Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1059: Golden Boy Yu VS **** male prostitute (3)

As for the women, of course, they are also envious of Ning Xiaofei.

A man like Mu Tianye, just a face is enough to make a woman crazy, not to mention that he still has such identity and land, even though Muss has been trapped by rumors these days, but this event has already proved that The timing of Mu's turning over is not far off.

The golden boy and the girl, the Zhulian company, is really a beggar.

I nodded and smiled at the people who came over. Ning Xiaofei was a good-looking artist. When he came to the two Hollywood big names with Mu Tianye, he was not humble, and he was fluent in English humor.

In the venue, the two became the absolute center and highlights.

The high-profile admission of the two, the celebrities of all parties have already been seen in the eyes, it is inevitable that some people curiously asked Chen Ziming who claimed to have been in Muhammad, but did not find him.



At this time, Chen Ziming is waiting outside the villa of Jijia.

Looking at the door that Jijia is still closed, Chen Ziming once again lifted his wrist to look at the watch, and the impatient look on his face became more and more obvious.

But it is just to participate in an activity, not on the sedan chair, this dressing time is too long!

“Chen Chen!” The assistant turned his face from the front passenger seat. “Would you like to go in and see if you don’t leave... I’m afraid I will be late!”

"Let's go in and see!" Chen Ziming waved his hand impatiently. "Let her hurry. If it doesn't come out within ten minutes, then you don't have to go!"

The assistant pushed the door and got in and urged Qi Jing. Chen Ziming also took out the smoke in the car and sent it to the lips to ignite.

Just vomiting a cloud of smoke, the phone rang.

When he saw the name of Gu Yu on the screen, he immediately connected the phone.

"Little rain?"

"I have integrated funds from Fengyun International and the winery. The previous 150 million has been transferred to your account. You should check it out. In two days, I will withdraw some funds for you."

"Great!" Chen Ziming smiled. "I have always believed that you are a woman with strength. Now Mu's shares are climbing, even if you only buy and sell, you can have a lot of money." income."

"Are you busy this evening?"

"I..." Chen Ziming glanced at the door of Jijia and saw the Jingjing coming out. He couldn't help but frown. "Mu's has an activity, I have to go and know that you don't want to see Mu Tianye, I won't take you." Going together, I will accompany you when I come back from the event."

"Nothing, I have nothing to do, just want to find someone to accompany me for a drink." When it comes to this, Gu Yu can't help but yawn and **** his nose. "I don't know what happened in these two days, I always feel a little. No spirit, I go to sleep for a while, you are busy!"

Outside the window, Ji Jing has come to the neighborhood. Chen Ziming is afraid that he will show his flaws. He did not say that he will take the line and the person will smile on the side of the face.

"It’s beautiful tonight!”

With the financial support of Gu Yu, and feeling her dependence on him, Chen Ziming is in a good mood, and his attitude towards Ji Jing is also much better.

"Of course!" Ji Jing smiled and sat down on his side. "How can Chen always follow a woman who is not beautiful?"

Said, she took the phone, put her face on the side of Chen Ziming, ready to take a selfie, Chen Ziming resentfully face.

"Don't move it!" Ji Jing reached out and held his face, and made up to make a kiss to him, took a picture, and then took a few shots in a dagger.


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