Without ratings, there will naturally be no advertising revenue. Some of the original sponsors see Mu's divestment, which is also a kind of learning. They have to look for troubles in Fengyun International. In the end, they are not happy, but some have not refunded money. Cooperation is no longer enjoyable. "Dialogue with God" has already stinked in the advertising circle. Now it can only be pulled to some small businesses, and the advertising price is still low.

The first phase of "First Scene" happened to collide with Ning Xiaofei's "very three-person line". It was called a terrible sorrow. After that, it was half-dead and there was no improvement.

In order to improve the ratings, the planning department is also trying its best to do the trick - please star, build momentum, advertising ... not to save money, but it is not effective, it will cause direct consequences of losses.

These departments are the original departments of Fengyun International, and their talents are general. Otherwise, the original Fengyun International will not fall into the acquisition by Gu Yu. It is because Ji Jim presided over the situation that he has always maintained the high level of the program. As soon as you walked through the whole world, it became a mud that could not be supported on the wall.

After all, Gu Yu is not a professional. The regional difference between the shopping mall and the cultural circle is not that she can learn in two days!

"Enough!" Listening to everyone, you shouted responsibility, and Gu Yu’s mood has already been irritating to the extreme. "In short, if you still have such a loss financial report next month, all of you will write to me directly." report!"

Heavyly fell the file in front of the table, she calmly walked out of the meeting room.

Pushing the door of the conference room, I saw a bottle of red roses in the table at a glance. Before the rain asked, the assistant had come over and smiled and reported to her.

"This is sent by Mr. Chen, and I will help you in the vase!"

Gu Yu frowned and walked into the office, glanced at the flowers on the table, and pulled the card upside down without hesitation.

"I am waiting for you upstairs, have dinner together at noon!"

The following is the English signature of Chen Ziming.

Sitting on the chair, Gu Yu dropped the card on the table. After so many years of getting used to work is the focus of his life, suddenly becoming a woman in "love", she is not very suitable.

Leaning on the back of the chair, thinking about how to deal with this situation in the future, there is no answer for thinking for a long time.

The entertainment circle has its own rules. This rule is different from the mall. In a short time, she can't master such rules. Then she must find a suitable person to help her. This is why she was looking for a partner in the company.

But that bastard...

Thinking of Ji Mo and Ning Xiaofei and others, Gu Yu is another itchy.

On the table, the phone rings.

Gu Yu frowned and grabbed the phone. He saw Chen Ziming’s phone call and hesitated for two seconds before turning the phone on.


"How, I am not in a good mood?"

Gu Yu sighed with relief. "You don't have to wait for me at noon. You can eat it yourself. I have no appetite."

"Go downstairs."

"I really have no appetite."

"Either you go downstairs, or I go upstairs to hug you down, you are serious, you choose!"

Gu Yu stunned and couldn't help but laugh.

"That... I am coming up?" Chen Ziming said with a smile on the other side.

Gu Yu smiled. "Well, I will handle the documents at hand, about ten minutes."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After simply processing the two documents at hand, Gu Yu stood up and lifted the handbag, went to the door and stopped, turned and walked into the bathroom, tidying up his hair in the mirror, and then reddening the makeup from the bag.

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