"The wine is almost done, and the food is almost done. I really have something to do with you."

After drinking, Han Qian was cooking for some girls in the kitchen. The nursery rhyme said that he was fooling around. Han Qian shook his head. Fu Dong stood in front of the kitchen window and looked at Han Qian with a cigarette in his mouth and asked.

"Tell me what's going on."

Han Qian cut the haggis and smiled.

"Between me and Lady Song..."

"Oh! If you didn't mention this, I would have forgotten about it. Now Lady Song is rumored in the capital that you have caused harm to her and she is pregnant with your child. Han Qian, let me remind you that Lady Song is a bit powerful. She works in the research institute. Son, but she also holds other positions and is a rare genius. If she wants to give you a child, you really can’t control it. To be honest, we were a little skeptical at first, but then we heard that it was you. No one in the capital who knows you has any doubts, they all firmly believe that you can do this."

Han Qian sighed, turned his head and looked at the figures standing outside the sliding door, Han Qian said with a helpless smile.

"It really doesn't matter, but I did beat Lady Song, and I almost didn't get beaten to death! Not long ago, I disguised myself as a gunman for her, but this woman discovered it, and then I You’re starting to spread rumors about me, can you please calm down for us in the middle?”

Just as Luo Shen opened the door and was about to speak, Han Qian pinched a piece of mutton and stuffed it into Luo Shen's mouth. The next second, Luo Shen's face suddenly changed and he began to vomit.

She doesn't eat mutton.

Han Qian scratched his head slightly embarrassed, looked at Fu Dong and said again.

"Can you help me?"

Fu Dong tilted his head and thought for a moment, then Han Qian said again.

"There's no deal, I'm just shameless and want to talk to you."

Fu Dong smiled.

"I can think about it, I'm going to take a nap."

Han Qian pointed to the door and smiled.

"One room is for nursery rhymes, and the other is for Yu's poems. Where will you sleep as an elder? Are you going to live in Swan Lake? I'll take you there, Luo Shen! Come and drive!"


Luoshen was still vomiting in the bathroom, Ji Jing stood up and smiled.

"I'll do it."

An An had already picked up the car keys, and Fu Dong smiled at An An.

"Okay, it's rare for you to catch Han Qian for once."

Han Qian grinned at Fu Dong.

"Son Zhengmin is in Binhai. He has good driving skills."

It was already six o'clock in the evening when Fu Dong walked out of the community. Sun Zhengmin stood at the door of the community as cold as a grandson. He really didn't dare to sit in the car and wait for Fu Dong. Watching Fu Dong walk out of the community door, Sun Zhengmin trotted all the way. Come.

"Director Fu."

Fu Dong smiled.

"Are you freezing?"

Sun Zhengmin shook his head hurriedly.

"It's not cold. The winter in Binhai is no better than in Shengjing. The temperature is not bad."

"Then I'm cold, give me your clothes."

Sun Zhengmin was slightly stunned, but he still took off his coat and handed it to Fu Dong. Fu Dong put on Sun Zhengmin's coat and lit a cigarette while looking up at the falling snowflakes.

He had no intention of getting in the car, so Sun Zhengmin had to stay with him in the cold.

After more than ten minutes, Sun Zhengmin's lips had lost all color from the cold. Fu Dong looked at Sun Zhengmin and smiled.

"Are you quite powerless? You don't dare to resist, but you feel uncomfortable?"

Sun Zhengmin forced a smile and did not answer. Fu Dong stepped forward and knocked on the car door. After the door opened, Fu Dong grabbed the driver and threw him aside. Then he sat in the driver's seat. Not to mention that Fu Dong was drinking now, he just had a bomb. It’s okay!

And this is Son Zhengmin’s car.

Fu Dong hooked his hands at Sun Zhengmin.

"Come here! Get in the car!"

After Sun Zhengmin got in the car, Fu Dong started the car and went straight to the expressway entrance of the new district. Fu Dong smiled.

"If you go to the capital, you won't be able to come back!"

One sentence frightened Sun Zhengmin into sweating profusely. Just when he was about to enter the highway, Fu Dong suddenly turned the steering wheel and made a U-turn. At this time, Sun Zhengmin understood everything.

Han Qian, a little bastard, was very vindictive. The car stopped on the side of the road. Fu Dong got out of the car, lit a cigarette and looked at Sun Zhengmin.

"What? You still want me to drive for you?"

Sun Zhengmin got out of the car and trotted over. As soon as he was about to get in the car, Fu Dong hugged his neck. He drank a pound of liquor at the nursery rhyme. Fu Dong was also a little drunk at this time, and he hugged Sun Zhengmin's neck. He said he was pinching Sun Zhengmin's neck.

