Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1043: The happiness of love? (3)

Ji Jing is not a fool. Of course, he can guess that there must be a woman in his room, but at this time, it is certainly not a wise choice to tear his face.

This time, she just wanted to let Ji Ziming compromise with her. Now the man is soft to her, and he has taken the initiative to mention that marriage has achieved its goal.

Mom is right, the man doesn't steal it. Now she is the biggest bargaining chip with her child. If he is willing to marry her, she can close her eyes with other things. Other things are waiting for marriage. It is not too late.

"Well, since you are so busy, I will go back first." On the one hand, he said that he "knows things". On the one hand, Ji Jing still does not forget the next threat. "Then we will see you tomorrow morning. If you are not convenient, I will go to the company to find you can also."

"No!" Chen Ziming sighed and bent down to kiss her face. "See you tomorrow morning, slowly on the road!"

Ji Jing started the car and waved his hand away. Chen Ziming watched her car drift away, and the smile on her face turned a little cold.

"Hey! Just because of you, I want to marry Chen?!"

Over the years, he has never been a woman around him. He thought that Ji Jing was just the object of his casual play. I didn't expect her to give him a child.


Gu Yu’s voice rang in the foyer. He had just showered and went downstairs to see his figure. The living room door was open, and she immediately went out to look for it.

"I am here!" Chen Ziming quickly returned to the foyer. "Just come to the property and ask for something. Wait for me, dinner is good."


Gu Yu glanced out the window and regained his gaze. Chen Ziming walked into the restaurant and quickly put the steak out and put it on the table. He settled the rain on the table, and he smiled softly.

"Wait for me to get the wine!"

Before going to the wine rack, take out the red wine and two cups from above. Chen Ziming looks at the direction of the restaurant and bends down to open a mezzanine drawer under the wine cooler. From the inside, take out a small packet of white particles. Put a tablet that is one-third the size above and put it in one of the cups.

He quickly poured the wine in, dangling the cup, watching the half of the tablet melt and invisible, and then put the two glasses of wine together with the bottle into the tray and into the restaurant.

Laughing and putting the glass of wine in front of Gu Yu, Chen Ziming sat opposite her and picked up the cup without the medicine.

"Cheer for this beautiful woman in front of me!"

Gu Yu smiled and sent the cup to his lips and took a slow drink.

Then the two of them ate and talked, Chen Ziming did not mention the work, just talked about the things of the wind and snow, until she saw her a glass of wine bottoming, he helped her add a second glass of wine, and then gradually introduced the topic to the acquisition of Muss Things on.

In the dining room, the candlelight sways.

Gu Yu looked at the opposite Chen Ziming across the table, listening to his voice, looking at his appearance... The heart raised an indescribable feeling of happiness, which was a feeling she had never experienced before, like the whole person They all become light and fluttering, and seem to fly like the same.

Is this the happiness of love?

However, she does not feel that she loves him so much, or that is the feeling of being pampered...

At first she still had some doubts. Later, the doubts were completely swallowed by the strange feeling. The man came over and pulled her up from the chair. She held her on the ground and gently turned, and Gu Yu couldn’t help but approach him.

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