Bai Qiuling pinched the test results and excitedly raised a smile. "Great, it's so good... We are finally coming up!"

Holding the arm of Ji Jing took her downstairs, Bai Qiuling once again persuaded her daughter.

These days, when contacted, the season table has more or less affection for Chen Ziming. Moreover, she was instilled by her mother at an early age. She also hopes that she can marry a man who does not lose to Mu Tianye, so that all women, including Ning Xiaofei. - Envy.

Under Bai Qiuling's persuasion, she gradually changed her mind.

"Okay, then I will go to him now!"

"My silly niece!" Bai Qiuling laughed and grabbed her arm. "That's right. But now is not the time. You go to his house to look for him at night. When you get there, take a soft look and find a way to take him. When you change your mind, you can say something about your pregnancy. In a word, no matter what means, you must hold him in your hand! After you become Mrs. Chen, my mother will teach you the skills of Aofu!"

Ji Jing gently caressed his lower abdomen, his face gradually showing a smile.

"I'm going to have a look, what kind of face is that Gu Yuren?"



Fengyun International.

In the conference room, the heads of several departments are reporting to Gu Yu this month, the income and work progress of various departments, the rain in the main position, the more frowning the eyebrows.

Listening to the head of the finance department, the final profit was turned out to be negative, and Gu Yu’s face was instantly gloomy.

Since she took over Fengyun International, she has made a lot of big moves, first the host contest, then the "first scene", and the acquisition of "Dialogue with God"... According to the truth, the income should be rising, but The reality is to give her a slap in the face.

In the past month, not only did not have much income, but it also lost millions of dollars.

“Who can give me an explanation?” she asked.

At the table, everyone either turned down the file or looked around, and no one responded to her question.

Gu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the head of the marketing department. "Manager Chen, what do you say?"

The person in charge looked bitter, "Guan Zong, I really have tried my best, and I want to promote it, but... this program does not go up, and there are manufacturers who are willing to advertise!"

The planning manager immediately followed the complaint. "Gu Gu, we don't want to improve the ratings. All these methods are used. The ratings are not going up. I have to say, or the program itself has problems."

Over there, the content group of the program also followed by sighing. "Gu, we... We also have hardships, we can’t find a good team, and the director who pays heavily can’t find the taste of our audience...”


Everyone at the table, this crying poor, that shirking... no one is willing to take responsibility for this result.

The original "Dialogue with God" naming rights belonged to Mu's. Later, Gu Yu acquired this column. Mu Shi immediately got a lawyer to pick up the door. He selected several articles from the clauses, and questioned Fengyun International's breach of contract. He even once went to court, and finally finished the court. Solution, Fengyun International had to cancel the contract with Mu's and return the advertising fee back.

After the departure of Jimo, the dialogue with God was a temporary team. The tacit understanding was not enough. The host was also temporarily unable to hold the scene... The audience was disappointed, and the program ratings went from bad to worse.

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