"Old fox, Han Qian and Tong Yao can clearly see the frivolous thing in your belly. Don't keep trying to sow discord between Han Qian and the Yamenmen every day."

Sun Zhengmin shook his head hurriedly.

"I wouldn't dare."

Fu Dong put Sun Zhengmin into the car and sat in the back, holding a cigarette in his mouth and slapped Sun Zhengmin on the back of the head.


The sound is crisp and powerful.

"Don't you dare? Old fox, old fox, no one else can see the evil in your heart. Li Jinhan is a ruffian with a bad brain, Qin Yaozu doesn't know how to turn around, and Li Yali is a woman who has blindly believed in your friendship for so many years."

Sun Zhengmin was a little panicked at this time and laughed dryly.

"You're overthinking."


Another crisp slap on the head, Fu Dong frowned.

"Still pretending? You don't mind fooling the children, but are you trying to trick me? Sun Zhengmin, do you want to go squat in the dark room? You go with Li Jinhan to put pressure on Lin Zongheng, don't you know that Lao Bai has come out? You don’t know the background of the Baitao family? You know clearly that there is no way to solve it, but you still do it. After doing so, Han Qian will have conflicts with your Yamenmen, and the grievances between Chen Jinye and Han Qian will Very deep, you want to promote the conflict between Han Qian and Chen Jinye, and let Han Qian help you clear the way after Chen Zhan resolves it? And Chen Zhan’s appearance is your intention, right?”

Sun Zhengmin said nothing, and Fu Dong slapped him again.

"You want to use Han Qian's help to get rid of Chen Jinye, and then no one will compete with you in Fengtian. If Han Qian loses to Chen Zhan, Han Qian's family will not let go of Chen Zhan and Chen Jinye. This is Han Qian No matter what happens in the conflict between the Chen family and the Chen family, you, Sun Zhengmin, will always be the one who benefits. You are very good at playing, old man!"

Sun Zhengmin didn't dare to say a word, and he didn't know his destination at a speed of thirty miles all the way.


"Where are we going? You can figure it out. Can you figure out where I want to go now?"

Sun Zhengmin didn't speak. After about two minutes, Fu Dong spoke.

"Go to the mental hospital, and then I'll take care of you slowly. I can't just come and hang out in Binhai once. People have to know that I'm here to work."

Fu Dong didn't mind helping Han Qian beat Sun Zhengmin. They talked a lot at the wine table and drank for two hours. They talked too much. The cause of Li Shaoqi's death was revealed to Fu Dong. , and Han Qian’s meaning is obvious.

You have to endure it for Zhao Zhen, but you can't help it and tell me, I can just torture them.

Fu Dong thought for a long time. If you want to say that Han Qian is a good person, that is definitely not the case. This grandson has done a lot of deceiving people, but if you say that Han Qian is a bad person, sometimes he feels that this little kid is quite pitiful. Grandma doesn't care, and uncle doesn't love you.

Something happened this time, and the elders still haven't said anything to comfort the child's hurt heart.

Helping little Han Qian beat Sun Zhengmin is just a matter of course.

As soon as Fu Dong arrived at the mental hospital, Chen Zhan came over and killed him.

The two stood looking at each other in the hall of the mental hospital.

Chen Zhan said softly.

"Drink less as you get older."

Fu Dong chuckled.

"You're a little too sensitive. I just came here to take a look. I heard that a child begged Han Qian for mercy."

Chen Zhan smiled.

"It does happen. What do you say about Han Qian?"

Fu Dong shrugged.

"I won't say it, and it has nothing to do with me, but Han Qian is useful to me now. There are some things I don't know he knows, and there are some things I can't do but he can do. Zhou Hui wants to touch Chen Jinye."

Chen Zhan raised his hands.

"Just surrender."

Fu Dong turned his back and waved to Chen Zhan. Chen Zhan thought for a few seconds and shouted.

"Zhao Zhen is promoted to the first level in the spring."

Fu Dong waved his hand again and strode away. When he walked out of the mental hospital and looked at Sun Zhengmin who was shivering from the cold, Fu Dong curled his lips.

"You will freeze to death, you little son of a bitch."


Han Qian didn't know how he spent this night. He always felt that the world was in a war-torn moment.

At nine o'clock, a document was sent to the Yamenmen, requiring Han Qian to report to the Yamenmen once a month. The reason was not stated, and the person left without saying the reason.

Han Qian can go out.

Breathing the air outside again, Han Qian sighed.

"It's so cold, it's a bit freezing."

When he left the community and asked Wei Tiancheng to go fishing, play pool, and have a drink in the evening, Wei Tiancheng naturally would not refuse. When asked if he wanted to invite others, Han Qian said casually.

Driving Luoshen's car to Changxiang Group.

In just a few days, the warm poster of Changxiang Group was replaced by a 'bastard'. Han Qian was just about to leave when the very annoying Mercedes-Benz AMG supercar appeared in the Aston Martin. the front.

