Taking note of the photo of the corner of the table, Chen Ziming’s eyes lit up.

Yes, how to forget this money tree!



Hospital, internal medicine clinic.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Ji Jing immediately screamed in a harsh voice. "Are you sick? I am sick, do you let me see obstetrics and gynecology?"

The doctor rubbed his lips helplessly. "Miss Ji, from your description and reaction, you may be pregnant, not sick."

When the door was pushed open, Bai Qiuling took the phone and walked in. "How?"

Ji Jing stood up from the chair. "She asked me to go to obstetrics and gynaecology!"

When I heard the words of obstetrics and gynaecology, Bai Qiuling’s reaction was completely different from that of Ji Jing. She was excited to hold the doctor’s arm. “Doctor, you... you said, Xiao Jing, is she likely to become pregnant?”

"It is very possible at the moment," the doctor replied.

"Great!" Bai Qiuling immediately took Ji Jing's arm. "Go, why are you doing it!"

Being dragged by Bai Qiuling to the obstetrics and gynaecology department, the season is still muttering, "What is pregnant, how is it possible?"

"How can it be impossible? You and Chen Ziming are not in a day or two. Isn't this normal?" Bai Qiuling's tone is full of excitement. "Hey daughter, this time you are really lucky." It!"

"Good luck, fart!" Ji Jing whispered, "I don't want to be a crowd again!"

"What kind of flow?" Bai Qiuling raised her hand and poked a note on her forehead. "You are stupid, you are your baby, and with him you can marry Zhang!"

"I do not want to marry his past endure beat!" JI Jing snappily retorted.

Before being beaten by Chen Ziming, the swelling on his face has not completely disappeared. Ji Jing now wants to tear Chen Ziming into pieces, and mentions that Chen Ziming is angry.

Bai Qiuling raised her face to look at the gynecological clinic in front and brought her in to explain the situation. The doctor quickly helped Ji Jing develop the test sheet.

The order was handed over to the maid to pay the fee, and the mother and daughter went to the laboratory together, and Bai Qiuling pulled Ji Jing into the chair.

"I tell you, this man is all a virtue. Do you see your dad? What love is lie to the little girl, what love is in marriage, for our women, marriage is a springboard, marry a good The man, after all his life, is right and wrong." Reaching out the palm of his hand and patting the daughter's arm, Bai Qiuling sighed lowly. "Before you always play around, my mother said how many times you never listened, now you are old. It’s not too small, it’s time to think about finding a good home for you. Chen’s family is big, Chen Ziming’s status and appearance... It’s not bad, this man, stealing is normal, just dad. Nade is not born outside a wild species? The most important thing is who is his wife, who can inherit that family business!"

"But..." Ji Jing is still not reconciled, "He beat me!"

"Men are all face-to-face. It is normal to be angry and angry at that occasion. As long as you find a way to marry, you are Mrs. Chen, and the woman who is born in Gu Yu is unlikely to give Chen Ziming a small three. Put it in your stomach! At that time, my mother will help you deal with the fox!"

At this time, the servant took the test sheet, and Ji Jing went to take the urine test. After a while, the result came out. Ji Jing really was pregnant.


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