Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1033: The highest IQ of the entire kindergarten (1)

"Hey!" Chen Ziming sneered, "Mu Zong, your decision is too stupid? The price is still no one cares, raise the price... not as good as our house!"

"Is it stupid, let the market prove it!" Mu Tianye's face is full of confidence. "And, I have already given orders on the night, let all the sales offices go to the implementation. I just said that I just want to tell something like this. And don't need to listen to your suggestions."

"What do you rely on?" Chen Ziming was unhappy.

Mu Tianye slightly faced his face. "As the CEO of Muhammad, I have this right. This thing I told you yesterday, Chen’s IQ is really worrying!"

Chen Ziming was angry and he got up from his chair and lifted his finger to his face.

"Mu Tianye, you..."


Mu Tianye took the table heavily. "If Chen Dong can't get a meeting, then get out of my meeting room! Don't waste our time."

The phrase "we" immediately pulled all other directors into their own camp and sang Chen Ziming to the opposite of everyone.

Right now, he is the winner, and Chen Ziming is just an incompetent loser.

It is obvious that everyone will stand on this side.

Either meet or roll!

Here he has this authority.

In fact, no one in the room pays attention to what emotions Chen Ziming is now. They want to know what other measures Mumano has.

In the face of interests, the mood of others is completely unrelated to them.

Chen Ziming’s behavior of personal assault is too naive, not only can not solve the problem, but also delays everyone’s time, naturally it is boring.

"Chen Chen, I have a planning meeting for a while, if you don't understand, don't talk any more!"

"Yes, Chen Dong, I will see the supplier when I stay!"


They are all busy people, the time cost is extremely high, and there is a mood to watch him and Mu Tianye bicker.

Chen Ziming immediately became the target of the public, and his mouth was hard to beat. He bit his teeth and re-entered, and Mu Tianye went on to list his own actions.

These are very suggestive, and it sounds very infeasible. In addition to the price increase, everyone is not too understanding.

In the past, Mu Tianye had had several decisions that they did not understand. Later, the facts proved that his decision was very effective. Anyway, the sales are not good anyway. It is not a big deal to try the situation for three or two days.

As a result, the next meeting was completed smoothly.

After Mu Tianye allocated all the work, he announced the meeting, and the participants either went to work for their own work or left the conference room to complete other things.

Chen Ziming's last one got off the chair, and the cuckoo that had been deliberately honed on the opposite side immediately came over.

"Chen Chen, at the moment, what do you think?"

Originally, he handed over his shares to Chen Ziming, and of course Du Fu was also benefited by him. But now, Chen Ziming did not control Muhammad as promised.

His betrayal will definitely make Mu Tianye hate, and in the minds of the directors has become a traitor.

At this time, Du Fu’s heart has been somewhat regretted.

Chen Ziming can not only the business of Mu's side, he also has Chen, and Goldman Sachs... In case the timing is wrong, Chen Ziming can leave at any time.


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