Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1016: You always speak and count (4)

The medicinal properties of the anesthetic have not faded. He is still in a completely coma and will not respond to her, but Chu Xinning can feel the temperature of his skin between his fingers and the pulse of his wrist. Everything is going She proved that he is still alive.

Holding her palm in both hands, Chu Xinning kissed the back of his hand affectionately.

"Qin Zhaoyang, I know... you always talk and count!"



Ning Xiaofei studio.

Seriously seeing the first film from the beginning, Ning Xiaofei nodded with satisfaction. "Well, at 7:00 this evening, this topic is officially launched. Remember, when the official blog must release the news!"

Later, she made a simple deployment of the work and then promoted the meeting.

When the staff got up and left the conference room, she relaxed her back and leaned back on the back of the chair. She lifted her right hand and pressed the temple.

“Ning total!” Su Ying opened the door and walked in. “The clothes are all ready. Do you want to eat something first?”

Tonight, she still has a business event to attend.

Ning Xiaofei looked at the window and looked at the window. Sure enough, it was already at dusk.

The busy days are always going very fast, and it’s another day without knowing it.

"Help me prepare a fruit yoghurt, I am not too hungry."

Su Ying left the conference room to help her prepare. Ning Xiaofei took the documents back to the office and immediately took out the phone and dialed Mutianye's phone. "Husband, do you have time to go home to dinner tonight?"

"I am still in a meeting, can't accompany you." On the other end of the line, Mu Tianye was full of apologies. "What do you want to tell Liu Wei, I don't have to wait for me at night, I guess I will be late."

"It doesn't matter, just I have a little work to be late, you are busy with you, then I don't bother you, remember to go home early!"

Mu Tianye immediately reminded, "Not too late!"

"Know it, Mu is always!"

Ning Xiaofei smiled and hung up the phone. Su Ying sent in the yogurt and fruit she wanted. She ate the meal and immediately changed her clothes and rushed to the event venue tonight.

This time, the event was set up in a red wine club. It was a promotion event of a foreign high-end wine company in A city. Originally like this kind of activity, Ning Xiaofei was not interested in participating, but this company is Ning Xiaofei ITV website new La Lai’s big client, as a partner, of course, she has to give her face.

When sitting in the car and rushing to the event site, Ning Xiaofei did not forget to remind Su Ying, "Remember to help me prepare some non-alcoholic drinks."

Participating in this kind of activity is nothing more than entertainment. The thing that she is most worried about is the part of drinking. The original amount of alcohol is normal. Plus, now pregnant, it is natural to pay more attention.

"Do not worry, I know." Su Ying smiled and turned her face. "When I can't, I will drink for you."

The car passed through most of the city and came to the red wine club in Beicheng District. Su Ying sent the invitation. The reception party said that each invitation can only enter one person.

Su Ying immediately frowned and turned her face. "Ning, you see?"

Ning Xiaofei did not think that this would be the case. I thought about it and made a decision. "Let's go, I am advanced. After fifteen minutes, you call me and I will find an excuse."

The customer officially invited, it is really rude to not enter, Su Ying has no good way, had to take a cotton handkerchief from the bag to hand it to her.

"If you can't really pass it, spit it on your handkerchief."

Say, teach her some skills.



good night

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