Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1057: Golden Boy Yu VS **** male prostitute (1)

Chen Ziming irritated her to the half-empty takeaway bag and pushed it away. "I still have a job, I can't accompany you, you can go back first!"

When Ji Jing is willing to go, he immediately chased him in a thick face. "Oh, this is who is causing us to be unhappy, tell me, I will help you out, let him survive and not die!"

Chen Ziming snorted and grinned. If Ji Jing really had that ability, why should he be so embarrassed?

"Well, don't be angry!" Ji Jing put the bag on the coffee table, took him to the sofa and sat down, stood behind him to help him massage his shoulders. "I will give you a good time to relax and then eat some shrimp. Go to sleep well..."

Leaning against the back of the sofa, Chen Ziming thought that things were not going out.

Ji Jing went to wash his hands, and opened the shrimp brought to him and sent him to his mouth. "I know it must be because Mu's things are bothering, right, Mu Tianye, they are not ready to get a picking, whether or not ...I am going to help you find out?"

I want to marry Chen, and Ji Jing is also trying hard.

In fact, she can inquire about anything, but she is deliberately flattering and wants to please him.

She is said to be indifferent, but Chen Ziming is a flash of color in her eyes.

Mu Tianye's doing this activity is nothing more than trying to reverse the image of Wanghuai Town. When the celebrities gather, the reporters will come to the wind.


Mu Tianye, you want to do image engineering, then I will let you lose your face.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and grabbed Ji Jing’s arm. "Do you really want to help me?"

"Of course." Ji Jing smiled, "As long as you are happy, I am willing to do anything for you."

"Good!" Chen Ziming pulled her to her side. "I will go to the picking party with me tomorrow night, can I?"

"Of course." Ji Jing naturally can't ask for it. "Don't say it's a picking meeting. It's the fire on the mountain, I will accompany you!"

Chen Ziming smiled and pulled her into her arms, but her expression was very cold.

Shangdaoshan under the fire?

This kind of thing, she can do it, he will not accompany her.

If things go well, he can not only let Mu Tianye lose face, but also get rid of Ji Jing, and also let Ning Xiaofei lose sight of Mu Tianye, let him lose the financial support of knowing the autumn...

This strategy can be described as one arrow and three sculptures.

Thinking of this, Chen Ziming was in a good mood and watched Ji Jing open his belt. He did not refuse, but enjoyed closing his eyes.

To cope with the rain, he still wants to marry her. In Ji Jing, he can enjoy her service like the king.



For two consecutive days of hard work, the venue was successfully completed three hours before the event.

The entire venue is designed with high-end atmosphere and is in harmony with the surrounding orchards.

Even though it is the daytime, when the lights are turned on, it still gives a kind of paradise-like effect. It is not difficult to imagine that it will be an amazing masterpiece until the evening.

Not only the venue, but also the sides of the road leading to the venue have been carefully repaired. The roadside is hung with neat banners and buntings. The guard trees are also decorated with lanterns.

At the temporary twilight time, all the lights are on, and the ordinary suburban town is decorated to be beautiful.

At the main venue, several lights illuminate the sky, throwing a few bright lights, which are particularly conspicuous in the night, and can be clearly seen a few kilometers away.

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