Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 955 The purpose of approaching Baitao

It was already dark when they left the city bureau. Han Qian and Baitao drove away in a car.

Han Qian drove to the busy food stall, looked at the drinkers with a cigarette in his mouth, and said softly.

"Bai Shuji, believe it or not, if you walk around there in your bra and underwear, no one would dare to whistle at you or speak rudely to you! Believe it or not?"

Baitao took off his shirt to reveal the camisole underneath, revealing a patch of white flowers and the bottomless ravine. He looked at Han Qian and said softly.

"I am very confident about my figure and appearance. Are you also very confident about this city? You just said that no one is born with good nature! And alcohol can anesthetize a person's reason!"

Han Qian glanced at Baitao's chest, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Alcohol can anesthetize a person's reason and give people courage, but alcohol will never anesthetize the most fearful thing in their hearts! If there are people teasing or beating women in the night market again in this city, they all know that they will be waiting for them. It’s not just about being locked up for a few days! It’s about the friendly and warm exchanges between the guys from District 8!”

Baitao opened the car door and got out of the car, wearing cool clothes and walked into the noisy food stall. She could feel the winking eyes and heard someone's kind reminder.

"Big girl, you can't dress like this when you go out! I believe in myself, but I don't believe in my brothers!"

Baitao just smiled at this, and walked around the food stall for a full circle. Some people struck up conversations, and some whistled, but no one came forward to say hello. During this period, Baitao saw a few people who wanted to say hello. They were all stopped by friends who were accompanying them.

Baitao stood in front of the grilled squid stall, watching the boss skillfully cooking squid, Baitao said softly.

"It's weird!"

The grilled squid boss smiled.

"Are you curious why no gangsters showed up?"

Baitao nodded and the boss smiled.

"Because now it's not only the police uncles who are afraid of those idle people in society, but also the laughing brother Qian'er. Now many people in Binhai know some things. They can smear themselves, but they can't smear Binhai, because there is a man Love everyone in this city.”

Baitao frowned.

"Han Qian's dog?"

The boss of the grilled squid chuckled and said nothing. When Baitao returned to the car and handed the grilled squid to Han Qian, Han Qian shook his head.

"Why am I unhappy if I don't eat seafood?"

Baitao looked at Han Qian and frowned.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense! Han Qian! Some people say that you love this city. I don't understand!"

Han Qian smiled.

"Me? I don't know why they said that. Maybe it's true."

Baitao frowned and looked at Han Qian and said in a low voice.

"I do not believe!"

Han Qian seemed to be in a good mood and laughed.

"You're not stupid. This piece of land was rented by Tu Xiao as a whole and then sublet to these merchants. Firstly, he was worried about the procedures for getting stuck at the Yamen Gate. Secondly, for the sake of public security, Tu Xiao would be at the general meeting of all their merchants every night. One percent of the turnover is taken away. In Binhai, no one dares to cause trouble in Tu Xiao's territory. It is better than the law. The law is humanitarian. Tu Xiao has reincarnation indicators! Put on clothes and go to eat! I'm a little hungry, we can have some drinks."

Baitao frowned.

"Why should I wear clothes, hey? Did Han Qianqian notice something? There are very few people boxing in Binhai!"

Han Qian shrugged and whispered.

"Girls in the Northeast have very upright values. The main reason is that they don't like to reason very much. If they can't beat you, they will yell at you. Why should I box with you? If you have time for boxing, why don't you say 'fuck your mother' more often?" Woolen cloth."

Baitao blinked at Han Qian, who frowned.

"You dare to scold me, believe it or not, I will stuff it in the trunk for you? Get dressed and go eat!"

This time the two walked into the food stall side by side. As soon as they walked in, two boys from District 8 came over to say hello. Baitao muttered a curse in a low voice. Han Qian was too lazy to pay attention to this woman.

Walking to a balloon booth, Han Qian pointed to the dolls on the table.

"choose one!"

Baitao glanced at Han Qian and curled her lips.

"Are you very accurate in shooting? Cai Qinghu doesn't seem to be pregnant yet!"

Baitao then picked up the toy gun and asked Han Qian to choose one.

Han Qian chose a carrot and turned around to leave. As a result, Baitao stood there and scored more than 20 points. In the end, the two boys couldn't stand it anymore and winked at the boss, signaling to him that they were out of bullets.