Han Qian opened the door and got out of the car, and Lin Zongheng also got out of the car.

He cut his hair short and dyed it a granny gray color, wore leather gloves and a windbreaker, and the guy even had a bit of a beard.

I haven't seen Lin Zongheng for two months.

Lin Zongheng walked over with a big smile.

"Hahaha, brother-in-law, brother-in-law! I didn't expect that in this roundabout way, I would end up back where I started. After all, the injuries you suffered were all in vain."

Han Qian shook his hair and curled his lips.

"Life never lacks the courage to start over again."

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"Why are you pretending to be like this? Liu Shengge has made you suffer such a big loss this time. How can you get it back if you don't want to think about it?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"I really don't have this intention. I am tired after so many years of treatment. I also want to take a rest and see the great rivers and mountains with warmth. Lin Zongheng, are you tired?"

Lin Zongheng nodded seriously.

"I'm tired of speaking my mind. I'm going to be killed by the eunuch soon!"

Han Qian gave Lin Zongheng a thumbs up.

"I think this method is good, it doesn't involve fire."

"I don't have a cigarette."

The two of them leaned against the car door, holding cigarettes in their mouths, and looked at the Changxiang Group in front of them. After smoking, Han Qian opened the car door and got in, and Lin Zongheng laughed.

"Do you feel bad? The enjoyment you worked so hard to get is finally back in my hands."

Han Qian smiled.

"It's not uncomfortable. After all, I tortured your father to death."

Lin Zongheng waved and shouted to Han Qian without being angry at all.

"Come to the company for tea when you have time! Remember to make a reservation when you go upstairs. I'm not just for everyone."

Han Qian, who was sitting in the car, punched the steering wheel hard. He said he was not angry, which was completely false. If they didn't pay some interest on the two of them first, Han Qian felt like he would be woken up by anger even if he slept. Although the group was given by Nuan Nuan, wasn't it Han Qian who was responsible for this?

Han Qian was still in a irritable state when he met Wei Tiancheng. After sitting by the lake for a while, Han Qian came to his senses and took a deep breath. Wei Tiancheng fiddled with the fishing rod, turned his head and glanced at Han Qian, tentatively. asked.

"The supply of Changxiang and Honor has been stopped now? The goods of both groups are provided by me and Liu Guangming, especially the construction side. The shortage of goods will probably make them uncomfortable for a while."

Han Qian shook his head.

"It doesn't seem to be of much use. Lin Zongheng will just find a few cooperative businessmen. The two groups won't be in a hurry to get it back. This time they both tore off two pieces of flesh from my body. I have to get it back first." The interest is recovered.”

Wei Tiancheng lowered his head and looked at the bait and whispered.

"Nian Shilun has been harassing Qingsi. He sent Qingsi several nude photos of himself. Qingsi was so disgusted that he couldn't eat for several days. There were also rumors that Qingsi had spanked his children for him."

Han Qian turned his head.

"When did it happen?"

Wei Tiancheng sighed.

"In the past few days since you came in, there have been some problems with Qingsi. There has been a lot of public opinion on the Internet. I couldn't stand it and started arguing with some netizens, and then the quarrel was so loud that they took action offline. I am still in detention at the moment. Inside the place.”


"Magic City."

Han Qian took out his Nokia and made a phone call. After saying a few words, he looked at Wei Tiancheng.

"Let someone pick up the child and tell me about Qingsi. Doesn't Qinghu know?"

Wei Tiancheng shrugged and curled his lips.

"Cai Qinghu's thoughts are all on you, and Qingsi didn't go to cause trouble to Qinghu. Qingsi called the police on this matter, but they can only give verbal education. This young man is still not very honest."

Han Qian held his cigarette in his mouth and blew out a mouthful of white mist.

"This person is really disgusting. He used to disgust my aunt, then he disgusted Su Liang, and now he's disgusted by Qingsi. By the way! What has Su Liang been doing recently? Why didn't the others disappear after I was imprisoned?"

"I'm divorcing Li Li. Li Li asked Su Liang to clean up and leave the house. She took the two children with her. He asked us not to get involved in this matter. He said that you are a lucky person and you have your destiny. I will study the year wheel?"

"What's the hurry? Fish first."

As soon as Han Qian finished speaking, Nuan Nuan called.

"Wai~ Brother Qian, I'm home? Where are you?"


"Do you want to eat boiled fish tonight?"

"Eat the boiled insoles to keep them warm. After you rest for a while, call your parents. The snowy weather goes well with hot springs. Let's go soak in the hot springs."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian looked at Wei Tiancheng.

"You'd better forget about this and go to the hot springs with me tonight. I'll let others take care of this. You're still too kind."

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