Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1076: Infamous (12)

Lu is light and should be, "Okay, I know. Time is not early, you should go to rest. When the people are jealous, the body is tight!"

After a dozen hours of time difference, Lu is over there at noon, but Mu Tianye is already in the early hours.

"Well, I am going to sleep."

Mu Tianye did not insist. He got up and closed the phone and walked out of the study room. He went back to the bedroom and climbed to the bed with a light hand. He gently walked Ning Xiaofei in his arms.

He is now more than just a husband or a father... He is more responsible, and of course he must first protect himself in order to better protect the people he wants to protect.



As the dawn fades, the first morning light of the eastern sky has already begun to emerge.

In the bedroom of the lakeside villa, the valley rain on the bed didn't take long, just open your eyes and sit up.

"Sister!" Xicheng was already sleepy and sleepy at the bedside. When she felt her movements, she immediately began to feel the spirit and asked softly. "What is it, is it thirsty or want to eat?"

Gu Yu did not pay attention to his problems, but irritatedly grabbed his hair and suddenly picked up his sleeves...

That's how it looks a bit abnormal.

"Sister!" Xicheng grabbed her wrist. "What happened to you?"

"There are bugs... there are bugs!" Gu Yu suddenly got up from the bed and hurriedly jumped out of bed. After a while, he bent down and patted his legs. "Help me help... Xiaohan, I have bugs on my body!"

As she spoke, she scratched her arm, and soon a red scratch appeared on her white arm, and several of them even spilled blood.

"Sister!" Xicheng rushed over and grabbed her. "Don't be like this, you will hurt yourself... Hey, come and sit down!"

He whispered to take her to the bed, took the cup to her hand, and extended her palm to help her gently rub her arm.

"Drink some water, then take a shower, okay?"

Gu Yu held the cup and shrank his body. When the water didn't drink two, he made a big yawn, and the tears and snots flowed out.

"Xiaohan!" She looked at her face and looked helplessly at Xicheng. "My sister is so uncomfortable."

"How is it uncomfortable?"

"I don't know, it's uncomfortable... Can you give me a cigarette?"

Xicheng frowned. "I have no smoke here."

"That... wine, wine is OK!"

"You wait for me for a while!"

Xicheng got up and took the wine from the upstairs. It hadn't fallen yet. She had been caught with the bottle and sent a few mouthfuls to her lips.

Drinking into the abdomen, the kind of uncomfortable and dry feelings under my heart did not calm down a bit. Gu Yu’s throat screamed twice and suddenly got up and rushed into the bathroom. Xicheng chased him and saw her kneeling under the toilet, vomiting hard.

At first, I can spit out something, and the back becomes painful retching, and my face has a tearful nose.

He pulled her up in a distressed manner, lifted her to the bed, wiped her face with a towel, and Gu Yu immediately shrank.

"It's so cold!"

Xicheng wrapped the quilt on her, and she kept groaning.

Looking at her look, Xicheng frowned and walked out of the bedroom and dialed the doctor's phone with his mobile phone.

"Sorry, I am bothering you so early... My sister is very abnormal now, spit for a while, then cold for a while, and itchy for a while... You see... What is going on?"

At the end of the phone, the doctor was silent for a moment.

"Mr. Xicheng, I see... you still send her to the drug rehab, I may not be able to help her!"



Today's update is here, and the update around 9pm will be released after the morning, which is about 80,000 words, which is the update amount of about 80 chapters.

See you in the early morning, everyone good afternoon.

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