Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1058: Golden Boy Yu VS **** male prostitute (2)

There were countless lights on the venue, and the night was like a dream city. Many passing vehicles were attracted by it, or stopped to take pictures, or recorded a short video, and even some curiously rushed to the scene to find out. .

In addition to all kinds of reporters who came from the wind, there were many fans who came from the city and even from other places to help out.

In addition to several well-known stars in the country, there are two Hollywood big-name stars. The momentum is naturally extraordinarily large.

After the sky sank, the guests from all walks of life came in abundance. The appearance of several stars especially caused the screams of fans on the scene. Fortunately, the security work was well prepared, everything was in good order, busy and not chaotic.

At 7:30, the Muss team also rushed to the scene, more than a dozen cars lined up to grow dragons, a huge momentum.

In addition to the bodyguard car, Mu Tianye and Leng Xiaofei's car are at the top, black long cars, calm atmosphere.

The bodyguard came over and pulled the door open. Mu Tianye, a black suit, got off the bus first, and took a cold red dress from the cold red Philippine out of the car.

A black and red color is extremely pure color, especially the red dress of Ning Xiaofei, the color is the most authentic Chinese red, the fine silk fabric, her skin is more and more snowy.

The black long hair is behind the head, revealing the exquisite facial features, with delicate hair accessories, and the elegance of the elves.

The beautiful wrinkles at the waist, hiding a slightly raised belly, dark gold rust is decorated in the skirt, looming between the lines, the details of the flashing quality and taste.

Lightweight makeup, finishing touches of jewelry, more elegant temperament after honing...

This girl who appeared to be a little young before, such as polished diamonds, has completely released the true brilliance.

Now, she walks on the side of Mu Tianye, and there is no feeling that he is crushed by the gas field. It just makes people feel that they are very matched. For example, two pieces are matching treasures, which reflect each other's beauty.

Holding Mu Tianye's palm in one hand, Ning Xiaofei gently walked his lips on his side. Mu Tianye was very considerately slowing down his speed. Every time he reached a step, he would stop and remind him.

Such a pair of men and women, even if compared to the pair of Hollywood big stars who just entered the game not long ago, is not inferior.

Behind the two, Jimo and Ye Qiao are also dressed up. The young seniors of Mu's family also took the family to attend the event, and then entered behind the Mu Tianye, such as the stars holding the moon, one is to show Muhammad The strength of the second is also to explain to reporters in this way who Muss is now a true family member.

When Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye entered the venue, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

The men are all looking at the envious eyes of Mu Tianye. If the former Ning Xiaofei feels like a young and beautiful vase, then she has already reborn.

On the cause, she created the ITV, and even such a result is difficult for men to recite.

On the appearance, she is not inferior to the famous actors on stage.

On identity, she used to be an illegitimate daughter who was not seen in the family, but now she does not know, her true father is CK president.

If there is still someone who can't figure out a girl like Mu Tianye, but now they can only envy his gaze and choose such a wife who has the ability and value.


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