Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1017: Deliberately martyrdom (1)

Ning Xiaofei smiled and received the hand, "I am advanced."

"Good." Su Ying raised her wrist to see the time. "After fifteen minutes, I will call on time, we will wait for you at the exit."

With a light response, Ning Xiaofei stepped into the venue.

In the venue, there have been a lot of guests. She looked around and chose a cocktail with no alcohol content from the waiter's tray. Pay attention to Xu Yanqing, the organizer of a silver dress. I immediately walked over.

"General Xu!"

"Ning total!" Seeing her, Xu Yanqing immediately smiled and greeted him. "Come here, I introduce a few friends to you."

Ning Xiaofei smiled and went with the past, and the entertainment was generous and decent, and occasionally touched the cup with the other party, that is, a shallow touch of a scene.

Seeing that, after ten minutes, her cell phone rang.

Ning Xiaofei took the phone and pretended to listen to two sentences, and immediately apologized to the organizer for apologizing.

"Xu Zong, I really apologize. I am suddenly in a hurry and can only be lost."

"How can this be just come!" Xu always smiled and held her arm. "Let's stay a little longer, we have a small event for a while, and a lottery, you are a guest!"

This brand is a foreign wine brand, optimistic about the domestic market, ready to expand business from the city A.

Ning Xiaofei is well-known in the city of A. In the eyes of Xu Yanqing, she is not only the partner of the company, but also the entrance to expand the business.

Sometimes, the effect of a gossip is not even lower than the advertisement, which is also an important reason for her to invite Ning Xiaofei.

Such a high-profile figure, of course, can't let her go so soon.

The other party tried to retain, Ning Xiaofei was too bad to refuse, and had to promise a little more.

Xu Yanqing was afraid that she would leave quietly and simply put her on the rostrum. "Now, I want to introduce an important guest tonight - Miss Ning Xiaofei! Today, our voting event will be hosted by Miss Ning and now. Let me announce our prizes. The third prize is two bottles of our company's red wine... The special prize is a one-year membership of our VIP wine!"

Everyone is not flustered about what kind of wine, and I heard that this VIP member is very interested.

You know, this company is a symbol of nobility abroad. Being able to have their members means that you can have the opportunity to participate in wine tastings with foreign aristocrats and royalty. This is an honor and a rare opportunity.

For a time, everyone in the audience seemed very excited.

On the second floor of the railing, Gu Yu was originally discussing the wine in his winery with a wine merchant. He heard the name of Ning Xiaofei, turned his face to look at the stage below, and his eyes were dyed with cool colors.

I did not expect to meet her here, it is really narrow road!

I heard that this VIP award, the one who originally chatted with Gu Yu immediately came to the interest.

"There is still such a big prize, let's go see it!"

Knowing that the other party had no intention to talk to her again, Gu Yu’s nephew stunned and walked down the stairs with him.

Since it is a wine-related company, the content of the event is of course also related to red wine - wine tasting.

The staff put the prepared red wine on the table, the labels on the bottles were all wrapped in black cloth, and then the wine was tasted. The more wines you guessed, the higher the prize.


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