Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1056: I am doing right with him everywhere! (4)

Chu Xinning’s eyes are already blurred, and the throat is sobbing and unable to speak.

Outside the door, the nurse’s voice suddenly sounded.

"who are you?!"

Hearing this voice, Qin Zhaoyang raised his face in confusion, and Chu Xinning got up and strode over and opened the door.

Outside, Chen Ziming explained to the nurse, "I came to visit the patient!"

"Chen Chen?!" Chu Xinning looked up and down Chen Ziming. "So late, is there anything?"

It is already late at night, and it is a bit out of place to come to "visit the patient" at this time.

"This is the case." Chen Ziming raised the briefcase in his hand. "I know Qin surgery. I have been worried about it for a few days. It’s just that I’m busy with work. I just passed by. I think of Mr. Qin, just come over and see. So late, Qin is afraid that he is already asleep?"

"This way..." Chu Xinning looked at the inner ward with his face. "He hasn't slept yet, you go in!"

Regardless of whether the other party is sincere and false, she has come, she can not drive the other party out.

The nurse saw that the two parties were acquaintances, and did not ask more questions. After entering the ward to record the data of Qin Zhaoyang, he asked him to leave early.

Chen Ziming walked into the ward and immediately went to Qin Zhaoyang's bed and asked him about the situation: whether the operation was smooth, how long it was going to be hospitalized, etc., "I saw that you are safe now, I am relieved, today is really It’s time to take the liberty, but I don’t want to worry about Mrs. Qin’s wife. It’s already late, I’ll delay your rest, you’ll have a rest, and I will come back to see you!”

Not much stay, Chen Ziming soon made an excuse to leave.

This time I came to Qin Zhaoyang. He actually had another purpose. He wanted to see if he could use Qin Zhaoyang to sign this power of attorney, and he would be free to move the resources of Goldman Sachs Construction Group.

But now, Qin Zhaoyang is already awake, Chu Xinning is guarding him, and listening to him just chatting with Chu Xinning can also know that Qin Zhaoyang obviously does not mean to Mu Tianye, his plan must not come true.

When she went downstairs, Chen Ziming was still a bit disappointed.

Originally thought that Chu Xinning was just a woman who loved money, Qin Zhaoyang and Mu Jia may have any old complaints. Now it seems that he really missed it.

At this moment, Qin Zhaoyang’s road is completely broken. All the roads have become dead roads. Is he really only responsible for his own risks?

Going back to the car and throwing the briefcase aside, Chen Ziming took a steering wheel angrily.

Mu Tianye’s life is also very good. When he fell so badly, he could still return a life, and because he could be blessed in disguise, he would let him grind his teeth.

After leaving the hospital with anger, Chen Ziming returned to Chen’s old house and parked the car on the side of the road. Just after going up the stairs, a black shadow appeared from the side of the step.

"Zi Ming, you are back!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the darkness, only Chen Ziming was scared to the heart, and it was clear that Ji Jing’s face suddenly appeared irritating.

"God is gone, you are crazy!"

"I'm sorry!" Ji Jing was busy with a smile. "I don't want to give you a surprise? It must be tired to come back later, see what I bring delicious!"

She raised her right hand like a treasure and thought she blinked at him.

"How, or am I hurting you?"



good night

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