At three o'clock in the afternoon, Baitao finally appeared behind Han Qian. Han Qian ignored Baitao and squatted in the flower bed of the Glory Group, looking down at the ants belonging to the two camps fighting each other.

Heavy casualties!

Although Baitao couldn't understand the hobbies of a mentally retarded child like Han Qian, he expressed respect.

"Where do you think your mother is?"

Han Qian turned around and looked up at Baitao standing behind him, holding his chin and saying seriously.

"Baitao, as the biggest boss of Binhai Yamenmen, why do you say something dirty?"

Baitao pouted.

"Can it be the same for humans and dogs?"

"Baitao, your breasts are not small! Let me touch them."

After saying this, Han Qian put his head in his hands, and Baitao bent down and punched and kicked Han Qian.

After the fight, I vented my anger.

Han Qian stood up and hugged Baitao's neck, smiling.

"Come on, let me let you know what role I play in this city."

Baitao struggled hard, but Han Qian refused to let go. After a few minutes, Baitao gave up and was pulled away by Han Qian's arms.

The people watching the excitement standing in the distance of Glory Square sighed and said, why did you leave so quickly? Haven’t seen enough yet!

Han Qian's unclean heart was clearly calculated. No one outside knew what he was doing or saying with Baitao in the office, but here, in public, how could Lin Zongheng not receive the news? As long as Baitao suddenly distances himself from him, Lin Zongheng's support at the yamen will disappear in an instant.

Haha, little bastard, if I don’t nod, do you want to leave Binhai? Do you think you are me, Han Qian?

After only walking a few hundred meters with Baitao in his arms, Baitao pushed Han Qian away and said angrily.

"It's hot! My neck is covered in sweat! Stay away from me."

Han Qian lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Baitao, in your mind, am I a scourge to the city of Binhai? Do you think that Binhai's government office and business should not be under my control?"

Baitao squinted at Han Qian and said disdainfully.

"You think you are not a disaster? What was Binhai like before? What is it like now?"

Baitao was cursing Han Qian during the walk. She thought it was Han Qian who destroyed the city, because before Han Qian showed up, the city was clean and harmonious. So many people would not have died. There were so many street fights.

Han Qian did not make any rebuttal to this and took Baitao all the way to the city bureau. Now Li Jinhai has been suspended and is under investigation.

Baitao squinted at Han Qian and said disdainfully.

"What? Are you asking me to plead for Li Jinhai?"

Han Qian smiled and shook his head.

"No! I didn't mean that! I brought you here to let you know some things you have never known. Now is a society ruled by law. Kidnappings will indeed not happen, but I want to tell Bai Shuji One thing, haha! Have you ever heard of bullying?”

Baitao frowned and looked at Han Qian, saying coldly.

"You mean students?"

Han Qian nodded and smiled.

"Yes! Let's go upstairs and chat!"

The two walked into Xiao Song's office and looked at Xiao Song, who was wearing new clothes and sitting straight in the office. Han Qian smiled.

"Congratulations to Deputy Song for your promotion!"

Now that Li Jinhai has been suspended, all matters of the municipal bureau are temporarily handled by Xiao Song.

Seeing Han Qian, Xiao Song stood up, scratched his head and smiled.

"Brother Qian'er, please stop joking. Bai Shuji, you sit down and I'll get you some water."

Han Qian waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to bother, walked to the window, picked up the shower head, and turned to look at Baitao.

"Come on, Taotao~open your mouth~"

Baitao rolled her eyes at Han Qian, then frowned and asked.

"Why did you mention bullying? Han Qian, do you have children at home who are being bullied? A little Tu Kun scares many children in Binhai."

Han Qian pulled up a chair and sat across from Xiao Song, lit a cigarette again, blew out the smoke and smiled.

"No! It's good that I didn't bully other children when I was in school. As for the bullying I told you, it was very common in Binhai. I was even called to school by the teacher for this! But have you noticed? "In the past year, there have been no incidents of children fighting, hurting or bullying others in Binhai."

After saying this, Baitao frowned slightly, then nodded to Xiao Song.

"Go get me the files and documents."

Xiao Song got up and went to the archives room. Han Qian put his head on one hand and looked at Baitao, laughing softly.

"Actually, you don't need to look at these files and documents. The most recent one was a rape case last summer. The perpetrator did not meet the conditions for being held accountable. In the end, the matter was settled without being held accountable."

Baitao frowned after hearing this, picked up the paper cup and took a glass of water. Holding the paper cup, she turned around to look at Han Qian and said softly.

"I've heard about this before! I heard that the perpetrator was very arrogant when the case was concluded."

Han Qian stretched out a finger and smiled.

"They were only arrogant for a month, and then disappeared for about a month. But after two months from being released to disappearing, the three of them went to the door of the victim's house, knelt and kowtowed to admit their mistakes and apologize! They brought fifty Wan, that bitch’s head was bleeding from eating at the door. The bitch’s mother slapped him thirty times and knocked out one of his teeth.”

Baitao took a sip of water and frowned.

"You know this matter very well!"

Han Qian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Yes! I know it very well, because the final revenge method I gave to the girl's father belonged to me. I couldn't let him impulsively kill this family of three. I wanted to maintain the security of Binhai, so I gave him a Method!"

At this time, Xiao Song came back. Baitao just nodded to Xiao Song, then looked at Han Qian again and asked.

"What method did you use to make this family of three finally willingly compensate and apologize!"