Otherwise, Bai Shuji will be able to play pistol all night tonight!

Han Qian had just ordered the ground-burning barbecue when Baitao came angrily and glared at Han Qian.

"You're throwing money away! Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Han Qian said softly.

"I remember you had a gun in the capital before, but you can't shoot? You can't even use your hands to masturbate?"

Baitao said coldly.

"You bastard, don't have sex with me!"

"Four eights versus three hundred rounds at the Metropark Hotel?"

"Ha~ Han Qian, please hide your little silver needle well, don't let me catch it, I will definitely give you a bullet."

Baitao pointed to the toothpick on the table.

"So big? I heard you are average! Do you have another seven or eight minutes?"

Han Qian didn't want to talk anymore. The boss brought him beer. The two of them sat facing each other and drank from the bottle. They didn't use cups and were not polite. While drinking, Han Qian asked the boss for a piece of clothing and put it on Baitao. .

"Your breasts tremble when you drink, which attracts my attention too much, Baitao, do you regret coming to Binhai to make book spines?"

Bai Tao lowered his head while drinking beer and murmured.

"I didn't regret it at first, but I regretted it after my father's fight with you failed. Although I still have some connections and are still very powerful, I can't leave Binhai, and I won't be promoted easily."

Han Qian nodded.

"Do you know why?"

Baitao raised his head, his eyes a little blurry after being drunk, and said angrily with a red face.

"There is a bastard who went to the capital to gossip with Shengjing and asked Aixinjueluo Taohua and Cheng Jin to stay in Binhai. The two of them did not implement the five-year transfer rule. Han Qian, you are considered a person? You stay in Binhai to watch the joke? You Isn’t it perverted?”

Han Qian laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Do you know this? I thought I did it quite secretly! Baitao, actually I have never hated you, and there is no grudge between us. At most, you just don't like me. In fact, you are a very nice person. Okay, in Northeastern terms, it is simple, affordable, and not frivolous. After Niu Guodong left, Binhai's leadership team also changed a few times. I am afraid that there will be another Li Shaoqi. "

"Speaking of Li Shaoqi, let me ask you, Han Qian, who killed Li Shaoqi!"

Han Qian shook his head.

"This secret will never be made public. Whoever tells this secret will die. No one wants to see Chen Zhan dragging Fang Xiong and Fu Dong's family into a fight. The people above don't want to see such a thing. They don't want Fu Dong and Fu Dong to be together. The fight between Chen Zhan and others has affected normal work, so I can’t tell anyone about this secret. Are you going too far, Baitao? "

Baitao whispered to Han Qian.

"You bastard, if you didn't have to find a wife for your stupid head, you would have been invincible a long time ago."

Han Qian nodded.

"What you say makes sense, but what will I do after I become invincible?"

In just one sentence, Bai Taogan ran out of power, raised his head and blew out the entire bottle of beer in one breath.

The two of them stepped on the beer box and drank. Finally, Baitao sat next to Han Qian, hugged Han Qian's arm, raised his right hand and shouted loudly.

"All the purchases tonight will be paid for by Han Qian! I, Baitao, said so!"

Han Qian covered Baitao's mouth and pulled the drunken woman to stand up. The two drunken guys staggered out of the food stall.

Baitao got into the secretary's car. After getting in the car, she shook her head and turned to look out the window. At this time, the secretary reminded that Xu Hongchang's car was following behind. Baitao frowned slightly and said nothing.

In Xu Hongchang's Mercedes-Benz, Han Qian rubbed his temples and sat in the back seat chattering.

"I've been hanging out with Baitao for two days now. If I hang out with her for another day tomorrow, I guess Lin Zong won't be able to sit still in the capital."

Hanging out with Baitao for two days, Han Qian had two purposes. One was to get Lin Zongheng out of the capital, and the other was to resolve the grudges with Baitao. As long as Baitao and himself had no hatred, then Lin Zongheng's yamen would support him. There is no way to do anything to yourself and those around you.

After escorting Baitao all the way back home, Han Qian stood downstairs, unbuttoned his belt and started draining the water, raising his head and shouting loudly.

"I want the sky train! It must be very cool!"

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