Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1044: The happiness of love? (4)

Seeing her eyes gradually blurred, Chen Ziming's eyes flashed a smile, holding her, caressing her back, and his face flicked her neck.

"Light rain, do you believe me?"


"That... I will give it to me if I buy Muhammad, okay?"


"We must hurry up this thing. The sooner the better, the better. Your money will be available tonight, can you?"

At this time, Gu Yu’s thinking has been controlled by drugs, and his heart only regards him as his own existence. He has already lost his judgment and just nodded.

Bringing her to the living room, Chen Ziming immediately took out the prepared contract and sent the pen to her hand.

"You just have to sign a word here and leave the rest to me!"

Gu always thought that he would sign his name on the document, face his face and smile at him.

Putting the paper away, Chen Ziming reached for the pen in her hand and bowed her head at her lips.

With his big hand reaching out, he unknowingly pulled away the belt of her bathrobe. Gu Yu didn't resist a little, and even took the initiative to reach out and kiss him. Chen Ziming squinted and enjoyed his eyes.

"What a girl!"



Early the next morning, Gu Yu woke up in Chen Ziming's bed, and his hands and feet were soft. She raised her hand to caress her forehead and frowned slightly.

In fact, Gu Yu did not want to make such a rapid progress with Chen Ziming. Yesterday, he did not expect to stay here.

Is it too much to drink?

She tried to remember what happened last night, just vaguely remember to eat with him, the two danced together, and then it seems that she also actively kissed him...

"Eating breakfast!" Chen Ziming walked in with breakfast, put the tray on her knees, grabbed the porridge bowl by hand, and sent the porridge to her mouth with a spoon. "First drink some porridge, then try to give me The snack you prepared."

What Gu Yu said, he had already sent the porridge to her mouth, and she had to open her mouth.

Even feeding her a few mouthfuls, watching a small bowl of porridge is about to bottom out, Chen Ziming is satisfied with the lip.

"I will send you to the company in a while, remember to let your finances get the money on my account as soon as possible. The time is tight, we must hurry."

"What money?" Gu Yu asked in confusion.

"You forgot?" Chen Ziming laughed. "We didn't discuss it last night. Did you take Mu's together? You still insist on giving me things to deal with. You don't remember?"

Gu Yu frowns and meditates, but only vaguely remembers some fragments. It seems that she signed a contract, but... is this really what she agreed?

How can she make this decision by handing all the money to him?

"Where is the contract?"

Chen Ziming got up and left, and sent a contract in a moment, in two copies, a very formal cooperation agreement, and her signature on the lower right - Gu Yu recognized her own font, which is indeed her signature.

"It doesn't matter if you repent now." Chen Ziming shrugged his shoulders. "We will deal with the contract. Goldman's money will be in place today. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't participate."

After taking the contract, he raised his hand to tear it.

Gu Yu had some doubts about his motives. He saw that he was going to tear up the contract, but he blamed his own heart.

For many years, Chen Ziming has always been unconcerned with her, and the contract is also very clear, these funds are only given to him to operate, the initiative is still in her hands, she has no loss.



Good afternoon

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