good to live a comfortable life. I am a little angry and a little bit... Depression.”

Fu Dong smiled.

"Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness, but killing is still illegal."

Han Qian shrugged.

"What a pity. How have you considered it?"

Fu Dong raised his eyebrows.

“What do I need to consider?”

Han Qian smiled.

"It's okay, I drank too much."

Fu Dong glanced around the living room, and then looked at Han Qian again.

"Tell me, what's the point of marrying so many women?"

Han Qian was furious, slapped his hand on the table and said angrily.

"What's going on? Doesn't it look good?"

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