Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1032: Cloud mud (4)

Several young high-level executives at the table had already waited impatiently. Chen Ziming’s voice just fell, and the director of the engineering department got up from the chair and erected his right hand.

"I support General Mu, I hope that Mu will re-elect the overall situation!"

"me too!"

"me too!"


Several young directors stood up from their chairs and sat opposite Mutianye. The oldest director also stood up and erected his right hand.

"I also hope that Mu will re-elect the situation. Muhammad has not been able to withstand the greater toss. This time I hope that Mu will not let us down!"

When he took the lead, several old directors naturally did not hesitate, and they all raised their right hands.

At the table, except for the two parties, Chen Ziming and Mu Tianye, there is only one cuckoo.

Looking at Mu Tianye with timidity, and then taking a look at Chen Ziming, he swallowed a sip of his mouth and lowered his face.

Eleven shareholders, except Du Fu and the two parties, all supported Mu Tianye. Of course, Chen Ziming did not need to ask for the innocent votes. The situation became a foregone conclusion.

Mu Tianye raised his left hand and signaled everyone to sit in the right hand on the table, gently buckle the table.

"What is Chen Dong waiting for?"

In the chest, the anger is soaring, I can't wait to tear the face of the handsome face in front of him, but Chen Ziming can only stand up from the chair and let out the main position in the middle.

Two steps fast, Zhou Tao took the chair of his seat to the side, Mu Tianye calmly got up, Zhou Tao immediately came over, and moved the chair belonging to him back to the main position.

It seems that it is just the replacement of two chairs, but it represents the return of power.

Sideways, seated in the main position, Mu Tianye raised his hands and put them on the table.

"Now, formally meet!"

Six words, endless majesty.

In addition to the standing Chen Ziming, everyone is sitting straight back and entering a state of serious meeting.

Mu Tianye’s side squats and glances at Chen Ziming who is still standing.

"If Mr. Chen does not want to have a meeting, he can give up his voting rights and then... go out!"

"Hey!" Chen Ziming opened the chair and sat down on his seat. "Mu always rest assured that I will defend my power as a director and will never allow anyone to harm my interests."

"Very good." Mu Tianye opened the information in front of him. "I will not allow anyone to hurt my Muh!"

One after another, the high judgment.

One thinks only about his own interests, but one thinks about the whole Muhammad. Who can make people convinced, needless to say.

Realizing that he was wrong, Chen Ziming still retorted that Mu Tianye had already spoken.

"About Xinghuai Town, I thought of a few new strategies yesterday. First, we cooperated with the ITV website to hold a picking party in Xinghuai Town, to gather celebrities and stars from all walks of life... to go to Xinghuai Town to participate in this picking Tasting activities, the ITV website will be broadcast live."

Everyone heard this proposal and they all nodded greatly.

The people do not believe in any news clarification, but they are easily guided by celebrities. This activity not only attracts the attention of the people, but also reverses the image of Xinghuai Town from the heart, and can also greatly enhance the visibility of this project. It is a very good way.

“Second...” Mu Tianye raised his lips and “ends all the promotions of Xinghuai Town and raises the price by 5%.”

Raise the price?

This time, everyone at the table was stunned.



good night

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