Han Qian smiled and had nothing to say. Xiao Song put down the documents in his hands and raised his head to look at Baitao and said softly.

"Bai Shuji, are you talking about the rape case last summer? In the end, there were many twists and turns. The perpetrator came to the police! They even sued the victim's family because their son of a bitch couldn't bear the pressure. He committed suicide. Not only that, the child’s father was fired from the company and the mother also lost her job.”

Baitao became a little curious and said softly.

"At that time, Binhai's stock market was still rising because of Li Shaoqi, right?"

Xiao Song nodded.

"Yeah! It's him!"

"What happened in the meantime?"

Baitao couldn't help but asked, and Xiao Song smiled and shook his head.

"In fact, nothing happened. The bastard did not meet the conditions for being held accountable at that time, so in the end he did not pursue the case and went home to strengthen discipline. However, the victim's family could not accept this reality, so they found a 76-year-old The old man rode a tricycle with a loudspeaker and chased this bitch every day to scold him, calling him a rapist and a beast. He chased and scolded him from the moment he walked out of the house to school in the morning. He continued to scold him at the school gate during the day and continued to scold him after school. , after a long time, the school couldn’t stand it anymore, so it could only persuade him to leave because his personal behavior affected the learning environment of other students!”

Baitao frowned and looked at Han Qian, Xiao Song sighed and continued.

"After this bitch couldn't go to school, the old man stood downstairs with a loudspeaker and cursed. This made the surrounding neighbors unable to have a good rest morning and night. During that period, the conflicts became more and more serious, and the keyholes were blocked. Egg-throwing people, everything happens. I called the police several times for this matter, but... At seventy-six years old, we can't say anything. We persuaded him that day, and the old man left, and he continued to come the next day. ! And this time the old man came with his grandson, who is the same age as the dog! He is almost 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 200 pounds!"

After hearing this, Baitao squinted at Han Qian, who smiled.

"Why do you think so of me? The other party did sue, saying that the old man insulted their family, but after fact investigation, this matter cannot be regarded as defamation or humiliation, because what the old man shouted was true. How? Dare you do it? Don’t you dare to tell others?”

Xiao Song laughed again after hearing this.

"Then after the bitch stopped going out, the old man went to the bitch's father's company to scold him. He scolded the man so hard that he was fired by the company. Then the old man went to the bitch's mother's workplace to scold him! He persisted for about a month. The family moved away, but when they arrived in the new city, an eighty-year-old old man appeared again and was chasing and scolding them! It wasn't just the old man, but a group of senior citizens who were chasing him and scolding them. Once again, they were scolded and persuaded to leave. , fired, the family couldn’t bear it anymore, and came back to apologize to the victim’s family.”

Baitao asked with wide eyes after hearing this.


Baitao shook his head.

"No! I'm still scolding him now, because it's been a year now, and that bitch has met the conditions for being held accountable. If he dares to do it again, it's not a matter of home education. Now that bitch's mental state is... He was worried about gains and losses, and would cover his ears and run away when he saw an old man! This bastard's life was ruined. No school would accept him, no tutor would dare to give him extra lessons, and his parents would find jobs because of this! It has also become a wake-up call for Binhai. No one dares to commit crimes in the name of not being held accountable. I really can’t bear the scolding!”

Baitao put down the paper cup and pointed at Han Qian, frowning.

"You are really damaged! You are probably the only one who can come up with this idea."

Han Qian raised his hands and smiled.

"I didn't do anything, I didn't have any involvement in the whole thing! If you say I broke the law, I admit it! I can be detained for five days at most. Do I care about these five days? But doing this has given Binhai a Warning! No one dares to bully others unscrupulously because of his young age. I also heard that the victim’s father established a civil society to help children who were bullied! Do you think he broke the law? Is my existence good or bad for Binhai?”

Baitao frowned and said angrily.

"At the beginning of human life, nature is good!"

Han Qian turned his head and looked out the window and said softly.

"The first time I met Feng Lun, he was protecting an old scavenger who was being bullied by bullies! Little Tu Kun was also there at the time."

Then Han Qian stood up, stretched and yawned.

"Baitao, there was an experiment done in Europe. A woman anesthetized herself and stood in the middle of the road, telling passers-by that they could do anything without any legal responsibility. At first, everyone just scratched and pinched But as time went by, someone took off her clothes, someone touched her butt, and she could only watch everything that happened. In the end, someone even took out a knife and put it close to her neck. He was stopped by the experimental staff who came and finally took the scientist away. Is it true that human nature is inherently good? Is it because of the constraints of the law? When there is no law, the evil of human nature will make you sick. Give you nightmares and make you scream with fear!"

Baitao frowned and Han Qian smiled.

"Some people are bound by the law, and they are afraid of the law! But tell me, is Feng Lun afraid of the law? Feng Lun is not afraid, but if you ask Feng Lun if he is afraid of Han Qian? Does he dare to say he is not afraid? I am asking you, is Chen Qiang afraid of the law? ? He is not afraid, but are you afraid of Han Qian now? Can you restrain the mentally ill person in Beijing? ? You have no choice but to let him go unpunished, but why can you not be punished if you make a mistake? This is the rule set by my Han Qian for Binhai!"

Baitao looked at Han Qian with complicated eyes, but she still chose to remain silent.

Han Qian turned his head and smiled at Xiao Song.

"Song! Speak to me in English! What you want to say most right now!"

Xiao Song smiled.

"Everyone, everyone on the coast."

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